Diet plays an important role for kidney disease patients, it can help reduce kidney burden and slow down the disease. Have you got a good diet chart with your kidney disease? This blog can help you get further understanding.

BUN 51 and Creatinine 2.4 in FSGS Is the Disease Curable or Not

People who are suffering from BUN 51 and creatinine 2.4 in FSGS may wonder whether their disease is curable or not. Here, let's look at this issue together and find the answer. Have a question? Chat with our online doctor now for free and professional advice.

In modern medical science, there is still not a cure for BUN 51 and creatinine 2.4 in FSGS. Symptomatic western medicine therapies can only work to reduce the high levels temporarily and alleviate the symptoms. The kidney disorder will still aggravate over time and eventually progress to complete renal failure.

FSGS With Creatinine 8: How Can I Purchase Your Medicines

The good news is that with the continual advancement of Chinese medicine, effective treatment has been developed to manage the disease well and stop its deterioration. The option is known as Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy.

As a holistic approach, Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy combines traditional Chinese herb medicine with advanced medical technique. Herb medicine is externally utilized. With the help of osmosis device, effective medicine ingredients can arrive at the renal lesion directly.

Traditional Chinese Medicine Treatment (TCM) for FSGS

After reaching the kidney lesion, Chinese herb medicine will work to remove wastes like creatinine out of the body, inhibit the inflammatory response, improve the blood circulation, supply enough nutrients for repairing the damaged kidneys, and restore the overall renal function.

Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy is an external application. During the treatment process, patients just need to lie on bed to get treatment. It is just like a massage.

If you still have anything unclear about managing your BUN 51 and creatinine 2.4 in FSGS,you can feel to contact me by E-mail,or WhatsApp / Viber:008615132830921.

Focal Segmental Glomerulosclerosis in Children Life Expectancy

Focal Segmental Glomerulosclerosis is one of the most common causes of Nephrotic Syndrome, especially in children. While, for kids who have been diagnosed with this kidney disorder, how about their life expectancy?

What are Complications of FSGS

In Focal Segmental Glomerulosclerosis in children, the kidneys' damaged glomeruli are scarred, and when water is filtered out of the blood, protein leaks out into the urine as well. Most kids with the disease do not respond to any immunosuppressant therapy. If the kidney damage continues to aggravate, Kidney Failure may occur and dialysis or a kidney transplant would be needed.

As each child's disease condition is different, the life expectancy will certainly vary from case to case. If you are interested to get individualized analysis, please Email us at with the detailed illness information. Our kidney experts will make a comprehensive analysis and reply you soon within 24 hours.

Life Expectancy of FSGS with GFR 37

Nowadays, holistic treatment has been developed to manage Focal Segmental Glomerulosclerosis in children effectively and ensure kids healthy, normal life expectancy. The option is Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy.

At present, Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy is one of the most effective remedies to treat FSGS. As a natural treatment, Chinese herb medicine is externally applied to prevent further deterioration of kidney function, repair the impaired renal inherent cells, and restore the overall kidney function. The earlier patient can take this therapy, the better curative effects there is.

Therefore, after getting diagnosed with Focal Segmental Glomerulosclerosis in children, the most essential thing is to get prompt and effective treatment which can help guarantee a normal life span. Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy is recommended for your reference.

If you want to get some treatment or diet suggestions for kidney problem,you can feel to contact me by E-mail,or WhatsApp / Viber:008615132830921.