Diet plays an important role for kidney disease patients, it can help reduce kidney burden and slow down the disease. Have you got a good diet chart with your kidney disease? This blog can help you get further understanding.

A Healthy Diet for Diabetics with Kidney Disease

A healthy diet for diabetics with kidney disease may be very similar to the diet for the patients with Diabetes. This healthy diet can not only help control  high blood glucose but also can reduce the workload on the kidney, and it can assist the following treatment effectively. If you are one diabetic with kidney disease, you should pay more attention to your diet since it is so important.

There are usually a few changes in your diabetic diet to fit your needs as a kidney patients. Alter your diet according to your specific condition. Generally, a healthy diet for Diabetics with kidney disease includes several aspects.

Eat less protein but more carbohydrates or high-quality fats.

If you are diagnosed with kidney disease, your doctor may recommend you to eat less protein. To guarantee enough nutrition, you have to eat more carbohydrates or high-quality fats. With MNT, quality is much more important than quantity.

Limit foods that are high in sugar

To the person with kidney disease but no Diabetes, he usually doesn’t need to limit sugar so strictly. However, lower the intake of sugar is the center to high blood glucose, so diabetics with kidney disease should also abide by this tip.

Eat more vegetables and fruits

Eating more vegetables and fruits is suitable for both kidney disease patient and diabetics, but most vegetarian diets are not rich in protein. Eating enough calories is an important way to use the smaller amount of protein for important jobs like building muscle, healing wounds and fighting infections instead of leaking out of kidney.

These are mainly difference between a healthy diet for diabetics with kidney disease and the ordinary kidney disease diet.

If you still have any doubts, you can feel to contact me by E-mail,or WhatsApp / Viber: 008615132830921.

Six Things Diabetic Should Better Do When Taking a Plane

Once upon a time, one diabetic asked is it okay for diabetic to take a plane? The answer is positive. Of course yes! But several things you need to know or do when you need to take a plane. Read on to find out more helpful info.

No. 1, reserve an aisle seat

Deep venous thrombosis may develop during a journey of non-stop flight, that’s why we strongly suggest people with Diabetes stretch their legs from time to time. Taking a walk is more convenient as they have an aisle seat.

No. 2, prepare enough medications accompanied with prescription

If you need insulin injection, do remember to take along your doctor’s prescription since without it, you may not be able to take those medications to plane when go through security checks. More importantly, you probably need a certificate issued by your doctor for emergency.

No. 3, packed foods and snacks that specialized for people with Diabetes

Foods or meals provided in plane may not be appropriate for people with Diabetes Mellitus, so food or snacks prepared beforehanded may be necessary. Some airways may offer special meals for Diabetes so ask them when you reserve or buy your tickets.

No.4, carry around an alarm clock

An alarm clock is needed so as to remind you of time. Taking a walk every single hour in order to enhance your systemic blood circulation is extremely important for people with Diabetes Mellitus.

No. 5, arrive at the airport no less than two hours before departure time

Early arrival is aimed at reducing unnecessary pressure coming from rush. Plus, parking, luggage transportation or security checks etc. are usually necessary before departure time.

No. 6, prepare yourself an extra bottle of water

Beverage offered by the airways is far from enough, so preparation for yourself a bottle of water could help avoid dehydration since dehydration causes headache or even rise in blood glucose.

If you still have any doubts, you can feel to contact me by E-mail,or WhatsApp / Viber: 008615132830921.

How to care for purpura nephritis?

Life care: to promote physical and mental rest, such as renal hypertension should be measured blood pressure, according to changes in blood pressure increased bed rest time. Pay attention to oral care: sooner or later and should be mouth, keep the mouth clean, remove bad breath, reduce nausea, prevent bacteria and mold students.

Reasonable diet: Diet should be based on the situation of each disease to the patient's specific dietary guidance, such as renal insufficiency, should take high calorie (mainly sugar), high-quality low-protein diet, limit the amount of liquid, keep the water balance.Most patients with kidney disease are limited intake of high protein foods, nutritional supplements for the diet there are some problems, such as mental stress and their own economic conditions, loss of appetite and other factors, making the body more weak, easily lead to colds, gastrointestinal Road infections and so on.

If the appropriate exercise, not only can enhance the body's resistance to disease, to maintain a pleasant mood, but also to a certain extent, increase the amount of food, for malnutrition, lack of protein-induced muscle atrophy, there are some improvements.

Control of Diabetes Mellitus in patients with diabetes will slowly harden, especially at the end of a little blood vessels. The kidneys are composed of millions of subtle blood vessels, and when the diabetes is severe, the function of the kidneys may be damaged. According to statistics, one quarter to one fifth of the "kidney" patients are caused by the end of diabetes.Often do renal function check every six months must do a urine screen inspection, blood pressure detection. Almost half of the kidney patients with kidney damage process is unknowingly carried out, so wait until the body is not feeling when it is possible to have reached the end of kidney disease - need to survive by kidney washing time.

If you want to get some treatment or diet suggestions for kidney problem,you can feel to contact me by E-mail,or WhatsApp / Viber:008615132830921.

What should I do with purpuric nephritis?

Allergic purpura nephritis, including allergic purpura nephritis, including many diseases can not be cured is not absolute. If in the early stage of the disease in patients with purpura nephritis, the odds of treatment are also relatively large. Which is early Henoch-Schonlein purpura? If allergic purpura nephritis only proteinuria, hematuria and no renal function damage, from the clinical practice experience, this time the patient's kidney health inherent cell apoptosis is not much, as long as active treatment And with the doctor's treatment program, the prognosis is generally quite good, not easy to relapse;

What are Complications of Purpura Nephritis

But once lost this opportunity to delay the treatment time, kidney cell loss is more and more, extracellular matrix proliferation, hyperplasia, kidney almost known as scar kidney, the disease also developed to the traditional argument of uremia. At this point there is a considerable degree of re-treatment, can only relieve the greatest degree of uremia complications, the maximum degree of dialysis interval, or delay dialysis.

How to Prevent the Progression of Purpura Nephritis

Whether it is allergic purpura nephritis or any other disease, the sooner the faster the treatment of the faster. Chinese medicine therapy through the expansion of blood vessels, anti-inflammatory, anticoagulant, degradation of four major measures to effectively protect the residual kidney cells, reducing the deposition of extracellular matrix, blocking the progress of renal fibrosis, and its repair can be supplemented by Loss of cells must be nutrients, conducive to rapid recovery of normal renal function.

If you want to get some treatment or diet suggestions for kidney problem,you can feel to contact me by E-mail,or WhatsApp / Viber:008615132830921.