Diet plays an important role for kidney disease patients, it can help reduce kidney burden and slow down the disease. Have you got a good diet chart with your kidney disease? This blog can help you get further understanding.

Kidney disease patients with poultry contraindications

chickenChronic nephritis uremia who do not eat. "Chicken is rich in protein, eat more will increase the azotemia and increase the condition of uremia, so unfit for food."
chicken soupChicken soup contains some small molecules of protein, suffering from acute nephritis, anxious, chronic renal insufficiency or uremia patients is very unfavorable. This is because the poor renal function of protein decomposition products can not be treated in time, such as drinking can cause high azotemia, and thus further aggravate the condition.
eggChronic nephritis, especially renal function and metabolic decline, decreased urine output, the body can not be all metabolites from the kidneys in vitro, avoid eating eggs. If too much to eat eggs, easily lead to increased blood urea nitrogen, so that kidney disease increased, resulting in uremia.
gooseThe traditional view and the ancient doctors believe that goose is a big thing. Such as the Tang Dynasty Meng 诜 said: "The goose is too ill." Ming Li Shizhen also said: "Goose, smell thick, Fleshy wind sore poison. "Chronic nephritis is chronic disease, do not eat goose. Goose goose with goose, also belong to hair, such as "diet notes" in the records: "Eggs are warm, eat more goose eggs with chronic illness." Therefore, people with chronic nephritis should not eat.
Pork waist

The traditional argument that: "dirty dirty, eat waist waist", many people see the kidney as a kidney disease, the main food and make up and so on. This is wrong. From the current study, the pig's waist contains more cholesterol and purine, eat will increase or cause hyperlipidemia, hyperuricemia, both of the recovery of kidney disease are harmful. Therefore, patients with kidney disease, especially uric acid nephropathy or hypercholesterolemic patients, must not be pork waist when the tonic eat.

If you still have other questions, you can consult our online doctors, or you can feel to contact me by E-mail,or WhatsApp:008613633219293.

How to improve renal function

How to improve renal function Kidney is an important organ of the body, its main function is to produce urine, excretion of metabolites in the body, regulating the body's acid balance, by the secretion of renin, erythropoietin, prostaglandins and other involved in regulating blood pressure , The production of red blood cells.At present, due to the accelerated pace of life and work pressure increases, more and more people appear kidney and kidney function decline, but also to varying degrees affect people's work and life. Good kidney and kidney function is a guarantee of high quality of life. So how to improve renal function?

In daily life, we can from the following aspects to improve renal function.1. A reasonable diet is very necessary. Kidney is an important excretion of organs, eating too greasy or salty will increase the burden on the kidneys, so in order to improve renal function must first protect the kidneys, the diet should be light, meat and vegetables combined to eat, to maintain low-salt low-fat diet , To avoid overeating. In addition, yam, Chinese wolfberry, walnut, lotus seeds, black sesame seeds, pigeons and other eggs to improve kidney function has some advantages.2. Healthy way of life to improve renal function plays a role can not be ignored. We have to develop the habit of getting up early. Alcohol and tobacco and tea will increase the burden on the kidneys, drink a lot will produce a certain degree of kidney damage. Avoid long and want to control sexual life, because excessive sexual life will increase the burden on the kidneys, a long time will seriously damage the kidneys, reduce renal function.

3. Appropriate exercise can effectively improve renal function. Every day in the air fresh environment to take a deep breath, 6 times a day, every six minutes, 16 times per minute, long-term adherence can enhance renal function, anti-aging. Often do some of the waist as the hub of the slow movement, such as tai chi, sit-ups, so that blood can play a smooth kidney function.4. Do not abuse drugs. Because a lot of drugs with renal toxicity, long-term use will seriously damage the kidneys. So we have to under the guidance of a doctor choose the right drugs to better protect the kidneys, improve renal function.5. prevent colds. Because the cold easily lead to kidney infection, if you find a cold must be timely treatment.

6. Appropriate amount of water and do not hold back urine. Appropriate amount of water can effectively discharge the accumulation of waste and poison in the body, under normal circumstances, drink 1500-2000 ml of water a day the best. Long-term holding urine easy to infect the ureter and kidney, so to avoid holding back urine.The above is about how to improve the renal function of the introduction, I hope you and your family in the usual life to pay close attention to their own health, improve renal function, better work and life.

If you still have other questions, you can consult our online doctors, or you can feel to contact me by E-mail,or WhatsApp:008613633219293.