Diet plays an important role for kidney disease patients, it can help reduce kidney burden and slow down the disease. Have you got a good diet chart with your kidney disease? This blog can help you get further understanding.

Purpura nephritis lifestyle

Allergic purpura is caused by infection, food caused by a kind of capillary allergy disease. Due to the performance of the skin and mucous membrane purpura (petechia and ecchymosis) so called allergic purpura. In fact, this kind of capillary disease is systemic. Patients often accompanied by rash, joint pain, gastrointestinal disease and renal function damage proteinuria and so on. When the patient gets kidney disease, changing his lifestyle in time to protect the kidneys is very necessary for a healthier life. Here our experts on what a few comments.

Daily Diet Suggestions for Purpura Nephritis Patients

A good way of life can promote physical and mental rest, such as renal hypertension should be measured blood pressure, according to changes in blood pressure increased bed rest time.

Diet should be based on the situation of each disease to the patient's specific dietary guidance, such as renal insufficiency, should be high-calorie, high-quality low-protein diet, limit into the liquid, to maintain water balance, the recovery of the disease is very good effect.

Foods To Be Eaten for Purpura Nephritis Patients

Limit the intake of high protein foods, purpura nephritis can be cured? For nutritional supplements in diet there are some problems, such as mental stress and their own economic conditions, loss of appetite and other factors, making the body more weak, easy to cause Cold, gastrointestinal infections.

Appropriate exercise, not only can enhance the body's resistance to disease, to maintain a pleasant mood, but also to a certain extent, increase the amount of food for the malnutrition, lack of protein-induced muscle atrophy, there are some improvements.

Foods to Avoid If You Are Diagnosed With Henoch Schonlein Purpura Nephritis

Purpura nephritis is not as serious as you think, as long as the care treatment properly, to restore health may be great, so patients should actively face the disease, and good with the treatment in order to better recovery.

If you want to get some treatment or diet suggestions for kidney problem,you can feel to contact me by E-mail,or WhatsApp / Viber:008615132830921.
our doctor will reply you  with professional suggestion.

How early in the discovery of pediatric purpura nephritis

Purpura nephritis is an immune disease caused by allergic purpura caused by kidney damage, mainly in children. Mainly because of eating or allergies caused by medication. Its serious harm to the healthy growth of children. So, how early in the discovery of pediatric purpura nephritis it?

In order to avoid the emergence of purpuric nephritis, parents must be given enough attention to the patient, pay close attention to the child's every move, timely prevention or early detection of pediatric purpura nephritis.

How to Prevent Purpura Develop Into Purpura Nephritis

Pediatric purpura nephritis early symptoms:

1. Children's long eczema on the skin, often small lumps, and very itchy;

2. children's skin dry, molting, tingling, red itching and so on;

3. Children often rub their eyes, pull the nose, runny nose, sneezing, which sneeze is a child with purpura nephritis obvious symptoms;

4. After running or laughing, the child will cough, when the season exchange or eating time will be coughing, especially seafood, chicken;

How to Prevent the Progression of Purpura Nephritis

5. children play when the energy is very abundant, but walking is very strenuous, do not want to go;

6. Children will become particularly active, but also easy to sweat, easy to cold, easy to be frightened at night, sleep well.

7. If children suffering from pediatric purpura nephritis, there will be green eye socket, cry when there will be red eyebrows.

Purpura Nephritis Treatment: Difficult to Treat and Easy to Relapse

Above is about children with purpuric nephritis early symptoms, if you find your child more than one or more symptoms, it is necessary to take the child to the hospital to undergo a comprehensive examination, if it is really children with purpura nephritis, then To be treated in time. In addition, parents must pay close attention to the child's diet, banned eating spicy spicy food, avoid greasy, diet should be light and rich in nutrients, easy to digest and so on.

If you still have any doubts, you can feel to contact me by E-mail,or WhatsApp / Viber: 008615132830921.