Diet plays an important role for kidney disease patients, it can help reduce kidney burden and slow down the disease. Have you got a good diet chart with your kidney disease? This blog can help you get further understanding.

Prevent nephrotic syndrome recurrence, how do we do?

To prevent nephrotic syndrome recurrence, the most important is the early selection of the treatment of nephrotic syndrome method, the choice of effective treatment for patients is essential.

To prevent nephrotic syndrome recurrence, the key is to choose the method of treatment of nephrotic syndrome. What is the best way to treat nephrotic syndrome? At present, the combination of traditional Chinese and Western medicine treatment of nephrotic syndrome is more and more patients preferred. Combination of traditional Chinese and Western medicine can achieve the following results:

First, the elimination of renal tissue inflammation, prevent the kidney cells continue to deteriorate;

Second, repair damaged kidney cells, restore renal function.

Only for the patient's condition to develop a comprehensive treatment program, starting from these two aspects of the double tube in order to make kidney disease syndrome is no longer repeated.

Experts recommend the use of traditional Chinese medicine osmotic therapy to solve this problem, through the role of in vitro renal infiltration, the micro-treatment directly after the traditional Chinese medicine particles into the kidney lesions, high drug use can be directly damaged kidney damaged tissue, with a small amount of Western medicine , To help anti-inflammatory, cell repair to create a good environment, and thus complete treatment of kidney disease, effective prevention of recurrent nephrotic syndrome.

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Why is the recurrence of nephrotic syndrome?

The high recurrence rate of nephrotic syndrome is the most distressing thing for patients and doctors.

At present, the understanding of the etiology and pathogenesis of nephrotic syndrome recurrence has been improved. Generally, the risk of recurrence of nephrotic syndrome will be greatly reduced by actively regulating the treatment of symptoms and symptoms. Of course, in addition to standardized treatment, Movement, mentality also have to pay special attention to these are also important factors to prevent recurrence of nephrotic syndrome.

There are many reasons, the most important reason is that the treatment of nephrotic syndrome itself is not complete, the choice of treatment, treatment of drugs is not enough to completely treat nephrotic syndrome, for the recurrence of nephrotic syndrome after the hidden dangers. Treatment of more than 50% of patients with nephrotic syndrome have recurrent history of nephrotic syndrome, nephrotic syndrome analysis of the main reason is that the above-mentioned method of treatment of nephrotic syndrome drugs are not on the disease.

Of course, there are still part of the nephrotic syndrome patients themselves factors, such as not strictly in accordance with the doctor medication, self-medication or withdrawal; irregular diet or improper; fatigue, life does not pay attention, resulting in diarrhea cold; Treatment mentality is not good, leading to poor quality of sleep, indirectly affect the disease, which are leading to recurrent kidney disease syndrome common factors.

If you still have any doubts, you can feel to contact me by E-mail,or WhatsApp : 008615132830921.

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Nephrotic syndrome in patients with diet

Nephrotic syndrome patients have almost all hyperlipidemia, limiting animal fat intake, the diet provides rich polyunsaturated fatty acids (such as fish oil) and vegetable oil (soybean oil, rapeseed oil, sesame oil). Highly edema limit sodium intake, daily intake of salt less than 3 grams, appropriate to add trace elements.

The following diet principles please note:(1) sodium intake: edema should be into the low-salt diet, so as not to aggravate edema, the general daily amount of salt is not more than 2g is appropriate, disable pickled foods, less use of MSG and alkali, edema subsided, plasma protein close Normal, can restore the ordinary diet.

(2) protein intake: nephrotic syndrome, a large number of plasma protein from the urine, the human protein decreased in the protein malnutrition state, hypoproteinemia to reduce plasma colloid osmotic pressure, resulting in edema stubborn and difficult to eliminate, the body resistance (1 ~ 1.5g / kg * d), such as fish and meat, and so on. In the absence of renal failure, it should be given high quality protein diet (1 ~ 1.5g / kg * d), such as fish and meat. This helps to alleviate hypoalbuminemia and some comorbidities that follow it.

But the high protein diet can make renal blood flow and glomerular filtration rate increased, so that glomerular capillaries in a state of high pressure, while a large number of protein intake also increased urinary protein, can accelerate the glomerular sclerosis. Therefore, for chronic, non-polar nephrotic syndrome patients should be taken into a small amount of high-quality protein (0.7 ~ 1g / kg * d), as a result of chronic renal impairment, should be low-protein diet (0.65g / Kg * d).

(3) fat intake: patients with nephrotic syndrome often hyperlipidemia, which can cause arteriosclerosis and glomerular injury, sclerosis, etc., should limit the animal offal, fat, some seafood and other foods rich in cholesterol and Fat food intake.

(4) the addition of trace elements: nephrotic syndrome in patients with glomerular basement membrane permeability increased, in addition to loss of urine a large number of proteins, but also lost with the protein binding of certain trace elements and hormones, resulting in human calcium, Magnesium, zinc, iron and other elements of the lack of appropriate should be given. General can be eaten with vitamins and trace elements rich in vegetables, fruits, grains, seafood, etc. to be added. Inspection and so on. 

If you still have any doubts, you can feel to contact me by E-mail,or WhatsApp : 008615132830921.

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