Diet plays an important role for kidney disease patients, it can help reduce kidney burden and slow down the disease. Have you got a good diet chart with your kidney disease? This blog can help you get further understanding.

How should kidney failure eat? Maintain high calcium and low phosphorus diet

Limit the intake of phosphorus. This type of food in the day-to-day, is the need for kidney failure patients as far away as possible, if the patient does not attach importance to the usual elimination in time, such food intake, it will lead to repeated or even worse, to their own successful rehabilitation, the formation of great Obstruction. This is because eating too much phosphorus, can cause mineral metabolic disorders.

Calcium supplementation. Renal failure patients often high phosphorus and low calcium, generally can be oral calcium carbonate.

Diet should be light, avoid spicy spicy food. Chronic renal failure, uremia in patients with gastrointestinal mucosa often congestion, erosion status, such as eating hot pepper, white wine and other spicy food, often increase the erosion of the gastrointestinal mucosa, leading to endometrial vascular bleeding.

Eating dogs, sheep, cattle and other meat products should be cautious. Chinese medicine that dog meat, lamb, beef and other hair, easy to cause relapse or aggravate the disease, clinically do see systemic lupus erythematosus or chronic nephritis caused by renal failure patients eat cattle, lamb after the condition worse or even the last death, whether coincidence Yet to be further observed, but patients with chronic renal failure or not to eat such meat products as well.

Add trace elements. General renal failure patients zinc, iron often lack. Lean lamb, lean beef with iron, zinc rich, lotus root starch rich in iron.

Avoid irritating food. Chronic renal failure, advanced renal failure, uremia patients with gastrointestinal mucosa often congestion, erosion status, such as eating hot pepper, white wine and other spicy food, often increase the erosion of the gastrointestinal mucosa, leading to endometrial vascular bleeding.

Intake of high quality protein. Patients with renal failure, the need to limit the intake of protein to reduce the burden on the kidneys, but if you eat a small, then consume the body's muscles and visceral tissue, it must eat the right and adequate amount of protein, the amount should be per kilogram Weight 1 to 1.2 grams, high quality and high physical value of animal protein food

Renal failure should be added to the nutritional elements

Vitamins. In order to limit the intake of potassium, with plenty of water to vegetables, meat and then eat, will cause a lot of loss of vitamins, it must be added to add water-soluble vitamins, especially vitamin B6, C and folic acid.

Water. The water balance in patients with chronic renal failure is important. How is chronic renal failure caused by the amount of liquid to be determined according to the amount of discharge. Must be under the guidance of a doctor, the liquid supplement, to prevent excessive water intake, discharge obstacles, and increase the swelling.

Heat. Intake of enough calories to reduce the amount of protein to provide heat and decomposition, calories daily 126-140KJ / Kg (about 1800-2000kcal daily), the source of heat from the sugar, vegetable oil, low protein starch.

Experts must remind the patient is that the above is just a reference, the patient must be combined with their own condition for a reasonable diet, must follow the doctor's advice. I suggest you directly click on the online consultation, and experts directly to communicate, the experts give you a detailed answer and targeted guidance.

I hope the above informations can help you and your friends around you. If you still have other questions, you can consult our online doctors, or you can feel to contact me by E-mail,or WhatsApp / Phone:008613633219293.

Common renal failure care methods

The occurrence of renal failure is a serious harm to the health of the human body, but also to bring a very large inconvenience to life, do a good job of renal failure care is very important, how to do care to effectively fight kidney failure?

1, emotional care

Chinese medicine that seven emotions can directly affect their corresponding organs, so that gas machine chaos, blood disorders, leading to disease or exacerbations. Chronic renal failure patients generally heavier, longer course, resulting in patients prone to depression pessimism. At this point should actively guide patients, educate patients to treat their own disease correctly, to encourage patients to maintain an optimistic and positive attitude. In this way, positive and happy psychology can enhance the body's resistance to disease, play a "righteousness, evil can not do" role.

2, diet care

According to the "salty kidney", "light dampness" principle, chronic renal failure patients should be low-salt diet, severe hypertension, edema of patients should be strictly controlled salt intake, salt-free diet. Chronic kidney failure patients staple food can be rice, surface-based, limit the amount of protein in order to reduce the burden on the kidney, the choice of high-quality protein to animal protein-based, such as milk, eggs, lean meat, fasting soybeans, peanuts Its soy products and other plants containing protein foods. Patients with dialysis treatment may be appropriate to increase the intake of protein, due to chronic renal failure in patients with blood urea nitrogen levels affect vitamin metabolism, diet should pay attention to vitamin A, B, C. In the oliguria or anuria, the restrictions mustard, mushrooms, bananas, potatoes and other high potassium foods, so as not to cause hyperkalemia.

3, medication guidance

Chinese medicine is made from natural plants with fewer side effects. The patients with chronic renal failure in the selection of Western medicine, should avoid renal toxicity drugs, such as gentamicin, cephalosporins and so on. At the same time pay attention to medication taboo, chronic renal failure patients taking ginseng and other qi should not eat radish, mung bean and other cool food, so as not to reduce the role of drug warming. At the same time to guide the patient during treatment can not unauthorized dressing, reduction, premature withdrawal or withdrawal does not follow the observation, so as not to aggravate the condition.

4, living guide

Chronic renal failure late, the patient will appear renal anemia, patients Shenpi fatigue, Yaoxisuanruan, so this time should be bed rest, ward to regular ventilation, to ensure fresh air, sunny. Bed rest is not indefinite, if the patient edema decline, decreased blood pressure, anemia improved, the patient can be appropriate activities. The amount of activity should be from less to more, the first bed activities, after bed activities. Chinese medicine that "kidney possession", room labor injury kidney, depleted its fine Therefore, patients with chronic renal failure should be appropriate to reduce the intercourse, which for the relaxation of the kidney, for early rehabilitation is very important. Sexual life as a dangerous way is not desirable, should be based on the condition may be, it is best to accept the doctor's advice, while sexual life should pay attention to health, to prevent infection increased kidney damage.

Experts must remind the patient is that the above is just a reference, the patient must be combined with their own condition for a reasonable diet, must follow the doctor's advice. I suggest you directly click on the online consultation, and experts directly to communicate, the experts give you a detailed answer and targeted guidance.

I hope the above informations can help you and your friends around you. If you still have other questions, you can consult our online doctors, or you can feel to contact me by E-mail,or WhatsApp / Phone:008613633219293.

Can kidney patients eat sea cucumber?

For a reasonable diet of patients with kidney failure this problem, here, we do a detailed guide for you.

Celery, an umbelliferous plant. There are celery, dry celery two, similar function, medicine to dry celery is better Dry pork aroma thicker, also known as "celery", also known as "celery." Celery is a high-fiber food, it is through the intestinal digestion to produce a lignin or enteral fat substances, such substances are an antioxidant, eat celery, especially celery leaves, to prevent high blood pressure, atherosclerosis And so are very useful, and the role of adjuvant therapy.

Renal failure is a variety of chronic kidney disease developed to the late part of the renal function caused by partial or total loss of pathological state. Clinical renal failure is divided into acute renal failure and chronic renal failure two categories. The incidence of chronic renal failure is generally caused by a variety of factors involved in the patients in the clinical manifestations of hypertension, anemia, heart failure, pericarditis, cardiomyopathy, water and electricity disorders and acid-base imbalance, renal bone disease, Infection and so on. With the progression of the disease progress, renal failure patients can gradually develop into uremia. Renal failure patients in the active treatment with the process, but also pay attention to diet.

1, renal failure patients should pay attention to what diet?

Kidney failure patients should be selected in the diet is high fever, high amino acids, two low is low protein, low phosphorus diet, two appropriate is the appropriate vitamins and trace elements.

(1), chronic renal failure patients limit protein:

Generally recommended that the protein intake of 0.6 grams per kilogram of body weight, such as body weight 50 kg, the daily protein intake should be controlled at 30 grams. Reasonable arrangements and arrangements for the maintenance of residual renal function and to avoid further deterioration of renal function, to avoid serum creatinine, urea nitrogen continues to increase is of great significance. Under the strict control of protein intake, it is recommended that at least 2/3 of the daily amount of willingness be supplied by good quality protein.

Our daily food, more or less contain protein, which meat, eggs, milk protein quality is good, high human application rate, can be used to repair or maintain muscle strength, other beans (green beans, red beans, Beans, peas, etc.), fruit (peanuts, melon seeds, cashews, etc.), gluten products grains, flour products, sweet potatoes, taro, potatoes, vegetables and less refined. After limiting the amount of protein can be blocked or reduced by the process of progressive renal failure. Wood experts and scholars suggested that restrictions on protein diet should not be soy and its products listed in the fasting category.

The following are the same as the "

       (2), chronic renal failure patients increased calories:

In the limit of protein guidelines, the intake of rice is limited, the formation of a simple lack of heat, so that the body of protein consumption, urea increased, the body gradually thin and poor balance, so must eat more high-calorie, low-protein foods (such as sugar Such as flour, corn flour, white powder, lotus root starch, winter powder, West Valley rice, powder round, etc.), such as sugar, sugar, sugar, honey, fruit sugar and so on;

(3), chronic renal failure patients limit sodium ion:

Sodium in the body to adjust the balance of water and muscle activity, when the renal insufficiency, may not be too much body sodium excretion, the formation of high blood pressure, edema, ascites, lung water, increase heart burden, the course of time Easily lead to heart failure. Daily calorie intake recommendations: 35-45 kcal per kilogram of body weight. Salt, soy sauce, monosodium glutamate, tomato sauce, black tea, miso, etc. contain a lot of sodium, workers and marinated canned sodium content is also a lot of life as much as possible to choose natural food, cooking can be applied more sugar , White vinegar, onions, ginger, garlic, spiced, cinnamon, pepper, parsley, lemon and other food to have other flavors, increase food palatability.

(4), chronic renal failure patients limit potassium ions:

Potassium is widely available in meat, dark green fruits and vegetables, dried beans. Such as mushrooms, amaranth, cauliflower, spinach, bamboo shoots, tomatoes, carrots, pumpkin, mustard, celery, fan pomegranate, loquat, peach, willow, hard persimmon, orange, Sakya, and avoid raw vegetables; Such as coffee, tea, chicken, beef extract, ginseng fine, thick broth, thin salt soy sauce, salt-free soy sauce, salt, salt and other potassium content is also high. When the diet need to limit the potassium ions, should be less choice of potassium content of vegetables and vegetables. When renal function is not good, it may not be effective to remove excess potassium

(5), chronic renal failure patients to limit the phosphorus ion:

The main function of phosphorus is to strengthen the bones, it is all the food contains phosphorus, kidney failure patients can not chronic kidney failure because of the diet, we all understand that people eat food for the day. Excess phosphorus collection of blood, resulting in elevated blood phosphorus or decreased serum calcium. High phosphorus, can lead to skin itching and bone lesions. Cooking, the food first to hot water, soup and then fry the oil, can reduce the intake of potassium.

(5), chronic renal failure patients limit moisture:

If the discharge of urine decreased, into the body of liquid retention in the body, the formation of body edema, blood pressure, so that pulmonary edema, this time, must limit the daily liquid intake, the general oral intake of liquid about Equal to the amount of urine plus 500cc is appropriate.

Experts must remind the patient is that the above is just a reference, the patient must be combined with their own condition for a reasonable diet, must follow the doctor's advice. I suggest you directly click on the online consultation, and experts directly to communicate, the experts give you a detailed answer and targeted guidance.

I hope the above informations can help you and your friends around you. If you still have other questions, you can consult our online doctors, or you can feel to contact me by E-mail,or WhatsApp / Phone:008613633219293.

Can kidney patients eat sea cucumber?

Kidney disease due to long-term illness is very weak body, need to eat some high nutritional value of food to improve the body energy. But it is worth noting that kidney patients due to impaired kidney function, can not play a normal metabolic effect, so there are many requirements in the diet, kidney disease patients can eat sea cucumber it?

Studies have shown that sea cucumber high nutritional value, sea cucumber due to very low cholesterol, as a typical high protein, low fat, low cholesterol food. But also because of tender meat, easy to digest, it is very suitable for the elderly and children, as well as weak physical consumption.

Can kidney patients eat ginseng? Have kidney disease can eat sea cucumber but appropriate. But also pay attention to which people can not eat sea cucumber.

Sea cucumber taboo crowd:

1. suitable for lack of weakness, lack of blood, malnutrition, postpartum postpartum physically weak human consumption; suitable for kidney deficiency, impotence nocturnal emission, urine frequency of human consumption; suitable for hypertension, hyperlipidemia, coronary heart disease Atherosclerosis of the human consumption; suitable for cancer patients and radiotherapy, chemotherapy, after surgery; suitable for hepatitis, kidney disease, diabetes, edible; suitable for hemophiliacs and people prone to bleeding; suitable for the elderly and infirm;

2. suffering from acute enteritis, bacillary dysentery, colds, sputum, asthma and stool pond thin, bleeding both stasis and dampness disorder patients not eat.

Can kidney patients eat sea cucumber? But pay attention to food with ginseng g grams:

Sea cucumber should not be with licorice, vinegar with food.

Experts must remind the patient is that the above is just a reference, the patient must be combined with their own condition for a reasonable diet, must follow the doctor's advice. I suggest you directly click on the online consultation, and experts directly to communicate, the experts give you a detailed answer and targeted guidance.

I hope the above informations can help you and your friends around you. If you still have other questions, you can consult our online doctors, or you can feel to contact me by E-mail,or WhatsApp / Phone:008613633219293.

Kidney disease therapeutic side

Nephrotic patients should pay attention to diet conditioning, which both reduce the burden on the kidneys, but also conducive to the control and rehabilitation of the disease. The therapeutic side helps to supplement the loss of protein and is conducive to the recovery of kidney function. Now introduced several therapeutic side:1. Astragalus porridgeHealth Astragalus 30-60 grams, 60 grams of rice, Chenpi 10 grams. First Huangqi decoction to slag, and then into the rice porridge, porridge into the Chen Pi can be added at the end. This can improve kidney function, eliminate urinary protein, enhance physical fitness.2. Gorgon ginkgo porridgeGorgon 30 grams, ginkgo 10 grams of glutinous rice 30 grams. Will be gruel shelling, and Gorgon, glutinous rice into the pot with water boiled porridge, kidney disease is Spleen dampness and see urine spray muddy, urine a large number of protein excreted, long-term use.3. Black beans stewed porkBlack beans 50 grams, 100 grams of lean meat. First pork in the water to boil, discard the soup, and then with a total of black beans to the rotten, plus appropriate high-speed taste, eat meat soup. This side has kidney, diuretic, spleen and so on.4. Carassius porridgeCarassius 200 grams (to the scales and internal organs), Juncus 6 grams, 50 grams of rice, with boiled porridge, to the heart of grass, eat porridge to eat fish, the side has a water and the role of supplementary protein.5. Wicked walnut porridge30 grams of medlar, walnut meat 20 grams, 50 grams of rice, with boiled porridge. Morning and evening consumption. The side has kidney and spleen, eliminating the role of protein.6. Astragalus black teaAstragalus 20 grams, 1 gram of black tea, Astragalus 500 grams of boiling water for 5 minutes, to slag juice, add black tea. The side has Qi Yang, Lee water swelling, for chronic nephritis.7. Corn teaCorn to be 100 grams, yi 30 grams, 30 grams of mustard, rock sugar amount, add water decoction on behalf of the tea, the side has a diuretic heat, blood pressure, for chronic glomerulonephritis and early high blood pressure.

Experts must remind the patient is that the above is just a reference, the patient must be combined with their own condition for a reasonable diet, must follow the doctor's advice. I suggest you directly click on the online consultation, and experts directly to communicate, the experts give you a detailed answer and targeted guidance.

I hope our medical group can do our best to help the kidney disease patients all over the world. If you want to get some treatment or diet suggestions for kidney problem, you can feel to contact me by E-mail,or WhatsApp / Phone:008613633219293.

Kidney disease diet

⒈ Yixi light digestible food, bogey seafood, beef, lamb, spicy spicy food, wine and all hair things such as: spiced aniseed, coffee, parsley, etc .; especially Yin patients such as: red tongue, , Night sweats, stool dry, hematuria embolism; but yang deficiency patients such as: pale tongue, white, pulse Shen, cold body cold, thin, edible food.

⒉ appetite fresh vegetables and the right amount of fruit, proper drinking water; eat all tonic, tonic and easy to lit food such as: chili, lychee, chocolate and so on. Especially yin deficiency, such as tongue purple, pulse stagnation, chest tightness, abdominal distension and other patients with stasis.

3. all patients with nephropathy disabled neomycin, streptomycin, gentamicin, Guanmutong and automatic immunization of the injection.

⒋ uremic patients to maintain smooth stool, the daily defecation should be 2 ∽ 3 times is appropriate, do not stay up all night, restraint of life, pay attention to rest, to avoid cold.

⒌ have taken hormones, should be based on the specific circumstances under the guidance of physicians to reduce the amount of hormone and the number of times.

⒍ edema should avoid salt, limiting the amount of protein food intake, less drinking water. Edema is not heavy, can enter the low sodium diet; no edema does not limit the amount of water and protein food intake; microscopic hematuria and should be lit more water, eat more apples, sugar, black sesame seeds, fungus and other blood Of food.

7.uremia hyperkalemia can not eat high potassium foods such as: bananas, citrus, potatoes, tomatoes, pumpkins, tea, soy sauce, monosodium glutamate;

⒏ high uric acid in particular, not eat animal offal, fish and crab clam, beer, mushrooms, beans, spinach.

⒐ in the treatment period, if a cold, fever, infection, and so on, emergency contact with the undergraduate doctor, in order to timely treatment, to avoid increased complications.⒑ establish confidence, adhere to the treatment, to maintain a good mood.

Experts must remind the patient is that the above is just a reference, the patient must be combined with their own condition for a reasonable diet, must follow the doctor's advice. I suggest you directly click on the online consultation, and experts directly to communicate, the experts give you a detailed answer and targeted guidance.

I hope our medical group can do our best to help the kidney disease patients all over the world. If you want to get some treatment or diet suggestions for kidney problem, you can feel to contact me by E-mail,or WhatsApp / Phone:008613633219293.

Nephrotic patients eat fruit taboo

1. Apple: Juice can diarrhea, fasting eat can cure constipation, after meals can help digestion. But the apple is rich in sugar and potassium, too much intake is not conducive to heart, kidney health, suffering from coronary heart disease, myocardial infarction, nephritis, diabetes, should not eat.

2. Pear: with cough, phlegm and dry and so on, on the cure cough, wind-heat, pharyngitis and other good results. Due to cold, spleen and stomach Deficiency, oral spit saliva saliva, stool pond should be Shensi; and because of high sugar content, over the food will make blood sugar, so diabetes eat less. The following are the same as the "

Healthy Diet for Stage 4 Chronic Kidney Disease

3. Citrus: contains a lot of carotene, into the blood into vitamin A, accumulated in the body, so that the skin yellowing, which led to "carrot", commonly known as "orange", followed by nausea, vomiting, loss of appetite, Whole body fatigue and other symptoms. Suffering from "orange", should be appropriate to eat vegetable oil, and drink plenty of water to speed up its dissolution, transformation and excretion.

4. Persimmon: contains a lot of vitamin A, C and tannic acid, nutrient-rich, there are antihypertensive hemostasis, heat and smooth intestinal, lungs and other effects. But contains a large number of persimmon pectin and pectin, met with gastric acid will gather into fibrous clumps, that is, "stomach persimmon stone", leading to epigastric pain, indigestion; and pectin has a convergence effect, Should not be taken on an empty stomach, but not with crabs, potatoes and other food, or more likely to produce persimmon stone.

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5. Pomegranate: a large number of fructose and a variety of vitamins, minerals, sweet and warm, for the hot and humid fruit. Pomegranate on dysentery, prolapse and pharyngitis and other effects, but the body deficiency Yinxu Shen Shen; diarrhea early, there are hot and humid who should not eat fresh fruit, even if ordinary people should not eat, eat more teeth, and anorexia The The following are the same as the "

6. Water chestnut, water chestnuts: Many people eat raw water chestnut mouth bite the skin, eat raw water chestnuts do not peel, without sterilization, easy to infected with ginger worm disease. Ginger insects body hypertrophy, under the microscope to observe the cut of the ginger, into the body parasitic in the small intestine, leading to malnutrition, weight loss and anemia, the greater harm to children. And then the two are cold, ordinary people should not eat; spleen and stomach Deficiency, loose diarrhea, kidney deficiency are not appropriate to take.

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7. chestnut: starch, protein, crude fiber and a variety of vitamins, sweet and warm, sweet waxy and refreshing, "king of fruit" and "wood grain" reputation. Chestnut has Qi and kidney, spleen Bugan, conditioning the efficacy of the stomach. Chinese medicine called "kidney fruit", especially for kidney disease. But chestnut solid, raw food is difficult to digest, cooked food easy stagnation gas food, one should not eat; have intestinal antidiarrheal effect, constipation Jidao, or aggravate symptoms.

If you still have any doubts, you can feel to contact me by  E-mail,or WhatsApp / Phone Number: 008615132830921.

The four major causes of summer nephritis

Hot summer is the need to cool yourself, but at any time pay attention to the incidence of nephritis. Some things that may cause you to appear symptoms of nephritis must be treated with caution. For example, the following four in the summer may lead you to the case of nephritis, we must be careful to protect their own kidneys have to seriously study Oh!Causes of onset of summer nephritis
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1, cold caused by acute nephritisThe occurrence of acute nephritis and human streptococcus infection is directly related. Summer hot weather pressure is low, people will also decline with the resistance, easily lead to upper respiratory tract infection, which is an important factor leading to acute nephritis. In general, 80% of patients with acute nephritis, as long as timely medical treatment, and actively cooperate with doctors, can be safe. But if you live in the river water pollution, garbage piles, dust filled the harsh environment, with particular attention to the surrounding environment and personal hygiene, to prevent the body caused by bacterial bite and other bacterial infections, so that infection of acute nephritis swoop in. Acute nephritis if the turbulent may also develop into acute renal failure, and even life-threatening.
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2, lupus erythematosus caused lupus nephritisLupus erythematosus nephritis, in the summer due to the strong exposure of ultraviolet radiation is easy to attack, even if you do not have a history of lupus erythematosus, it is easy at this time infection and attack. People with a history of lupus erythematosus, the body of the disease cells more likely to move, will cause the condition of the increase or recurrence.In particular, it is mentioned that lupus erythematosus nephritis is more common in women because of the unique endocrine structure of women. So young women in particular in summer to avoid lupus erythematosus induced activity factors, such as sun (ultraviolet radiation) and easily lead to lupus erythematosus drugs. Therefore, patients with lupus erythematosus nephritis try not to go out in summer.
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3, diabetes caused by nephritisNephritis what causes nephritis patients diet taboo nephritis patients diet should pay attention to whatSummer eat a lot of fruit, drink can easily lead to excessive intake of diabetes, sugar, causing blood sugar. And diabetes in the summer sweating and more, can cause diabetic ketoacidosis or nonketotic deep coma, and even renal failure. So diabetes in the summer must pay attention to control the daily diet of sugar, to maintain the daily normal drinking water to supplement the loss of sweat, to prevent the occurrence of the above phenomenon.
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4, urinary tract infection caused by nephritisSummer people like swimming and other water activities, but the pool of human and water flow, it is easy to bacteria into people's urethra, causing infection, and finally lead to the occurrence of nephritis. Especially women, due to the special physiological structure, resulting in a great chance of retrograde infection. So like to swim friends to pay attention, not in the inactive water leisure, not to unclean river, river swimming.

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Nephritis patients diet tabooIn patients with acute nephritis onset, the patient's diet to quit salt. Because at this time the patient's own kidney urinary capacity weakened, so the salt can not be eaten for normal discharge, and then the salt will accumulate in the patient's body, but also associated with the production of water storage. This will undoubtedly be to a certain extent, increased the patient's edema. Need to be clear that the salt for the nephritis disease in fact no effect, eat salt and will not increase the patient's kidney lesions, so when the patient's nephritis has improved, this time because of renal function gradually restored and thus increased urine output , Then the patient can lift the salt.

If you still have any doubts, you can feel to contact me by  E-mail,or WhatsApp / Phone Number: 008615132830921.

Kidney disease and uremia

First, kidney disease reasons:

In general, if the food in the long-term lack of choline (choline) nutrients, can cause high blood pressure, dizziness, tinnitus, constipation, severe eye bleeding, suffering from desquamative nephritis, urine protein containing blood. If the kidney function decline, it is easy to produce uremia, the most common symptoms of this disease is a headache, tinnitus, nausea, diarrhea, spasm, and sleep at night when the phenomenon of more early treatment is best, please follow the following methods Self-healing.

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Second, prevention and treatment --- add enough nutrientsTo have enough nutrients to synthesize choline - supplemented methionine (methionine) + folic acid (folic acid) + vitamin B12, can be successfully synthesized choline. Folic acid, vitamin B12 purchased by the United States, methionine in the egg content is high, can eat more.Buy vitamin B6, daily 50 ~ 100mg taking. Other integrated vitamins, minerals such as a good survivor to a day. While eating less high-protein foods, but to maintain adequate protein nutrition. If the lack of vitamin B6, can cause desquamation nephritis, and finally will be serious to the end of the kidney to wash.
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Third, natural food therapyThere are white flowers and vegetables (with the market selling the same kind of red and green vegetables, but the stems and leaves are blue and short hair) a day after a boiled, with bitter tea oil after mixing. This method has been eaten after months of rehabilitation.Dragon bead fruit (dragon spit beads, dragon swallow beads, dragon fruit) fresh washed chopped to grasp the amount of a hand, and two egg yolk (protein do not) with the stir, with bitter tea oil fried, fried Note that no salt or other seasoning, fried after eating, the daily three meals, even eat 5 to 6 days for a course of treatment, stop 4 to 5 and then into the second course of treatment. So continuous service for 6 courses, that is, good results.
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Fourth, Chinese herbal soup drink therapyWhite crane Ganoderma lucidum (ringworm grass) fresh goods is better, if there is no fresh goods, available dry goods, the amount of half.Mimosa fresh, slightly sweet when the tea can be used. If there is no fresh goods, available dry goods, the amount of half. From the herbal shop to buy Po salt head, once a day with 2 two Jianshui warm clothes, continuous service after three days stop. Teng rattan grass 2 2 + Chine 5 money + Nepeta 3 money and other Jianshui take, continuous service after three days to stop.

If you still have any doubts, you can feel to contact me by  E-mail,or WhatsApp / Phone Number: 008615132830921.

Kidney disease can eat purple sweet potatoes

Purple sweet potato in addition to ordinary ingredients with sweet potato, it contains about 20% of the protein, including 18 kinds of amino acids, easily digested and absorbed by the body, including vitamin C, B, A and other eight kinds of vitamins and phosphorus, iron and so on more than 10 Mineral elements, for sweet potatoes, kidney disease should be appropriate.

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Diet also need to pay attention to the following:1, - salt intakeOur normal adult daily intake of salt 5-6 grams of renal edema patients should control the salt intake, 2-3 grams per person into the salt is a low-salt diet. But also can not salt-free diet, a long time easy to fatigue, dizziness and so on.

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2, - water intakeAcute nephritis, acute renal failure oliguria and nephrotic syndrome, chronic renal failure with oliguria edema patients, to strictly control the amount of water into the urine volume plus 500 ml is appropriate. Increase the amount of urine after the water can be relaxed. And normal urine output of the patient is not limited to water.3, - diet tabooKidney disease can eat fish, shrimp, eggs, meat food? Fish and shrimp food for high-quality protein, rich in animal protein, the human body is very important, but when the kidney function decreased, it is appropriate to reduce the intake, so as not to increase Kidney burden, and not eat animal offal.

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4, - protein intakeGeneral chronic kidney disease, there is no limit in eating protein, but to regularly review renal function. The clinical creatinine and urea nitrogen slightly elevated patients, the daily intake of protein should be 0.6-0,8 g / kg body weight, the choice of high quality protein.

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If you still have any doubts, you can feel to contact me by  E-mail,or WhatsApp / Phone Number: 008615132830921.