Diet plays an important role for kidney disease patients, it can help reduce kidney burden and slow down the disease. Have you got a good diet chart with your kidney disease? This blog can help you get further understanding.

Urine protein 2+ will have any effect.

For the current nephritis patients with proteinuria symptoms, the elimination of proteinuria has formed a routine: proteinuria → hormones → test negative Yin → cold → proteinuria repeated → hormone dosage. However, many patients with nephritis after the application of hormone therapy proteinuria disappeared after the vigilance of a few years later but accidentally developed into uremia, proteinuria disappeared has become a "flower shelf" to eliminate proteinuria once again become empty talk!
In fact, the elimination of proteinuria by the application of hormones, mainly by inhibiting the immune cells: macrophages, B cells, immune mother cell information transmission, so that the body's immune response is inhibited, which play a reduction in immune complex deposition on the Inherent cell damage. At the same time, glucocorticoids can balance the synthesis and degradation of polysaccharides to protect the intercellular matrix; inhibition of prostaglandin production, inhibition of platelet factor activity, reduce the renal toxicity factor synthesis and release, play an anti-inflammatory effect. Glucocorticoid application can relieve its symptoms, short-term effect is very good.
Clinical medical records also verify that hormone therapy proteinuria does benefit the public effect, the medical profession does not deny the anti-inflammatory effects of hormones are still necessary to continue to implement. It is worrying that proteinuria is not effectively reduced because all the problems lie in how to alter the pathological changes of the kidney's inherent cells due to inflammatory reactions (eg, mesangial cell proliferation, mesangial matrix, glomerular Of the basement membrane changes, glomerular fibrosis, hardening) to be repaired. Undoubtedly, when the simple hormone treatment of proteinuria scale is too large and deformity development to the current status quo, its destruction is difficult to be digested.

If you still have any doubts, you can feel to contact me by E-mail,or WhatsApp : 008615132830921.

How does kidney nephrotic syndrome cure kidney?

Experts suggest that patients with nephrotic syndrome, nephrotic syndrome, care measures should be appropriate and reasonable, contribute to the treatment of nephrotic syndrome, to prevent the disease deteriorated. Summer nephrotic syndrome in patients with care need to pay attention to the following points:

One, - diet can not be cool and cool

Summer, nephrotic syndrome patients should be strictly enforced diet rules, must not eat, so as not to increase the burden on the kidneys. Especially in the summer, patients with nephrotic syndrome with caution cool drinks.

Second, - adjust the emotional plot to save fine

Nephrotic syndrome patients to maintain optimism is most important. Reluctance is often repeated illness, blood pressure fluctuations in the important reasons. Nephrotic syndrome course of the disease, the patient must have the confidence to overcome the disease, the treatment of nephrotic syndrome in your adherence, a good attitude for the rehabilitation of the disease is very important.

Three, - living sometimes cautious sunshine

Nephrotic syndrome patients, must comply with the weather changes, to develop a good habit of living. The patient's own immune function is low, it should be cautious in the sun, so as to avoid exacerbation of skin inflammation.

Fourth, - pay attention to the room environment attention to sleep health

Nephrotic syndrome patients should pay attention to the usual amount of environmental health, the room should be arranged spacious, clear, ventilation, ventilation, to maintain a certain temperature. Nephrotic syndrome easily due to rapid changes in hot and cold and the occurrence of cold, which induced the disease repeated, this is the patient must pay attention to.

Five, - appropriate exercise pay attention to health

Nephrotic syndrome patients should be appropriate exercise, such as walking, playing tai chi, practicing qigong and so on. Forging time to morning and evening is appropriate, in addition, in the diet, nephrotic syndrome patients can not eat sour rot, enzyme rotten or unclean food overnight, in order to avoid gastrointestinal diseases, affecting rehabilitation.

If you still have any doubts, you can feel to contact me by E-mail,or WhatsApp : 008615132830921.