Diet plays an important role for kidney disease patients, it can help reduce kidney burden and slow down the disease. Have you got a good diet chart with your kidney disease? This blog can help you get further understanding.

How to prevent chronic kidney disease?

Kidney as an important organ of the human body, in maintaining the body's metabolism, to maintain the environment, stability plays an important role. However, its performance is very hidden, and even difficult to find.

Why Is Eating Plan Important for Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD)

Causes of chronic kidney disease How to prevent chronic kidney disease Prevention of chronic kidney disease
Chronic kidney disease is a disease caused by a variety of causes of kidney damage, the cause of complex. Early onset, symptoms and more atypical, can be completely no symptoms or symptoms are not obvious, often can not cause enough attention to patients and their families. In addition, because the kidney compensatory function is extremely strong, even if the kidney function has been moderate injury, chronic kidney disease patients may still not have any obvious symptoms. Coupled with some people in the physical examination does not attach importance to the detection of renal function, which led to many people have chronic kidney disease can not be found in time, once found, the condition has been very serious.

Healthy Eating for People With Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD)

Therefore, we should pay enough attention and attention to the kidneys, adhere to regular physical examination, especially the detection of renal function, if you have suffering from high blood pressure, diabetes, etc., we must go to the hospital as soon as possible to do a comprehensive physical examination. At the same time, in daily life, such as fatigue, ease tired, loss of appetite, decreased thinking and other symptoms, should pay attention to these may be the early manifestations of chronic renal failure.
How to prevent chronic kidney disease?
1, balanced diet, light taste, quit smoking, drink appropriate, to avoid alcohol, overeating and other increased kidney burden.
2, appropriate exercise, weight control, more water, do not hold back urine.
3, to avoid colds, especially children appear throat, tonsil inflammation in the doctor under the guidance of standardized treatment to prevent streptococcal infection induced kidney disease.

Diet for CKD Patients With Creatinine 6.3

Causes of chronic kidney disease How to prevent chronic kidney disease Prevention of chronic kidney disease
4, to avoid abuse of drugs, such as long-term use of analgesics, improper use of aminoglycoside antibiotics.
5, people with high risk factors for chronic kidney disease need to actively control the risk factors (such as control of good blood sugar, blood pressure, uric acid, blood lipids, weight, etc.), under the guidance of a specialist adhere to reasonable medication, regular monitoring of renal function, urine, urine Microalbumin, etc., in order to find early kidney damage.

If you want to understand the natural therapies for treating nephrotic,you can feel to contact me by E-mail,,or WhatsApp:008615132830921.

Chronic renal failure diet Collection

Most of the disease are eating out, chronic renal failure is no exception. To understand the knowledge of chronic renal failure diet, for kidney friends, especially early renal failure kidney friends is necessary. However, to develop healthy chronic kidney failure diet, often need to give up some food to meet the appetite, which requires kidney friends and their families to work together.
Chronic renal failure diet Collection:

Collection 1: reduce the intake of protein

In the kidney to meet the basic needs of the body under the premise of the protein, to minimize the intake of protein in order to minimize the burden on the kidneys. It is estimated that the average amount of protein intake per day for children with chronic renal failure is 0.5 to 0.6 grams per kilogram of body weight. Eating too high protein foods will increase the burden on the kidneys, so that urea nitrogen increased; and inadequate intake of protein can cause malnutrition, may also promote increased serum creatinine.

Collection II: try to avoid eating vegetable protein

Chronic kidney failure diet should try to avoid intake of some beans, soy products and other high protein content of plant protein, such as mushrooms, fungus, peanuts, melon seeds and so on. Because the human body on the use of plant protein is low, eating plant protein after the human body produces more metabolic waste, will increase the burden on the kidneys.

Collection three: keep low salt low sodium diet

Chronic renal failure with hypertension and swollen kidney friends, to limit the intake of sodium, if necessary, also need to be salt-free diet. When the kidney friends with diuretics or accompanied by vomiting, diarrhea, should be appropriate according to the specific circumstances of eating sodium salt.

Collection four: not eat spicy food stimulation

Try not to eat chili, shrimp, crab and other seafood and spiced powder, aniseed, toon, parsley and so on. Because this type of food is likely to cause high blood pressure, but also cause allergies.

Collection five: Shen eat high potassium food:

Hyperthyroidism can cause heart conduction and contraction abnormalities, severe cases can lead to death. Therefore, Shen Gao high potassium food.

If you want to understand the natural therapies for treating nephrotic,you can feel to contact me by E-mail,,or WhatsApp:008615132830921.