Diet plays an important role for kidney disease patients, it can help reduce kidney burden and slow down the disease. Have you got a good diet chart with your kidney disease? This blog can help you get further understanding.

Chinese medicine osmotic blocking renal fibrosis therapy

There are many kinds of Chinese medicine treatment of nephritis, medication methods are also different, traditional Chinese medicine infiltration therapy specifically the following measures:

Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy

1, according to the pathogenesis of kidney disease we can see that the origin of renal fibrosis is the local renal microcirculation caused by renal ischemia and hypoxia, so the traditional Chinese medicine penetration therapy for this, take the "catch the source, blood vessels" measures , Traditional Chinese medicine osmotic therapy active substances into the patient, the expansion of renal artery at all levels, improve local microcirculation, increase the effective perfusion, to alleviate the damaged kidney hypoxia; improve systemic blood circulation, reduce symptoms of poisoning; relieve kidney disease caused by Of the digestive tract mucosal edema, promote digestive juice increase, increase appetite.


2, the formation of renal fibrosis to block the traditional Chinese medicine infiltration therapy is the main measures are: anti-inflammatory, anticoagulant, degradation
3, traditional Chinese medicine infiltration therapy in blocking renal fibrosis at the same time, as well as repair damaged kidney tissue function, promote kidney DNA replication and repair protein synthesis, supplement the required vitamins, amino acids have trace elements. But often for the damaged kidney repair is a long process, the need for kidney patients and their families to do a good job of psychological preparation.

Blood Pollution Therapy

If you want to understand the natural therapies for treating nephrotic,you can feel to contact me by E-mail,,or WhatsApp:008615132830921.

How to correctly identify glomerulonephritis

The specific description of glomerulonephritis is as follows:
Glomerulonephritis is an allergic disease of streptococcal infection. Glomerulonephritis incidence of acute nephritis caused by a small number of delayed healing, the vast majority of onset is chronic. Some patients with glomerulonephritis in the past history of acute nephritis, nephritis symptoms have disappeared for many years, mistakenly believe that has been cured, in fact, suffering from nephritis after kidney injury has continued to slow, after a number of years, kidney disease damage more and more heavy , Renal function gradually decreased, the symptoms of nephritis again and again, and become glomerulonephritis.

What To Do to Cure the Chronic Nephritis

Glomerulonephritis clinical manifestations of edema, hypertension, proteinuria and hematuria and other symptoms, due to pathological changes in a variety of glomerular nephritis symptoms are not the same. Severe glomerulonephritis may develop uremia.
Glomerulonephritis is a change from acute nephritis, is a common chronic kidney disease, more male patients, glomerulonephritis duration of more than 1 year, most of the age of onset in the 20-40 years old.

Natural Remedies for Chronic Nephritis

Glomerular nephritis performed different, and some no obvious symptoms, and some patients with glomerulonephritis obvious hematuria, edema, high blood pressure, and a whole body fatigue, anorexia bloating, anemia and other complications. Most patients with glomerulonephritis progressively increased, but some patients with glomerulonephritis symptoms may be partially or completely alleviated, the course of up to 20-30 years. If the blood pressure continues to rise, visible dizziness, headache, chest tightness, blurred vision embolism.

If you want to understand the natural therapies for treating nephrotic proteinuria or edema,you can feel to contact me by E-mail,or WhatsApp:008615132830921.