Diet plays an important role for kidney disease patients, it can help reduce kidney burden and slow down the disease. Have you got a good diet chart with your kidney disease? This blog can help you get further understanding.

Hypertensive nephropathy patients to eat what fruit is better?

Hypertensive nephropathy patients who eat better fruit for patients with hypertensive nephropathy, they have a strict diet requirements, but doctors usually recommend them to eat some fruit, because fresh fruit can add to the body for their vitamins, but also Not to say that all the fruit they can eat. So, what are the fruits of hypertensive nephropathy?
1. pineapple
Pineapple is rich in sugar, fat, protein, vitamins, and calcium, phosphorus, iron, carotene, niacin, ascorbic acid and so on. It is helpful in digestion, mainly in which the pineapple protease is contained. This enzyme in the stomach can be decomposed protein, supplement the lack of digestive enzymes in the human body, so that patients with digestive dysfunction to normal digestive function. In addition, pineapple protease on nephritis, high blood pressure also have a certain therapeutic effect.
2. Mango
Mango carotene content is particularly high, beneficial to vision, can moisturize the skin. Mango vitamin C content is higher than the average fruit, and can reduce cholesterol, triglycerides, often eat mango can continue to add the body's consumption of vitamin C, and have to control cardiovascular disease. When eating mango should avoid eating spaghetti and other spicy food at the same time, so as not to "yellow".
In short, hypertensive nephropathy patients should eat potassium foods: fruit with oranges, apples, bananas, pears, kiwi, persimmon, pineapple, walnut, watermelon and so on. And some foods are, beans, tomatoes, zucchini, celery, fresh mushrooms and a variety of green leafy vegetables. Bananas are rich in protein, sugar, potassium, vitamin A and C at the same time dietary fiber is also more, banana banana plant banana fruit. Quite good nutritious food, but the banana contains more sodium, and nephritis patients with edema, high blood pressure must be limited intake of sodium. If nephritis patients often eat bananas, that is, intake of a large number of sodium, resulting in increased kidney burden, swelling, high blood pressure and other symptoms will increase. Indigestion and diarrhea patients will also make the disease worse after eating. So patients with hypertension is best not to eat bananas, and occasionally eat a okay. In addition, watermelon cool, water content, the elderly physically weak are prone to abdominal pain or diarrhea; heart failure and severe edema patients should not eat.
In addition to diet, treatment is also vital, control of blood pressure can effectively prevent the deterioration of kidney disease.

If you want to get some treatment or diet suggestions for kidney problem, you can feel to contact me by,or WhatsApp:008615132830921.  

Treatment of Hypertensive Nephropathy with Traditional Chinese Medicine

Hypertensive nephropathy is caused by long-term hypertension in patients and has not been effectively controlled. In general, the higher the blood pressure, the more severe the kidney injury. Therefore, timely and effective control of hypertension in hypertensive nephropathy patients is particularly important. Only control blood pressure, can prevent further deterioration of kidney damage. Here, our kidney disease experts recommend some Chinese herbal medicine used to tea, can effectively control high blood pressure, and slow down kidney damage.
- Chrysanthemum tea
Chrysanthemum is the best choice for chamomile, each with about 3 grams of tea to drink, 3 times a day. At the same time with the honeysuckle, licorice with drinking, with Pinggan eyesight, strong heat detoxification effect.
- hawthorn tea
We all know that hawthorn has a good digestion effect, in fact, it also has to expand blood vessels, lower blood sugar, lower blood pressure effect. Every day with fresh hawthorn fruit water to drink, can help patients lower blood pressure, while relieving the symptoms of loss of appetite.
- lotus leaf tea
Lotus leaf has the role of grease and diuretic, the fresh lotus leaf washed chopped, add appropriate amount of water to boil and cool can be used as tea. The role of diuretic can lower blood pressure, while reducing the symptoms of water in patients with water.
- Sophora japonica tea
Sophora japonica on the growth of Sophora japonica fragrance overflowing, in fact, dried buds also have the role of lowering blood pressure, soaked with boiling water as tea, hypertensive nephropathy in patients with blood pressure control has a good effect.
- Pueraria tea
Long-term consumption of Pueraria on hypertensive nephropathy in patients with blood pressure control effect is obvious, usually the puerarin washed into thin slices, 30 grams per day, boiled with hot water when the tea.
- Cassia tea
Chinese medicine cassia seed with blood pressure, blood fat, liver name of the effect, often drink Cassia tea, can treat high blood pressure, dizziness, depending on the symptoms.
- corn tea
Corn must be able to treat high blood pressure, as well as the role of diuretic, often drink can cure kidney disease edema and high blood pressure.
These Chinese herbal medicine for the treatment of hypertensive nephropathy are very effective. In addition to the basic treatment, hypertensive patients can also drink some herbal tea to lower blood pressure, improve renal function. Because the patient's condition will be different, so before drinking herbal tea, remember to ask your doctor of kidney disease, looking for your condition of herbal tea and tea intake.

If you want to get some treatment or diet suggestions for kidney problem, you can feel to contact me by,or WhatsApp:008615132830921.