Diet plays an important role for kidney disease patients, it can help reduce kidney burden and slow down the disease. Have you got a good diet chart with your kidney disease? This blog can help you get further understanding.

How to treat the treatment of the fourth stage of lupus nephritis

Lupus nephritis is an autoimmune disease in which the antibody will be on its own body, and then the immune system will involve the kidneys. Results of renal failure. Patients want to know the appropriate treatment for the fourth stage of lupus nephritis in China.

At present, the common treatment of lupus nephritis is hormone therapy, hormone therapy does have to alleviate the role of clinical symptoms. However, steroid therapy usually causes patients to have a series of adverse reactions. In fact, the fourth stage of lupus nephritis means that you are already in the second high stage of kidney disease. You need to take effective measures as soon as possible to prevent further damage.

In China, Shijiazhuang kidney hospital for patients with a series of natural remedies for the treatment of kidney disease.

Toxins and waste deposits not only cause further damage to kidney cells and tissues, but also reduce other therapeutic effects. Therefore, the removal of various toxins and wastes plays an important role in repairing kidney and restore renal function.

Micro-penetration of traditional Chinese medicine is to restore renal function therapy. This is an external application that contains many herbs in this treatment and, in addition, herbs are refined into powder to improve its efficiency. By connecting the osmotic machine and the two packs, the active substance in herbs will penetrate directly into the kidney. At the same time, can also be directly in the kidney lesions within the delivery of adequate blood, oxygen and nutrition.

Medicated bath is to promote systemic blood circulation, discharge all kinds of toxins, completely the body of the material wasted outside the body.

Are you interested in these treatments? Would you like to know more about how natural treatment deals with the details of the fourth stage of lupus nephritis,

You can e-mail to our expert mailbox,or WhatsApp : 008615132830921.

Purpura nephritis

Purpura nephritis, also known as allergic purpura nephritis, is allergic purpura with renal damage when the performance. If not properly, actively and effectively treated, purpura nephritis will develop to uremia. For patients with purpura nephritis, a comprehensive understanding of the disease on their recovery of the disease have some help.Etiology

1. infection: including bacteria, viruses and parasites or schistosomiasis infection. About 1/3 of the patients before the onset of infection, the most common respiratory tract infection. There are reports of β-hemolytic streptococcus, Mycobacterium tuberculosis, pneumococcus, Staphylococcus aureus, varicella virus, measles virus, influenza virus, human papilloma virus, Salmonella, HIV, Chlamydia pneumoniae and schistosomiasis. Causes of the pathogenesis of purpura nephritis?

2. Drugs: antibiotics (penicillin, erythromycin, tetracycline, etc.), sulfonamides, isoniazid, salicylic acid, quinine, carbamazepine, thiazide diuretics, phenacetin, thiopental, Kinase, lilapril, retinopril, barbiturate, iodide, aspirin, vaccine (measles vaccine, epidemic cerebrospinal meningitis vaccine, etc.), tuberculin test.

3. Food: fish, shrimp, crab, eggs, clams, milk and other heterosexual protein more common; white wine, nuts, green beans, tomatoes, strawberries, wheat and chocolate are also reported

4. Other pollen allergies, insect bites and cold stimuli.symptom

Purpura nephritis in addition to causing kidney damage, but also cause multiple parts of the discomfort.

1. Rash: rash is often the starting and the main clinical manifestations of the performance occurred in the distal limbs, buttocks and lower abdomen, multi-symmetrical distribution, slightly higher than the skin surface, may have itching, 1 to 2 weeks after the gradual regression , Often can be in batches. From purpura to kidney damage interval of less than 2 weeks.

2. Joint pain: joint pain is a common symptom of purpuric nephritis, the performance characteristics of multiple and non-migratory, and the symptoms occur in the nude joint pain.

3. Abdominal discomfort: mainly for abdominal pain, abdominal discomfort and diarrhea. Common parts for the umbilical and lower abdomen. Abdominal pain can sometimes be expressed as paroxysmal colic.

In addition to these, lymph nodes, hepatosplenomegaly and nervous system involvement such as headache, convulsions and behavioral abnormalities.

4. Urine abnormalities: urinary abnormalities in purpura nephritis mainly refers to the hematuria and proteinuria. These two symptoms usually appear within one month after skin purpura, some or colleagues can see skin purpura, abdominal pain, and some are just asymptomatic urine abnormalities.

PathogenesisThe pathogenesis of purpuric nephritis and the body's immune system is closely linked. It is caused by allergic purpura. Allergic purpura is a systemic complex vasculitis mediated by immune complexes. Purpura nephritis is also immune to complex nephritis. Its pathogenesis is mainly through humoral immunity, but also involves cellular immunity, some cytokines and inflammatory mediators, coagulation Mechanisms are involved in the disease pathogenesis.

If you are suffering from  kidney disease and its complications,you can ask questions in the message board, our online experts will answer your questions as soon as possible, you also You can e-mail to our expert mailbox,or WhatsApp : 008615132830921.