Diet plays an important role for kidney disease patients, it can help reduce kidney burden and slow down the disease. Have you got a good diet chart with your kidney disease? This blog can help you get further understanding.

Iga nephritis Chinese medicine treatment

Iga nephritis mostly long-term slow progress. 50% of cases from iga nephritis to death or dialysis for about 20 years. Was rapid nephritis or a large number of proteinuria phenotype, the prognosis is worse. So treatment iga nephritis is imminent! So, iga nephritis Chinese medicine can cure it?

Chinese medicine mainly through diuretic, Xuanfei solution table, Qingrejiedu, warm gas, spleen Qi, Yin Yin Li water, blood stasis, diarrhea by water, tonic and so on to dialectical treatment, improve the body condition, to attenuate Efficiency of the purpose. For refractory nephrotic syndrome, a class of kidney disease, the Chinese medicine to play a more unique role, you can make part of the rule of law, and reduce the side effects and incidence of Western medicine.

Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy

Relevant experts pointed out that traditional Chinese medicine infiltration therapy, can use hormones, cyclophosphamide and other commonly used Western medicine on the basis of complications, focusing on patients with renal function protection, can fundamentally repair damaged kidney tissue, reduce its protein, red blood cells Of the leakage, so that proteinuria, hematuria disappeared.

Blood Pollution Therapy

As long as the repair of the kidney tissue in place, the patient's proteinuria, hematuria symptoms are not easy, because proteinuria, hematuria repeated will increase the burden of kidney tissue, so that the condition deteriorated, the deterioration of the disease will increase the patient's pathological damage, In general, the more severe pathological damage, the more obvious the new moon.

Therefore, the urine protein, occult blood is negative to protect the kidneys and kidney of the premise, if you let the protein, diving leaked down, then the body needs material alone is not make up on the supplement, the other side of the kidney damage will be more The heavier it is.

Iga nephritis incidence rate was on the rise, has become the occurrence of renal failure in recent years, one of the important reasons. Iga nephritis Chinese medicine treatment, because of the side effects of traditional Chinese medicine, treatment effect is more effective and other advantages, as the recent patients and doctors preferred treatment of iga nephritis method.

If you want to get some treatment  suggestions for kidney problem,you can feel to contact me by E-mail,or WhatsApp:008615132830921. 
our doctor will reply you  with professional suggestion.

Iga kidney disease diet precautions

1, control the intake of sodium. Severe edema and high blood pressure, the amount of sodium salt to be controlled in less than 2 grams, or even given salt-free diet, generally low salt is appropriate.

2, because some patients limit the protein, the supply of heat to carbohydrates and fat as the main source of energy supply depending on labor intensity may be.

3, the supply of protein. Treatment of chronic nephritis should be based on the degree of renal damage to determine the degree of protein intake, if the course of long, renal damage is not serious, the food protein is not strictly limited, but not more than 1 gram per kilogram of body weight per day, High-quality protein to reach more than 5%.

4, to give adequate vitamins, in particular, to add vitamin c, because long-term chronic nephritis patients may have anemia, vitamin C can increase the absorption of iron, so should eat natural fruit juice and other food.

5, poor appetite can add vitamin c preparations; at the same time should be more vitamin B and folic acid-rich foods, chronic nephritis patients should avoid sugar beverages and irritating food

If you want to get some  diet suggestions for kidney problem,you can feel to contact me by E-mail,or WhatsApp:008615132830921. 
our doctor will reply you  with professional suggestion.

The cause of nephrotic syndrome

Can cause a lot of causes of nephrotic syndrome, summed up can be divided into primary and secondary two categories.

First, the primary factor(The cause of primary NS is not clear, but with the following factors)

(A) genetic factors
Children with nephrotic syndrome in the prevalence of compatriots and twins accounted for about 2% -6%. It may increase the sensitivity of the pathogenesis of minor lesions.

(B) - allergic body qualityIto studied the HLA antigens of various kidney diseases in children, indicating that NS had 35.3% of allergic factors and 6.7% in the control group, which was related to HLA-B40. There have been reports of NS metamorphosis history accounted for 40%. 

(C) immune mechanisms

NS is associated with humoral immunity, immune complex formation, and cellular immunity. Elzouki (Ai Luke 1984) survey report, Arabian children with primary nephrotic syndromeThe incidence rate of 11.6 a few. Million children. 

The higher incidence of the disease may be related to climate, geography, the type of child infection, the genetic characteristics of the Arab population, many factors may affect the immune pathogenesis of kidney disease.Second, secondary factors

(A) infection

1, bacterial infection: streptococcal infection after nephritis, bacterial endocarditis, shunt nephritis, syphilis, leprosy, chronic pyelonephritis with reflux nephritis.

2. Viral infection; hepatitis B, infectious mononucleosis, Cy-tomegalovirus, post-vaccine nephritis.

3. Parasitic infections: three malaria, Toxoplasnosis, Helminthic (sehistoso-miasis).

(B) drugs

Poisoning, allergic, organic or inorganic mercury, organic gold, bismuth, silver, penicillamine, heroin, probenecid, trimethophenone, Captopril, bee sting, snake venom, pollers, antitoxin or vaccine allergy.

(C) new creatures

Solid tumor (Careinoma or sarcoma): lung, colon, stomach, breast, kidney, thyroid, ovarian and other tumors, wilm's tumor.

Lymphoma and leukemia, Hodgkin's disease, non-Hodgkin's lymphoma, chronic lymphocytic leukemia, multiple myeloma.

(D) Department of 6L disease

Systemic lupus erythematosus, mixed connective tissue disease, Sjogren's syndrome, rheumatoid arthritis, allergic purpura, necrotizing vasculitis, polyarteritis, cryoglobulinemia, amyloidosis, sarcoidosis.

E) metabolic diseases

Diabetes, mucus edema.

(F) hereditary disease

Alport, Syndrome, Fabry's Disease, Nail-patella Syndrome, Congenital Nephrotic Syndrome (Finnish), familial nephrotic syndrome, sickle red blood cell anemia.

If you still have any doubts, you can feel to contact me by E-mail,or WhatsApp : 008615132830921.
our doctor will reply you  with professional suggestion.

What is the cause of edema of nephrotic syndrome?

In clinical practice, often can see many patients with nephrotic syndrome, swelling of the phenomenon of serious.

Experts, nephrotic syndrome, the reasons for the high degree of edema is mainly affected by two aspects:

(1) decreased plasma colloid osmotic pressure: the exchange of blood vessels inside and outside the body by its osmotic pressure on both sides of the regulation. Osmotic pressure, including osmotic pressure and colloid osmotic pressure, the former from the crystal material (mainly electrolyte), because it is free to pass through the capillary wall, it has little effect on the exchange of blood vessels inside and outside the body; the latter mainly from the protein (which is mainly Albumin), because it can not freely through the capillary wall, which is the main factor in the exchange of blood vessels inside and outside the main factors.

Nephrotic syndrome, due to a large number of plasma protein loss from the urine, causing hypoproteinemia, resulting in decreased plasma colloid osmotic pressure, when the normal 3.3 ~ 4kPa down to 0.8 ~ 1.1kPa, the intravascular moisture To hypertonic interstitial fluid movement, and edema occurred.

(2) effective blood volume reduction: the removal of plasma water to reduce the effective blood volume, which led to the following changes in the body: through the capacity of the sensor to increase antidiuretic hormone (ADH), renal tubular reabsorption of water increased; - angiotensin - aldosterone system, resulting in secondary aldosteronism, renal tubular reabsorption of sodium increased; inhibition of natriuretic factor production, the kidney to reduce sodium. So the body of water, sodium retention, further aggravated edema. The above two factors together cause a high degree of edema of nephrotic syndrome.

If you are suffering from  kidney disease and its complications,you can ask questions in the message board, our experts will answer your questions as soon as possible, you also You can e-mail to our expert mailbox,or WhatsApp : 008615132830921.
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