Diet plays an important role for kidney disease patients, it can help reduce kidney burden and slow down the disease. Have you got a good diet chart with your kidney disease? This blog can help you get further understanding.

Treatment of renal failure

1, the cause of treatment caused by renal failure
Treatment of renal failure disease, first of all should pay attention to clear the specific risk factors for patients, which is essential, the positive treatment of patients with specific risk factors is to completely cure the key to renal failure, such as blood supply or blood loss, Will give patients to lose the loss of body fluids and water; and if there is infection in patients with renal failure, in the treatment, it should be noted that the infection for further treatment.
2, dialysis treatment
Dialysis treatment is one of the programs to treat renal failure, mainly for the kidneys have lost their function, so the doctor will temporarily use dialysis treatment, the main purpose is to help eliminate toxins and waste; it should be understood that , If the acute renal failure patients without proper treatment or can not control, it will be converted to chronic phase.

micro-traditional Chinese medicine infiltration therapy

Micro-penetration of traditional Chinese medicine is mainly used to make the lesion cells and tissue repair, as much as possible to restore its function. There are many herbs in this therapy, and these grasses are picked according to the patient's current disease condition. In addition, herbs are refined into powder to improve their efficiency. The drug powder grinding into two drug bags, and then the patient needs to lie on two drug bags about 40-50 minutes, by means of osmotic machine, herbal active substances will penetrate into the kidney.

4, diet control
Patients with renal failure in the usual diet should also be controlled, for patients with renal failure, due to damage to kidney function, food into the body after eating, the resulting toxins and waste, can not be normal excreted, Therefore, the patient for the diet should have enough attention, for example, should pay attention to limit the protein, limit the intake of sodium and so on are very critical.

If you want to get some treatment or diet suggestions for kidney problem,you can feel to contact me by E-mail,or WhatsApp:008615132830921.

Renal impairment symptoms

Due to toxins and waste can not be ruled out in the body continue to accumulate, the patient is feeling full of discomfort. Symptoms are characterized by nausea, vomiting, poor quality of sleep at night, without any appetite. The body will have the feeling of itching and fatigue. Urine volume reduction, or at night when there will be symptoms of frequent urination, hands and feet will be swollen. Glasses around will be very swollen, there are hematuria (brown or blood red), high blood pressure, urine in the bubble, diarrhea, extreme thirst, sleep disturbed, or drowsiness, decreased sexual desire and other typical features. As the kidney function is damaged, the body can not produce enough hormones needed to make red blood cells, resulting in anemia. Anemic people often feel cold and tired.
Kidney function injury treatment
Renal damage is serious, if not timely treatment, will bring great harm to the human body. The treatment of renal impairment is mainly conservative and surgical treatment of two methods. Kidney repair itself is very strong, most of the patients with renal injury, if there is renal contusion, part of the kidney laceration, conservative treatment can be used. Treatment of the project are: shock rescue, including infusion, blood transfusion and pain, etc .; In addition, the absolute bed rest, at least 2 to 3 weeks, 2 to 3 months after bed activities to avoid physical activity, physical labor, prevention and control secondary Bleeding; special attention also need antibacterial treatment to control infection. In the implementation of supportive therapy process, we must pay attention to observe the patient's blood pressure, pulse, hematuria, hemoglobin and other changes. If the patient in the course of conservative treatment did not improve or aggravated, there has been a gradual increase in the waist hematoma, repeated repeated hematuria, severe shock by the rehydration, no improvement after transfusion, significant urinary extravasation, severe local infection or abdominal cavity Injury, the need for surgical treatment. The choice of surgical approach, mainly based on the degree of renal damage may be. Surgical treatment is mainly four surgical methods: renal artery embolization, renal drainage, renal repair or partial nephrectomy, nephrectomy.

If you still have any doubts, you can feel to contact me by E-mail,or WhatsApp : 008615132830921.