Diet plays an important role for kidney disease patients, it can help reduce kidney burden and slow down the disease. Have you got a good diet chart with your kidney disease? This blog can help you get further understanding.

Clinical manifestations of renal failure

Can be divided into three periods:
First, oliguria ① most of the pioneer symptoms in 12-24 hours after the onset of oliguria (daily urine output 50-400ml) or anuria. Generally lasts for 2-4 weeks. ② may have anorexia, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, hiccups, dizziness, headache, irritability, anemia, bleeding tendency, breathing deep and fast, and even coma, convulsions. ③ accumulation of metabolites: blood urea nitrogen, creatinine, etc. increased. Metabolic acidosis occurs. ④ electrolyte disorders: may have high blood potassium, hyponatremia, high blood magnesium, high blood phosphorus, low calcium and so on. Especially hyperkalemia. Severe cases can lead to cardiac arrest. ⑤ water balance imbalance, easy to produce too much water retention slip; severe lead to heart failure, pulmonary edema or brain edema. ⑥ easy to secondary respiratory system and urinary tract infection.
Second, polyuria after oliguria urine output gradually increased, when the daily urine output more than 500ml, that is, into the polyuria period. Since then, urine output doubled daily, the maximum daily urine output 3000-6000ml, or even up to 10,000ml or more. In the polyuria initial, although the increase in urine output, but the kidney clearance rate is still low, the accumulation of metabolites in the body still exists. About 4-5 days later, blood urea nitrogen, creatinine and so on with the urine increased gradually decreased, uremic symptoms also improved. Potassium, sodium, chlorine and other electrolytes from the urine can cause a large number of electrolyte discharge or dehydration, should pay attention to the peak period of oliguria may be changed to hypokalemia. This period lasts for 1-3 weeks.

Third, the recovery of urine gradually returned to normal, 3-12 months of gradual recovery of renal function, most patients with renal function can be restored to normal levels, only a small number of patients to chronic renal failure.

If you still have any doubts, you can feel to contact me by E-mail,or WhatsApp : 008615132830921.


Alert to acute renal failure

Common diseases that increase the risk of acute renal failure are chronic kidney disease (eg, nephrotic syndrome), renal vascular sclerosis, liver disease, diabetes, heart failure, hypertension and obesity.
People with these diseases should pay attention to:

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1) When there is no urine for 24 hours, you should call the doctor immediately.
2) When there is difficulty urinating, hematuria, reduced urine output, weight loss, nausea, vomiting, lack of energy and anxiety, should be vigilant, and their attending physician contact, do further examination to obvious cause.
3) Some people have the above symptoms, the habit of observation of two or three days, look at the situation, and then to the hospital, it is not desirable. This will delay the diagnosis and treatment of acute renal failure, often missed the best timing of treatment, and even cause the risk of life. In the early stages of the disease, doctors can increase the kidney blood flow, promote the discharge of urine and symptomatic treatment to maintain kidney function.

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4) Once the above symptoms occur, be sure to go to the professional staff there, rather than casually to a clinic will be able to solve the problem, not to believe that those who do not have qualified doctors or eat their own medicine. Remember that acute renal failure is different from normal kidney disease. If you do not get the right treatment, it can take away the patient's life or leave a sequelae.
5) The goal of acute renal failure treatment is to remove the cause of renal failure caused by the normal function of the kidneys before the recovery of drugs or dialysis to maintain its function, prevention and treatment of renal failure caused by complications.

If you still have any doubts, you can feel to contact me by E-mail,or WhatsApp : 008615132830921.