Diet plays an important role for kidney disease patients, it can help reduce kidney burden and slow down the disease. Have you got a good diet chart with your kidney disease? This blog can help you get further understanding.

Chinese medicine treatment of chronic nephritis

Chronic nephritis of traditional Chinese medicine treatment is to pay attention to the overall grasp of the patient's physical condition, according to the principle of the five elements of the human body, focusing on the regulation of human organs run, remove urine protein. Pharmacological studies have shown that many traditional Chinese medicine such as Cordyceps sinensis, June snow, astragalus and so have the function of improving cellular immunity and humoral immunity, improve renal function. Clinical validation: Qingrejiedu such as two-leaf, etc. can inhibit the formation of immune complexes, inhibit the formation of glomerular fibrosis. Reduce the side effects of Western medicine, to solve the hormone in the application of hormones and immune preparations in the process, often lead to immune dysfunction, decreased resistance, recurrent disease and gastrointestinal reactions and bone marrow suppression and other adverse reactions to improve the sensitivity of hormones.
If the symptoms of chronic nephritis is not too heavy, it is recommended to use traditional Chinese medicine treatment for treatment, by repairing damaged cells to achieve improved body balance, thereby enhancing the function of human immunity.advertising
Chronic nephritis of traditional Chinese medicine therapy is a better choice, this is because the side effects of traditional Chinese medicine is much weaker than Western medicine, the patient's body damage is small, if it is necessary to take a long time medication, or should Chinese medicine treatment based. Should choose an experienced doctor of Chinese medicine for their prescription.

If you want to get some treatment or diet suggestions for kidney problem,you can feel to contact me by E-mail,or WhatsApp:008615132830921.

How to treat chronic nephritis

For the early symptoms, such as weakness, fatigue, mental poor, pay attention to early to the hospital for examination, do not let the development of kidney disease to the late, the symptoms of the system, the final must be dialysis treatment. The most common cause of chronic renal failure is chronic nephritis, diabetic nephropathy, and lupus nephritis, uric acid nephropathy, hypertensive kidney damage, polycystic kidney disease. For the treatment of chronic kidney disease, you can start from the following aspects:
1, to avoid high protein diet. Especially in patients with large urinary protein, into the stage of renal insufficiency, you should start low-quality protein diet, daily protein intake 0.6-0.8g / kg.
2, active control of blood pressure. Requirements in the 130 / 80mmHg the following, urine protein levels higher than 1.0g / day in patients, can be further controlled at 125 / 75mmHg the following. If the blood pressure can be controlled to normal or near normal, the brain, heart, kidney and other complications is not easy to occur, the effective treatment of hypertension can prevent the occurrence of hypertensive kidney damage in the elderly and reduce benign small arterial nephrotic end-stage renal failure The incidence of full control of blood pressure can prevent, stabilize, and even reverse the renal damage of hypertension.
For non-complications of hypertension, first of all should be considered non-drug treatment, and can be used as all other patients with essential treatment of hypertension, including weight loss, salt, limit alcohol, practicing qigong and tai chi, appropriate physical activity, etc. To be sustained, can receive a certain antihypertensive effect.
3, reduce proteinuria. As far as possible 24 hours urine protein control in less than 1.0g, or even 0.5g within the allowable range of serum creatinine (generally considered 265μMlL / L), may consider the application of angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitors and / or vascular tension Receptor antagonist, they can still reduce the high perfusion of the kidneys, and thus further reduce the burden of renal units, delay the role of deterioration of renal function.
4 diabetic nephropathy in addition to the above measures, to effectively control blood sugar: strict control of blood glucose can delay the development of the disease.
5 treatment of infection: regular antibiotic treatment helps to treat infection, but should pay attention to governance will be thorough, can not give up halfway.

If you want to get some treatment or diet suggestions for kidney problem,you can feel to contact me by E-mail,or WhatsApp:008615132830921.