Diet plays an important role for kidney disease patients, it can help reduce kidney burden and slow down the disease. Have you got a good diet chart with your kidney disease? This blog can help you get further understanding.

Why Do Most of CKD Patients Remain Unaware of This Disease?

Chronic Kidney Disease,called CKD,is a a progressive loss in renal function over a period of months or years. Actually,there are many causes that lead to or exacerbate the Kidney Disease,like Diabetes,hypertension(high blood pressure),kidney stone etc. Besides,the symptoms of worsening kidney function are not obvious in early stage. Patients often just feel generally unwell or experience a reduced appetite,which is not enough to cause people’s attention to take some test on their kidneys.

However,what’s worse,when patients feel uncomfortable or to take test to diagnose their symptoms,the disease condition of them is not optimistic. Generally speaking,some symptoms occurs at this time,such as bubbles in their urine or a higher creatinine and so on.

The complexity and chronicity of CKD makes it difficult fo patients to discover this disease. The less good news is that there is no specific treatment unequivocally shown to slow the worsening of chronic kidney disease. When you are diagnosed with CKD,your doctor may advise you to take ACEI or ARB to control your high blood pressure or high blood sugar. In addition,he may also suggest you a healthy diet to control your disease condition.

Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy
But we all know that these measure can not treat your real kidney disease. For CKD patients,the timely diagnosis and treatments can do more help to limit or treat your kidney disease. If you have long-term Diabetes or hypertension,you should do some test about your urine or creatinine to prevent the kidney disease. Then choosing a proper treatment is very important to CKD patients. Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy offers a better choice for CKD patients to control and relieve their symptoms. Compared with Western Medicine,Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy has less side-affects to improve microcirculation and blood flow,which provides a better space for renal repair.

I hope the above informations can help you and your friends around you.
If you still have other questions, you can consult our online doctors
or you can feel to contact me by E-mail,
or WhatsApp / 008613633219293.

What’s Life Expectancy for Patients with 18% Kidney Function

What’s Life Expectancy for Patients with 18% Kidney Function“Hello, doctor. I am a Kidney Failure patients and I have some serious symptoms which trouble me a lot. Now I have only 18% kidney function, and the doctor has been asked me to prepare for dialysis, but I don’t want to start dialysis. Ans I want to know the life expectancy for patients with 18% kidney function, and whether you can give me some natural treatment on my condition”. ONLINE DOCTOR will help you.

Management of Chronic Kidney Disease in Adults
As we know, kidney failure can be divided into 5 stages, and your 18% kidney function means you are in stage 4 kidney failure, which means your kidneys has been damaged severely. In this stage, you may suffer from some serious symptoms and complications because of your severely reduced kidney function, and you may suffer from a poor life quality, and these symptoms and complications will affect your life expectancy, so you need to pay attention to your symptoms and prevent the possible complications such as heart problems, lung problems and so on.

In this condition, if they still have urine, and you don’t have some serious symptoms such as severe swelling, nausea, vomiting and skin itching, they can prevent dialysis and have some other natural treatments to prolong your life expectancy.

Chinese Medicine Treatment For Chronic Kidney Disease in China

We recommend you to use Chinese Herbal Medicines, which can help you repair your damaged kidney tissues and protect your residual kidney function, through systemic treatment, your kidney function can be improved.

If you want to get some treatment or diet suggestions for kidney problem,you can feel to contact me by E-mail,or WhatsApp:008613633219293.