Diet plays an important role for kidney disease patients, it can help reduce kidney burden and slow down the disease. Have you got a good diet chart with your kidney disease? This blog can help you get further understanding.

Renal failure diet therapy

Renal failure is a variety of kidney disease development to a serious decline in renal function of a performance, in addition to timely treatment, diet changes for renal failure patients is also essential, it is reasonable to ease the development of renal failure in the diet An important role. Next, listen to experts talk about kidney failure diet therapy.

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1. Take the right amount of high quality protein.Renal failure patients due to severe kidney damage, decreased renal function, limiting protein intake is conducive to reducing the burden on the kidneys, to ensure that the kidney work. But if you eat too little can not meet the normal needs of patients, it will lead to malnutrition and other patients.

2. Control moisture. Renal failure due to decreased renal function, can also produce edema and other phenomena, so patients should control the intake of water, to avoid a lot of water.

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3. Control salt intake. Excessive salt intake, will increase the burden on the kidneys, resulting in the phenomenon of water and sodium retention in the body increased, so patients with renal failure should be strictly controlled salt intake, the specific amount of need to be determined according to the patient's own situation.

4. Ensure adequate heat. In order to ensure the normal operation of the body, patients with renal failure should be appropriate to eat some foods rich in carbohydrates to supplement the heat, do not rely solely on protein.

How To Contrl Diet For Kidney Failure Patients

5. High calcium low phosphorus diet. Because renal failure patients will appear low calcium and high phosphorus phenomenon, directly increase the condition, so patients with renal failure to maintain high calcium and low phosphorus diet, to regulate the balance of calcium and phosphorus in the body. May be appropriate to eat some fresh vegetables and seaweed silk and so on.

In short, patients with renal failure should maintain low salt, low quality protein, heat enough, high calcium and low phosphorus light diet, the specific circumstances need to be based on the patient's own condition to determine.

If you want to get some treatment or diet suggestions for kidney problem,you can feel to contact me by E-mail,or WhatsApp:008615132830921.
our doctor will reply you  with professional suggestion.

Repair kidney function diet

Repair of renal function early kidney disease often does not have any symptoms, so you will be surprised at their sudden loss of kidney function. Many people suffer from chronic kidney disease, but most of them do not know. Kidney damage may not be repaired, but a diet designed for your own situation can help you prevent kidney failure, with treatment.

How to Control the Diet for Kidney Failure Patients

Reason / function

Kidney is one of the most critical parts of the human body, is located in the human body abdomen of small organs. It filters the waste and discharges it through the urine to keep the body clean, so it determines how much of the body's waste is. However, for a variety of reasons, your kidneys can not function effectively. Often, it is caused by other problems in the body, including type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and high blood pressure.

If a person's kidney function drops, it means that the kidneys can not fulfill their duties, and the waste will remain in the blood. Diabetes and high blood pressure can damage the kidneys and cause chronic kidney disease.

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Dietary principles

In order to ensure your kidney health, to avoid excessive kidney pressure, run too hard, you need low protein diet, because too much protein will lead to increased blood in the waste. So the patient should drink less liquid, because the kidney every time in the body through the treatment of every drop of liquid.


The doctor will be based on your specific test results and renal function to recommend the body to consume protein goals. But in general, patients eat less protein than before. Should be used in the diet with carbohydrates instead of protein, because carbohydrates are more likely to digest, it will not increase kidney pressure.

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You also need to avoid the hidden source of salt in the diet. Eating too much salt will lead to high blood pressure, so you want to drink something. The doctor will tell you how much salt to eat, but the general diet principle is to choose low salt food. In addition, you should avoid eating salt-added meat, such as bacon and ham. Put the salt bottle into your line of sight, do not be tempted.


Kidney disease is generally irreversible, but if the diet to be considered, to avoid more damage, kidney disease can stop the development. If you have the risk of suffering from kidney disease, or have been diagnosed with kidney disease, you should first check, communicate with the doctor and then start to develop a kidney function to restore the diet.

If you want to get some treatment or diet suggestions for kidney problem,you can feel to contact me by E-mail,or WhatsApp:008615132830921.
our doctor will reply you  with professional suggestion.

Dietary principles of diabetic nephropathy

Diabetic patients should control the diet to reduce the burden of islet β cells, but can be associated with diabetic nephropathy, dietary control need to consider the patient's urine protein loss and renal function.

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(1) if the intermittent or persistent proteinuria produce hypoproteinemia, and no significant nitrosis, the protein supply divided by the daily 1 g / kg body weight calculation, the need to increase the excretion of urine Protein quality, at this time most of the patients have decreased renal function, so the amount of protein should not be too high.

(2) both edema or high blood pressure, should be used less salt, no salt, or less sodium diet, to prevent the development of edema and increased blood pressure.

(3) the majority of patients with kidney disease associated with hypertension and hyperlipidemia, should be appropriate to reduce fat and more use of unsaturated fatty acids, cholesterol should be limited to 300mg the following.

(4) According to the fasting blood glucose reference size, may be appropriate to increase carbohydrates, but the heat from the carbohydrate should not be 70%.

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(5) Some people think that poor control of diabetes, red blood cells to reduce the ability of oxygen, advocated with high-phosphorus diet, but should be strictly controlled diabetes, if renal dysfunction, high-phosphorus diet on the patient.

(6) In the event of anemia symptoms, should be rich in iron and vitamin C in the deployment of food, such as anemia must be supplemented by drugs or even blood transfusion.

(7) diabetic nephropathy in patients with renal insufficiency, such as renal transplantation or dialysis therapy, the principle of dietary treatment can refer to acute and chronic renal failure, dialysis Yefa and other related content.

If you are suffering from  kidney disease and its complications,you can ask questions in the message board, our experts will answer your questions as soon as possible, you also You can e-mail to our expert mailbox,or WhatsApp:008615132830921.
our doctor will reply you  with professional suggestion.

How to diagnose early diabetic nephropathy?

At present domestic and foreign widely used radioimmunoassay detection of urinary albumin excretion, is conducive to the discovery of early diabetic nephropathy. It is generally believed that urinary albumin excretion in the continuous urine test for 6 months is 0 ~ 200μg / min (30 ~ 300mg / 24 hours), and other causes of urinary albumin excretion may be ruled out, such as urinary tract infection , Heart failure, exercise, essential hypertension, ketoacidosis, etc., that is diagnosed as early diabetic nephropathy.

Such patients without clinical proteinuria (due to conventional methods can not check the urine protein content) and other clinical manifestations, only showed increased renal volume, accompanied by increased glomerular filtration rate. In recent years, the use of insulin pump to control blood glucose for a long period of time to normal levels, can reduce urinary albumin excretion, renal volume and glomerular filtration rate returned to normal.

If you are suffering from  kidney disease and its complications,you can ask questions in the message board, our experts will answer your questions as soon as possible, you also You can e-mail to our expert mailbox,or WhatsApp : 008615132830921.
our doctor will reply you  with professional suggestion.