Diet plays an important role for kidney disease patients, it can help reduce kidney burden and slow down the disease. Have you got a good diet chart with your kidney disease? This blog can help you get further understanding.

How to help the kidneys detox

Kidney is the body's main detoxification organ, if the kidney is damaged, renal function will decline, toxins will gather in the human body, affecting the health of the human body. So, for our healthy life, in our daily lives, how should we help the kidneys detox?

Blood Purification
First, look at the performance of excessive renal endotoxin
1. mandibular pox. Mandibular is the jurisdiction of the kidneys, if the toxins in the kidney too much, the mandible will be long acne
Edema Kidney damage, can not discharge excess water, moisture will be retained in the human body, the formation of edema.
3. menstrual abnormalities. Menstruation can show good or bad renal function. If the menstrual flow is small, or short period of time, the color is dim, then the kidney is too much toxins.
4. easy to fatigue, chills, cold hair loss, hair loss and so on.


How can I help the kidneys detox?
1. drink water After a night of metabolism, the body of toxins accumulated in the kidney, between 5-7 a cup of boiled water, can effectively promote the release of toxins in the body.
2. Eat some food with detoxification function.
Melon is a good diuretic food that can help us through the urine to exclude excess body water and toxins.
Cucumber has the function of cleaning the urethra.
Cherry is beneficial to kidney detoxification.
Yam has the role of nourishing the kidneys, can enhance the renal detoxification function.

    Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy

Black beans are rich in antioxidants, such as isoflavones, anthocyanins, vitamin E, can kidney and blood, clear free radicals in the body.
Black fungus with qi and blood circulation, cooling blood moisturizing effect, to clear the blood heat poison, to avoid its deposition in the kidney, but also can improve the human hair boring, off the phenomenon.
Black sesame seeds contain a variety of essential amino acids in the human body, can be in the role of vitamin E and vitamin B1, involved in human metabolism and renal detoxification.
3. Press the kidney of the detoxification points, Yongquan (foot of the first 1/3, does not include the toes), not too hard, about 5 minutes can be pressed, is conducive to the release of renal toxins.

If you still have any doubts, you can feel to contact me by E-mail,,or WhatsApp : 008615132830921.


How to recuperate after rehabilitation of nephrotic syndrome

Nephrotic syndrome after rehabilitation how to recuperate? Nephrotic syndrome is a kidney disease, early detection of nephrotic syndrome, active treatment, the prognosis is better, of course, must be combined with the patient's condition to determine the specific situation, this is very important.

Diet to Be Recommended in Nephrotic Syndrome


First, the life of the Notes

1. Note cold and warm, get up early to sleep, to ensure adequate rest, do more outdoor activities, but do not be too tired, pay attention to oral and skin care.

2. Attention to prevent colds.

3. Do not have the burden of thought.

What Are Diet Principles for Nephrotic Syndrome Patients

Second, the diet on the note

1. diet should be light, appropriate drinking water

2. eat more vegetables and fruits with vitamins,

3. do not benefit a lot of food into the protein

4. Note that vitamin and trace elements.

If you still have any doubts, you can feel to contact me by

E-mail :chinakidneyhospital@gmail,or WhatsApp : 008615132830921.