Diet plays an important role for kidney disease patients, it can help reduce kidney burden and slow down the disease. Have you got a good diet chart with your kidney disease? This blog can help you get further understanding.

Renal failure prevention

Renal failure prevention - renal failure has become a serious threat to human life safety of a kidney disease, so we should be happy from the details of life, do a good job of kidney failure disease prevention work. Below the kidney failure experts to introduce the prevention of kidney failure five steps, I hope everyone attention.

      1, should take as little as possible hormone drugs, hormone drugs will have a certain stimulating effect on the kidneys, as little as possible to eat medicine, it is best to open by the physician just before taking.

2, in the diet, should not eat too salty things, you can replace the sugar or other tastes, drink plenty of water.

3, for patients with high blood pressure, should pay attention to strict control of blood pressure, to avoid high blood pressure caused by renal failure, to patients with serious injury.

      4, for patients with renal failure, the diet should try to eat or not eat legumes, because the beans in the protein is not good, will form uremia, increase the load of the kidney.

5, daily life should not stay up all night, and the transition of fatigue, it is easy to increase the burden on the kidneys.


If you want to get some treatment or diet suggestions for kidney problem,you can feel to contact me by E-mail,or WhatsApp / Phone:008613633219293.

Chinese medicine to prevent renal failure

     When the emergence of kidney failure, people should pay attention to the diagnosis and treatment methods, although the failure of kidney failure in a serious life, but also to their own heart to comfort, pay attention to the treatment of renal failure. How is traditional Chinese medicine for kidney failure?

      Chinese medicine believes that chronic kidney failure both righteous consumption, but also real evil Yunzheng, is the virtual standard real, the actual situation of mixed disease. Is evil and gas, blood, yin and yang different; evil is evil, wet turbid heat poison, blood stasis, moving wind, Yun sputum and so on. Renal failure of the lesion can involve many organs, such as the spleen, kidney, liver, heart, lung, stomach, before the two symptoms more obvious. Kidney deficiency can cause kidney gasification dysfunction, kidney failure, can not timely grooming, transfer, transport water and poison, and thus the formation of wet turbidity, damp heat, blood stasis, uremia and other cult poison.

Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy

      Traditional Chinese medicine micro-traditional Chinese medicine is based on the motherland medicine "traditional Chinese medicine" as the basis, so that the active ingredients of drugs penetrate into the kidney, speed up the body's blood circulation, through the expansion of perirenal blood vessels, warm pass kidney meridians, Vascular circulation, enhance the body's metabolism, promote the absorption of pathological products, so as to reduce serum creatinine, to promote the elimination of toxins, activation of renal units, restore renal function. Pure traditional Chinese medicine therapy can expand the renal artery and gastrointestinal artery, increase the kidney and the body's blood perfusion; improve microcirculation, increase oxygen, increase metabolism; alleviate the hypoxia caused by the internal environment disorder; The

Blood Pollution Therapy
      Renal dilation of the renal artery at all levels, thereby increasing the effective amount of glomerular perfusion, reducing the glomerular pressure, but also reduce the glomerular hyperfiltration state. Will eventually delay and control the progress of glomerular sclerosis. Peripheral vasodilation, due to increased systemic effective blood circulation, it must improve the skin and microcirculation disorder status, slow due to renal failure caused by poisoning symptoms. Gastrointestinal vasodilation, increased blood perfusion of the digestive tract, improved renal failure caused by gastrointestinal microcirculation disorders, at this time gastrointestinal mucosal edema began to subside, digestive juice began to increase secretion, intestinal detoxification function began to increase The This is also pure Chinese medicine uremic spirit ointment can achieve the purpose.

If you want to get some treatment or diet suggestions for kidney problem,you can feel to contact me by E-mail,or WhatsApp / Phone:008613633219293.

Teach you how to avoid kidney disease

 There are many causes of kidney disease, and very complicated. Nephrotoxic drugs, bad habits, fatigue and other internal and external factors can be pathogenic. Between the human organs, the environment and the outer environment are maintained between the dynamic balance. Internal and external a variety of pathogenic factors if the destruction of the body's balance, resulting in viscera qi and blood disorders, disease and kidney, then cause kidney disease. 
So specifically what is the cause of kidney disease in the end it?

1, infection: bacterial infection, seen in streptococcal infection after nephritis, bacterial endocarditis, chronic pyelonephritis with reflux kidney disease; virus infection found in hepatitis B, cytomegalovirus, infectious mononucleosis syndrome. Infection, fever caused by aggravating kidney disease.

Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy

2, poisoning, nephrotoxic drugs, allergies: drugs that can seriously damage the kidneys: aminoglycoside antibiotics such as kanamycin, gentamicin, streptomycin; cephalosporins such as Pioneer II, Pioneer V Etc .; acetaminophen, indomethacin and other anti-inflammatory antipyretic analgesic drugs; antimicrobial drugs in amphotericin, vancomycin, polymyxin, rifampicin, tetracyclines, penicillins, cyclosporine A ; Anti-tumor drugs in the mitomycin, methotrexate, cyclohexanone nitrosourea, more soft one (doxorubicin), streptozotocin; sulfa, penicillamine, allopurinol, amphetamine, Ketone, mercaptopropylpropionate, halo, methoxy ****, dimethoate alkaloid, iodine contrast agent and other drugs. There are many people think that the most safe traditional Chinese medicine, in fact, many traditional Chinese medicine is also a serious toxicity, especially in some Chinese medicine diuretic, blood stasis, aroma channeling and some highly toxic drugs such as wood pass, Gan Sui, Euphorbia, business Land, centipede, cantharidin, triangular, arsenic, realgar and some herbal remedies, etc., if used improper or excessive dose, will cause serious damage to the kidneys.

Blood Pollution Therapy

3, the immune system: pathogens invade the human body, the body's defense system will produce antibodies against these pathogens, but in the process of antibody resistance to pathogens, some immune complex deposition in the glomerular membrane can cause kidney cell damage , Necrosis, and thus disease.

4, many diseases can cause glomerular capillary filtration membrane damage, leading to nephrotic syndrome. Hypertension history of 5 to 10 years or more. Early only nocturia increased, followed by proteinuria, individual cases may be due to capillary rupture and produce transient glaucoma, but not with significant low back pain. Often associated with atherosclerotic retinopathy, left ventricular hypertrophy, coronary heart disease, heart failure, cerebral arteriosclerosis and / or cerebrovascular accident history. Slow progress of the course of progress, a small part gradually developed into renal failure, most renal dysfunction and severe conventional urine abnormalities. Malignant hypertension, diastolic blood pressure should be more than 16Kpa (120mmHg), accompanied by significant heart and brain complications and rapid development, a large number of proteinuria, often accompanied by hematuria, renal dysfunction.

5, bad habits: long-term holding back urine is not only easy to cause bladder injury, urine retention for a long time in the bladder can easily lead to bacterial reproduction, once the return of the ureter and kidney back, one of the toxic substances will cause kidney infection, causing kidney disease The6, the external environment: poor external environmental factors such as cold, wet and so on.

7, diet: too much salt easily lead to kidney disease. The main ingredient of salt is sodium chloride. Sodium is essential for the body of mineral nutrients, chlorine on the production of gastric acid and maintain the human blood osmotic pressure have a certain effect, but the salt in the sodium, the body content is too high can make the body of water, resulting in edema, So that blood volume and arterial tension increased, leading to increased blood pressure, so the high salt content of people, the incidence of high blood pressure is also high. And hypertension is very easy to complicated with kidney disease.8, microcirculation disorders: plasma viscosity, whole blood viscosity, fibrin content and platelet aggregation significantly increased the phenomenon, leading to renal cell ischemia or necrosis.9, long-term body fluids in the acidic environment, are alkaline minerals

Experts must remind the patient is that the above is just a reference, the patient must be combined with their own condition for a reasonable diet, must follow the doctor's advice. I suggest you directly click on the online consultation, and experts directly to communicate, the experts give you a detailed answer and targeted guidance.

I hope the above informations can help you and your friends around you. If you still have other questions, you can consult our online doctors, or you can feel to contact me by E-mail,or WhatsApp / Phone:008613633219293.

Children with nephrotic syndrome should pay attention to diet

Children with nephrotic syndrome is a child of kidney disease, life, children with nephrotic syndrome more and more patients. What are the dietary considerations for children with nephrotic syndrome?

Children's nephrotic syndrome diet should contain enough vitamin A, vitamin C and B vitamins, and rich iron, but also to add calcium, so as to avoid calcium deficiency caused by osteoporosis. Taboo eating spicy food and strong spices.

What is Permanent Solution for Nephrotic Syndrome In Children

Children's nephrotic syndrome diet should contain enough vitamin A, vitamin C and B vitamins, and rich iron, but also to add calcium, so as to avoid calcium deficiency caused by osteoporosis. Taboo eating spicy food and strong spices.Nephrotic syndrome in children with a large number of urine protein, due to long-term protein discharge with urine caused by hypoproteinemia and hypercholesterolemia, in view of the above, parents should be based on the patient's condition to develop a reasonable diet, but because of the disease Children often loss of appetite, do not want to eat, high protein, high calorie can not intake. Reasonable diet is an important part of the treatment of children with kidney disease, nephrotic syndrome is a chronic wasting disease, the performance is systemic edema.

Prognosis of Nephrotic Syndrome in Children

Therefore, parents should always adjust the color and flavor of the diet, improve the quality of food to meet the children's eating habits, to encourage children to actively cooperate with the disease to achieve the requirements of kidney disease nutrition therapy.In the edema, oliguria should limit the intake of protein; non-edible non-large number of protein should be appropriate to the amount of protein is appropriate, the children with nephrotic syndrome (in the case of severe edema, protein should be no salt, high protein diet such as eggs, lean meat; Disease after the application of diuretics, low-salt diet, a large number of diuretic can increase noodles, soup and other foods containing sodium.

Children with nephrotic syndrome Urine normal edema subsided, remember not to over limit salt. So as to avoid loss of appetite, taking hormones can increase appetite, should be appropriate to limit the intake of calories to prevent weight gain or liver enlargement.

If you want to get some treatment or diet suggestions for kidney problem, you can feel to contact me by E-mail,or WhatsApp / Phone:008613633219293.