Diet plays an important role for kidney disease patients, it can help reduce kidney burden and slow down the disease. Have you got a good diet chart with your kidney disease? This blog can help you get further understanding.

Lupus nephritis diet therapy

Activities should be appropriate to rest, to avoid overwork, but also to maintain a happy mood, to avoid mental stimulation. Do not eat spicy hot things, such as pepper, wine, barbecue and so on. There are edema, high blood pressure should limit water, salt into the amount. Avoid cold, sun and sun exposure, to avoid the use of drugs can induce the disease such as penicillin, sulfonamides, hydralazine, chlorpromazine, contraceptives and so on. During the period of stable illness, appropriate participation in sports activities to enhance physical fitness.

Lupus Nephritis in Children: What Should Be Treatment

Therapeutic method

(1) bamboo gypsum boiled rice porridge fresh bamboo leaves 200g ,, gypsum 100 g, 100 g of rice, fresh bamboo leaves washed with gypsum with water 1000ml boiled, water 10 minutes after the slag, with bamboo gypsum boiled Jelly rice porridge. 2-3 times a day. Applicable to lupus nephritis fever (high temperature above 39 ℃), is a hot poison flock.

    (2) two mother fish water fish (about 500 g) Fritillaria 5 g, Anemarrhena 5 g, exocarp 5 g, almonds 5 g, the water fish to the head and internal organs, cut into the bowl , Add the above drugs, the amount of rice wine, salt, add water, no fish, into the steamer steam for 1 hour, hot sub-Dayton consumption, for patients with lupus nephritis five upset hot, hot flashes, night sweats, Throat mouth dry mouth, the card is anxious heat.
Lupus Nephritis: Chinese Treatment Help Stop Swelling and Proteinuria

    (3) eight treasure porridge Gorgon, barley, white lentils, lotus, yam, red dates, longan, lily 6 g, rice 150 g, the eight Chinese herbal medicine Jianshui amount, boiling 40 minutes, 150 g scrub, add the above Drugs, continue to boiled porridge. Decoction sugar consumption. For the use of cyclophosphamide, nausea, vomiting, anorexia and other symptoms. This side can reduce the stimulation of cyclophosphamide on the gastrointestinal tract and have a certain diuretic swelling effect.

Can Lifestyle Changes Help Lupus Nephritis Patients
Experts must remind the patient is that the above is just a reference, the patient must be combined with their own condition for a reasonable diet, must follow the doctor's advice. I suggest you directly click on the online consultation, and experts directly to communicate, the experts give you a detailed answer and targeted guidance.

If you still have other questions, you can consult our online doctors,

or you can feel to contact me by E-mail & WhatsApp:008613633219293.

Is Cucumber Healthy for CKD

Patients with kidney problems always have symptom of less urine because of damaged renal function, so, the toxic substances, metabolites, wastes can’t be eliminated out of human body. Patients must pay attention to diet.

Is cucumber healthy for kidney disease? Cucumber contains lots of water, if patients have cucumber regularly and quantificationally, it benefits for increasing urine output and toxic substances run out of human body. But excessive amount will increase burden for kidneys.

CKD: Can Coconut Oil Help to Improve Kidney Function

There are some diet principles for patients with kidney disease.

1 Vitamin A, B2, C is better for patients with kidney problems

2 If the patient have no symptom of edema, they can drink more water, orange juice, watermelon juice which is diuretic.

3 If the patients have symptoms of hypertension and edema, they should intake less salt.

4 Patients should have sufficient high quality protein everyday, such as eggs, meat, milk products which supply lose of excretion, avoid edema and anemia.

5 If the patients have symptom of anemia, the patients should have the food with protein and Fe, such as The liver, kidneys, beef, egg yolk and vegetables; if the patients have symptoms of hypertension and hyperlipaemia, they must limit amount of saturated fatty acids and cholesterin.

Can you Drink Tea in Stage 4 CKD

Diet treatment is a method that cooperate with hospital treatment. our experts team make out therapeutic schedule for patients according to examination result. Our characteristic Chinese therapy includes: Oral Traditional Chinese Medicine, Traditional Chinese Medicine Foot Bath, Medicated Bath, Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy, Enema Detoxification. Our blood purification technology includes: hemodialysis, hemofiltration, hemoperfusion, plasmapheresis and so on. According to patients with different illness, these therapies can be combined reasonably and accurately so as to develop its largest effect. Our ultimate goal of treatment is helping patients clean up blood, repair renal injury, then restore renal function further.

Healthy Diet for Stage 4 Chronic Kidney Disease

If you want to get some treatment or diet suggestions for kidney problem,you can feel to contact me by E-mail & WhatsApp:008613633219293.