Diet plays an important role for kidney disease patients, it can help reduce kidney burden and slow down the disease. Have you got a good diet chart with your kidney disease? This blog can help you get further understanding.

What herbs are good for high creatinine and edema

High creatinine and swelling occur due to decreased renal function. Because dialysis and kidney transplantation are not the best choice for the treatment of kidney disease, patients want to know what herbs are good for high creatinine levels and swelling.
In China, Shijiazhuang kidney hospital in the past few years of medical development for patients with unexpected benefits. As a result, a series of natural therapies have been developed for patients.
First, in the case of kidney failure, there are huge wastes and toxins accumulated in your blood. Therefore, the deposition of toxins and wastes will not only cause further damage to kidney cells and tissues, but also reduce other therapeutic effects, so the use of detoxification therapy to remove all toxins, the product completely abandoned.
Then, micro-traditional Chinese medicine penetration therapy is used to restore renal function. This is a topical therapy that contains large amounts of herbs in this treatment, and herbs are refined into powder to improve their efficiency. In addition, herbs are refined into powder to improve their efficiency. By connecting the osmotic machine and two pills, the active substance in the herbal medicine will penetrate directly into the kidney lesion, while blood, oxygen and nutrients can also be transported inside the kidney.
Immunotherapy is a therapy that includes accurate diagnosis, immune clearance, immune tolerance, immune blockage, immunoregulation and immunoprotection, which can help patients improve immunity and regulate immune disorders.
Most importantly, the use of advanced equipment, can detect the location of renal injury, and then according to your current condition for appropriate treatment plan. With the application of these treatments, elevated creatinine levels can naturally and radically reduce.

I hope the above informations can help you and your friends around you.
If you still have other questions, you can consult our online doctors
or you can feel to contact me by E-mail,
or WhatsApp / 008613633219293. 

How to keep the kidneys from the diet?

In the treatment of kidney damage, the first to repair kidney damage. In addition to drug treatment, the most important thing is diet maintenance. So, kidney patients in the diet should pay attention to what?
Nephrotic patients should be low-salt, low-fat diet. Because too much salt will lead to water and sodium retention, the formation of edema. And salt can cause high blood pressure, further increase kidney damage. High fat diet will increase the body's blood lipids, easy to form thrombosis, leading to kidney blood supply, lack of oxygen, so that the disease deteriorated. So patients with kidney disease should eat light food. In addition, also need to cold, hard, spicy food, such as: raw radish, raw cucumber, pepper, mustard and so on.
Help to maintain kidney food
1. Shrimp: rich in high-quality protein, contribute to the body to absorb, can enhance immunity, and produce less waste. So eat shrimp can help kidney, from the body of toxins.
2. Walnut: contains a high nutritional value, can complement the body, purify the blood, lower cholesterol, prevent atherosclerosis. But also has the effect of Bushen Gujing, often as one of the food of kidney.
3. perch: rich in high-quality protein, kidney disease patients have a good tonic effect.
4. chestnuts: with kidney function, but also contains unsaturated fatty acids and a variety of vitamins, the treatment of hypertension, atherosclerosis and other diseases, help to prevent further deterioration of kidney disease. But after meals should not eat too much chestnuts.
5. Lycium: to improve the role of the body immunity. Can be fine gas, protect the kidneys, can lower blood pressure, blood lipids and blood sugar. Is the main food for the treatment of kidney disease.
These foods to a certain extent, can play the role of kidney. Kidney disease patients can eat these foods to achieve the effect of kidney, to achieve the purpose of controlling kidney disease. But the consumption should be appropriate, excessive consumption will play a reaction

I hope the above informations can help you and your friends around you.
If you still have other questions, you can consult our online doctors
or you can feel to contact me by E-mail,
or WhatsApp / 008613633219293. 

Kidney disease patient diet

1 fruit articlesFruits are a very important aspect of our daily life, and it is critical that a reasonable choice of healthy fruit is good for patients. First of all, the fruit can eat, but if the kidney function is damaged, do not eat more potassium and more fruit, such as oranges, bananas and the like.
2 staple food articlesKidney disease in the three meals a day staple food can eat salt, alkali? Our normal adult intake of salt per day about 5-6 grams, and some areas to eat salt per person per day to 12 grams, salt for the sodium chloride, alkali for the sodium carbonate, soda as sodium bicarbonate, eating sodium Alkali too much, easy to make water retention in the human body, induced edema, so patients with renal edema should control the amount of salt into the salt 2-3 grams per person is low salt diet. No salt diet is not scientific, a long time easy to fatigue, dizziness and so on.
In general, should eat light digestible food, avoid beef, mutton, psychological irritating food, wine and all hair such as coffee, parsley and so on. Uremia hyperkalemia can not eat high potassium foods such as: potatoes, tomatoes, pumpkins, tea, soy sauce, monosodium glutamate; low blood potassium patients on the contrary; high blood uric acid, especially not eat animal offal, fish and crab clam, beer, mushrooms Class, beans, spinach. During the treatment, if a cold, fever, infection, and so on, emergency contact with the specialist in order to timely treatment, to avoid complications.
3 seafood articlesSome patients, especially those living in the sea, will consciously do not consciously eat fish and shrimp food; some patients consciously do not eat, that the kidney is not good. So, kidney patients in the end can not eat seafood? Food for high-quality protein, in allergic diseases such as allergic purpura, purpuric nephritis due to suspected allergy protein allergies or allergies with fish and shrimp to be used with caution, generally without taboo. Fish, shrimp, eggs, meat food is rich in animal protein, is the human body cells, the organization of the main structural materials, the human body is very important to eat protein food after the liver decomposition, renal excretion, so when the kidney function, Reduce the amount of protein into the body to meet the nutritional needs of nutrition, without increasing the burden of the principle of the kidney. Some patients with kidney disease is not serious and not dare to eat protein, or the disease need to limit the protein and do not care are not correct.

I hope the above informations can help you and your friends around you.
If you still have other questions, you can consult our online doctors
or you can feel to contact me by E-mail,
or WhatsApp / 008613633219293.