Diet plays an important role for kidney disease patients, it can help reduce kidney burden and slow down the disease. Have you got a good diet chart with your kidney disease? This blog can help you get further understanding.

How traditional Chinese medicine treats polycystic kidney disease

Polycystic kidney disease is a hereditary nephropathy, the patient's kidney a large number of cysts, and cysts will be increased, and then gradually damage the kidneys, until the patient into the kidney failure.
Polycystic kidney disease can not be self-healing, but the slow progress of this kidney disease, so from the onset of patients into the uremia period to go through a very long process. In this process, all aspects of the risk factors faced by patients to control, and effective treatment, will be very effective in slowing the development of renal cysts.
Western medicine, the early because the cyst is very small, and small cysts will not cause damage to the kidneys, so will not take any measures to treat. When the capsule is greater than 3 cm, will take the surgical method to control. And when the patient into the uremic period, will allow patients to kidney or kidney transplant.
In contrast, Chinese medicine treatment of bubble kidney more effective.
Clinical results have proved that many Chinese medicine in the treatment of bubble kidney is very useful. In addition, micro-traditional Chinese medicine infiltration therapy in the treatment of kidney disease is a very effective treatment.
Microbiotic osmotic therapy is a combination of modern medical technology and traditional Chinese medicine. The first will be based on the patient's condition to give the appropriate drugs, and then through high-tech technology will be crushed Chinese medicine drugs into powder, and then the drug through high-tech penetration technology directly to the patient's ward, to avoid the long-term medication caused by oral medication Easy to suffer. And this therapy has the effect of dilating blood vessels, antiinflammatory, anticoagulant, and degrading the extracellular matrix in the kidney.
Micro-traditional Chinese medicine infiltration therapy in the treatment of bubble kidney, the effective drugs can be sent to the kidneys, and then in the epidermal cells inactivated, thereby inhibiting the secretion of cysts, thereby preventing the growth of cysts. Micro-traditional Chinese medicine therapy to expand the role of blood vessels, can increase the permeability of the surface of the blood circulation of the cyst, and thus back to absorb the capsule fluid, and then through the human body through the urine through the metabolism.
In addition, the active substances in the micro-traditional Chinese medicine can provide repair substances for kidney repair, such as vitamins, trace elements, organic acids, etc., thus speeding up the repair of damaged kidney tissue.

If you are suffering from  kidney disease and its complications,you can ask questions in the message board, our online experts will answer your questions as soon as possible, you also You can e-mail to our expert mailbox,or WhatsApp : 008615132830921.

How to relieve and treat patients with polycystic kidney disease

Polycystic kidney disease is a congenital genetic nephropathy, due to the genetic way of this disease determines the possibility of polycystic kidney generation is relatively large, if the parents of patients with polycystic kidney disease, their children have 50% of the risk of illness, If both parents are polycystic kidney disease, their children have a 75% risk of illness. Because polycystic kidney disease in the kidneys and kidney full of cysts, and with the age of the cyst will gradually increase, resulting in pain in the kidney and kidney, polycystic kidney disease is the most painful back pain. To alleviate the polycystic kidney disease caused by low back pain, we must first know the cause of cyst formation. Cyst capsule wall endothelial cells independent secretion of intracapsular fluid, cysts will gradually increase with the passage of time, increased cysts swept the kidney capsule caused by waist discomfort, namely: back pain, backache, waist up and so on. So ease the disease should avoid cyst enlargement, and try to narrow the cyst and reduce the number of cysts.
Our hospital is the use of micro-infiltration of traditional Chinese medicine treatment, supplemented by Western medicine in the treatment of Chinese and Western medicine, the purpose is to improve the blood circulation of the kidneys, promote the absorption of intracapsular fluid, regardless of the extreme method of surgery, as far as possible The harm to the patient to a minimum. In many experiments, micro-traditional Chinese medicine first to reduce the pressure of the capsule began to make the patient's condition improved, and because of the role of drugs to play the patient's cyst began to shrink, renal function to protect and strengthen the residual healthy kidney cells with self-repair ability.
To maintain a comfortable and positive attitude, to establish a confidence can overcome the disease, polycystic kidney disease is the result of innate and acquired factors, experts found that these factors can be changed and controlled, optimistic and positive Up the attitude, can improve the body immunity, and actively cooperate with doctors for treatment.
Healthy diet on the control of the disease is also very important to try not to eat high potassium phosphorus high sodium and high salt food, because too much intake of potassium and sodium phosphate will increase the cyst or increase the cysts of patients with cystic acid phenomenon. Vegetables must be boiled before consumption, because the boiled water can be destroyed after the oxalic acid in vegetables, so oxalic acid and calcium will not be combined in the formation of calcium oxalate, because the polycystic kidney disease in patients with urine discharge difficulties, calcium oxalate in the kidney Within the deposition, a long time will form a kidney stone, which will be more severe waist pain.
Usually polycystic kidney disease should also pay attention to keep warm, to avoid colds, because the cold burden on the kidneys increased, will make the disease worse, once the polycystic kidney disease should be careful care of colds, avoid eating all nourishing, greasy, sour food.
If you are suffering from  kidney disease and its complications,you can ask questions in the message board, our online experts will answer your questions as soon as possible, you also You can e-mail to our expert mailbox,or WhatsApp : 008615132830921.

Minimize the penetration of traditional Chinese medicine to reduce creatinine levels

When the development of chronic kidney disease to the stage of chronic kidney disease 5, the local doctors will recommend dialysis. However, none of the patients is willing to do so, do not want to accept the reason is simple: to accept dialysis, that is, the rest of the rest to the dialysis, suffering from dialysis side effects. Micro-penetration of traditional Chinese medicine is considered to be the best choice to avoid dialysis.
Microinjection of traditional Chinese medicine infiltration therapy indirectly reduces creatinine levels. As a new Chinese medicine for the development of special therapy, and for the outside of patients with kidney disease. That the best way to reduce the creatinine level is to let the kidneys work again, in the best way to effectively avoid dialysis.
Put two bags of micro-traditional Chinese medicine packs on the back of the patient, of course, they only need to lie in bed for treatment. Anti-inflammatory, anticoagulant, degrade, dilate blood vessels, improve blood circulation, remove immune complexes, promote kidney damage to kidney-specific cells, and reproduce kidney damage, renal function will gradually improve. In this case, all the symptoms caused by kidney damage will naturally disappear, and can be effectively indirect to avoid dialysis.
This is the micro-traditional Chinese medicine infiltration therapy helps to reduce the level of creatinine. The sensation of taking such a treatment by a foreign patient is like doing a slight massage and is very comfortable.
We are often used to help patients with kidney disease to avoid dialysis, however, domestic and foreign patients with kidney disease, to our hospital to accept the views of doctors of nephropathy, to avoid the treatment of dialysis, dialysis to reduce the side effects of the impact. Now, our hospital unique treatment of nephropathy treatment: micro-traditional Chinese medicine penetration therapy already in the international and domestic well-known. In addition to our hospital for the treatment of nephropathy given to patients with dietary treatment, further to its patients with kidney disease to give relief and control of the disease. To micro-traditional Chinese medicine infiltration therapy and diet combined with both in patients with kidney disease to avoid dialysis, play a micro-traditional Chinese medicine therapy and therapeutic effect on kidney disease more effective. 

If you want to get some treatment suggestions for kidney problem,you can feel to contact me by E-mail,or WhatsApp:008615132830921.

Chinese medicine therapy for proteinuria

Proteinuria Chinese medicine can be produced by a variety of primary or secondary kidney disease, is a risk factor for kidney disease deterioration. Should use the heat and dampness, Huoxuetongluo, Shufeng Xuanfei Chinese medicine treatment of renal proteinuria, can receive good results.
Proteinuria is usually a variety of primary or secondary clinical manifestations and diagnostic criteria for nephropathy. Glomerular, renal tubular injury or renal blood circulation changes can lead to proteinuria, but the glomerular clinical disease is the most common cause of proteinuria. It is the result of renal parenchymal damage, will further increase kidney damage. A large number of persistent proteinuria may lead to increased glomerular hyperfiltration and tubulointerstitial injury, leading to glomerulosclerosis and renal interstitial fibrosis, and then a large number of urine protein and severe renal insufficiency. Recent studies have shown that proteinuria is a risk factor for kidney disease worsening. Therefore, how to effectively reduce urinary protein is to protect the kidneys, one of the key to delay renal failure, especially for those by the hormone, cytotoxic drugs caused by intractable nephropathy syndrome, chronic glomerulonephritis. At present, Chinese medicine treatment of proteinuria is an important method, but also the advantages of treatment.
Chinese medicine treatment of proteinuria
What can traditional Chinese medicine treat proteinuria? When proteinuria is involved, kidney problems are the primary factor. Although nephropathy is not the only disease that can cause proteinuria, it is one of the most deadly. Western medicine is the most common method of treatment, but it is not the only option. For patients with renal proteinuria, traditional Chinese medicine is a good choice.
How does kidney disease cause proteinuria?
Kidney is the screening program in our body that helps to purify the blood. Normally, the kidneys are filtered to allow only small molecules to pass through, blocking macromolecules. In this way, macromolecules are preserved in the body, and some macromolecules are negatively charged.
For patients with nephropathy, the kidney tissue injury, will lead to damage to this function of the kidney. At this time, many should be preserved through the kidneys in the body of the protein leakage to the urine, the formation of proteinuria.
Micro-traditional Chinese medicine therapy
Because renal tissue and renal dysfunction is the root cause of renal proteinuria formation, repair damaged kidney tissue, improve renal function is an essential part of the treatment of proteinuria.
Micro-traditional Chinese medicine therapy is based on the treatment of traditional Chinese medicine, but different from traditional Chinese medicine. The herbs used in the therapy are topical and can improve the therapeutic effect.
Micro-traditional Chinese medicine drugs have vasodilator, anti-inflammatory, anticoagulant, the role of degradation. In addition, the active ingredients of these Chinese herbal medicines can activate damaged kidney cells and help to re-run. In this case, some damaged kidney cells can be repaired, renal function greatly improved, the fundamental treatment of proteinuria.
Microculture of traditional Chinese medicine therapy is a combination of herbs, has been treated in more than sixty countries of patients with kidney disease. If you are a patient with renal proteinuria, it will be a good treatment option. 

If you want to get some treatment suggestions for kidney problem,you can feel to contact me by E-mail,or WhatsApp:008615132830921.