Diet plays an important role for kidney disease patients, it can help reduce kidney burden and slow down the disease. Have you got a good diet chart with your kidney disease? This blog can help you get further understanding.

The diet principle and taboo of nephrotic syndrome

Nephrotic syndrome is a clinical syndrome characterized by large amounts of proteinuria, hyperlipidemia, edema and hypoproteinemia. It is divided into two primary and secondary types. The etiology and pathogenesis of primary nephrotic syndrome are not yet clear Nephrotic syndrome can be caused by immune diseases, diabetes mellitus, secondary infection, circulatory diseases, drug poisoning and so on
Nephrotic syndrome early basal mild lesions, large amount of protein in the urine, which is an important reason for the decrease of plasma protein decreased. Plasma protein level decreased significantly, especially albumin, plasma colloid osmotic
The decrease of permeation pressure leads to the extravasation of fluid into the blood vessel, resulting in tissue edema and decreased blood volume. When the urine protein is lost in large quantities, the synthesis of lipoproteins increases as well as increases in albumin synthesis in the liver

Because of the disease characteristics of nephrotic syndrome, diet has its particularity

1, patients should control sodium intake
For patients with nephrotic syndrome should be especially prone to edema, edema is due to the increase of the content of sodium in the body, so patients with nephrotic syndrome should be put in a low salt diet, to avoid aggravating edema, in the diet should be
According to certain principles, the average daily salt is not more than 2G, it is appropriate to disable the pickled food, less MSG and alkali intake, edema subsided, plasma protein near normal, can restore the normal diet

2, patients should pay attention to protein intake
For patients with proteinuria, proteinuria and make the patients a lot of protein passes, it is easy to cause patients with malnutrition, affect the health of patients. So patients in the diet, should pay attention to protein
However, patients with nephrotic syndrome still need dietary protein according to certain principles in their diet. In the early stage, they should be given a higher quality protein diet (1 ~ 1.5g/kg*d)

3, patients should pay attention to fat intake
Generally, patients often associated with hyperlipidemia, so it is easy to cause glomerular injury and sclerosis. So patients should try to eat less fat, limiting animal offal, fat, some seafood rich in cholesterol and fat

4, supplement of trace elements
Patients should pay attention to trace elements supplement, with the occurrence of a large number of proteinuria, patients will lose a lot of protein and trace elements, resulting in the body calcium, magnesium, zinc, iron and other elements of lack, should be given appropriate supplement
Therefore, patients should pay attention to the supplement of trace elements

5, nephrotic syndrome diet taboo
(1) appropriate
A high protein diet, such as fish and meat, should be given
Should be appropriate to supplement calcium, vitamin and trace elements can be rich vegetables, fruits, grains
(2) avoid
The bogey fishy, spicy, fried, aquatic products, such as fish, crab, pepper and so on.
Avoid using pickled food

If you want to get more treatment or diet suggestions for kidney problem,you can feel to contact me by E-mail,or  WhatsApp / Viber / Phone Number: 008615132830921