Diet plays an important role for kidney disease patients, it can help reduce kidney burden and slow down the disease. Have you got a good diet chart with your kidney disease? This blog can help you get further understanding.

How to Reduce High Creatinine 673 for IgA Nephropathy Patients

Creatinine 673 refer to a medical condition in which the kidneys have been damaged more than 80%. Medically, the patients with creatinine 673 will endure so much discomforts. While, how to reduce high creatinine 673 for IgA Nephropathy patients?

As a matter of fact, many patients with creatinine 673 went through dialysis termly so as to extend life. In the meanwhile, the certain symptoms will be remitted and creatinine 673 will be dropped down. However, it can not clean away the wastes and toxins thoroughly, and it do not work on repairing kidney function, and thus, the urine output will be less and less with dialysis. In addition to, as dialysis can induce infection, poor appetite, muscle cramp and other uneasiness, the patients wonder is there any other treatment to refuse dialysis.

In most countries, kidney transplant is regarded as the only way to help the patients break away from dialysis. In spite of this, not all the patients can take transplant at their own willing as they have to waiting from the healthy and matching kidneys from the donor.

According to these, the renal experts of Beijing Tongshantang Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine invented and developed a new measure including a series of Chinese medicines to help the patients from the root cause, that is to say, from renovating kidney damage and enhancing renal function naturally.

Medical Bath, which primarily contains Full Bath Therapy and Foot Bath in the hospital, is asked the patients to soak the whole or local of body into the medical soup which are decocted in view of patients’ illness conditions. As the active materials enter the body through the skin and take effects in the body, the toxic substances will be carried out of body, the kidney self-healing ability will be enhanced. Also, the creatinine 673 will be lowered and the patients can live a better life without doing dialysis.