Diet plays an important role for kidney disease patients, it can help reduce kidney burden and slow down the disease. Have you got a good diet chart with your kidney disease? This blog can help you get further understanding.

Chronic nephritis several taboo diet

Chronic nephritis, in general, less kidney damage, only proteinuria, occult blood and other symptoms, this stage of treatment is relatively easy. Chronic nephritis is usually treated with western medicine. Proteinuria and occult blood are easy to be controlled within the time, but it is also easy to catch a cold and infection. The disease continues to develop to the later stage with anemia, severe hypertension, nausea and vomiting. Symptoms eventually develop into uremia.
Chronic nephritis is a chronic disease that is almost impossible to cure immediately. For this reason, all rehabilitation work is precious at the same time as treatment. So below will tell you what foods can not eat chronic nephritis, hoping to have some help to patients.
Limit salt
Edema and blood volume, sodium has a great relationship. Per 1 gram of salt can bring about 110 ml of water, nephritis patients such as eating excessive salt, and urinary function is also impaired, often aggravating edema, increased blood volume, resulting in heart failure, it must be limited to chronic glomerulonephritis Salt, given a low-salt diet. Daily intake of salt should be controlled at 2-4 grams or less, in case of increased edema and increased blood volume, an accident.
Limit high purine high nitrogen-containing foods
In order to reduce the burden on the kidneys, should be limited to stimulate the kidney cells of food, such as spinach, celery, radish, beans, soy products, sardines and chicken soup, fish soup, broth and so on. Because these foods contain purine high nitrogen and high in renal dysfunction, its metabolites can not be discharged in time, have a negative impact on renal function.
Avoid using strong seasoning
Strong condiments such as pepper, mustard, coffee, pepper and other adverse renal function, should not eat. MSG will be thirsty to drink after eating, in limiting the amount of water, should also be less with MSG.
Limit plant protein
Protein intake should be determined as the case of renal function. Control of protein intake, but also to achieve the purpose of low-phosphorus, usually 0.6 grams / kg body weight per day, of which half of high-quality protein (protein rich in essential amino acids), such as eggs, lean meat, milk and so on.
Limit the amount of liquid
Chronic glomerulonephritis patients have high blood pressure and edema, to limit fluid intake. Daily intake should be controlled at 1200-1500 ml, including 800 ml of water in beverages and dishes. If the edema is serious, then the water should be more strictly controlled. In the case of urination, you can relax. Sodium intake should be less than 3 grams / day, severe edema should be less than 2 grams / day; water intake, according to the previous day's total urine output +500 ml calculation.

If you want to get more treatment or diet suggestions for kidney problem,you can feel to contact me by E-mail,or  WhatsApp / Viber / Phone Number: 008615132830921

FSGS and Creatinine 5.8, How to Dispel Edema

Good morning, doctor. I have been diagnosed with FSGS for six years. And now, my serum creatinine level is at 5.8. And I have bad edema which make me can not walk around any more. Can you help me? Should I do dialysis? Is there way for me to recover the renal function and get rid of edema?

If you have the similar illness conditions or want to gain the answer of the semblable questions, please contact the Online Doctor or find out the solution in the article.

FSGS (Focal Segmental Glomerular Sclerosis), a glomeruli kidney disease, means the kidney can not work well to remove the excess water, toxins and wastes, filter the blood, keep the balance of the internal environment, etc. And thus, the patients will suffer from weakness, protein urine, edema and so on. As a matter of fact, the edema will come out as the retained fluid are gathered in the body. So that, if you only excluded the water from body, the edema will rise again and again.

And then, how to prevent the edema from appearing once more?

Only when the kidney is restored, can the edema be treated from root.

While, what treatment can treat the damaged kidney and dispel the edema?

Toxin-Removing Therapy can treat the edema as it could sweep all toxins and wastes away from body naturally. Moreover, it can protect the cells and tissues of the kidney from further damage. In addition, it is very advance for the kidney to recover in such a cleaned and salutary surrounding.

Besides, the patients also should take Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy, Hot Compress Therapy, Steaming Therapy, Cupping Glass or Immunotherapy to repair the diseased kidney and improve the renal function with less side effects.

When the kidney is restored, the edema will be disappeared, the creatinine 5.8 will be dropped down and the patients can live a better life.

If you want to get more treatment or diet suggestions for kidney problem,you can feel to contact me by E-mail,or  WhatsApp / Viber / Phone Number: 008615132830921

Can You Give Advise to Lower High Creatinine Levels Naturally

Can you give advise if some person has High Creatinine Levels, what are best remedy to lower? This problem has been asked so many times and patients are looking forward to take more effective remedy to lower the high creatinine levels. Follow us to get the solution.
Chronic kidney disease and high creatinine levels

Generally, your kidneys are responsible for filtering wastes and toxins, regulating blood pressure and keeping the balance of electrolyte. They make your body keep healthy and live normal life. However, in CKD, your kidneys are damaged and then they are unable to work properly, extra creatinine and other wastes will build up in blood to further damage your kidneys and other organs of your body.

Besides, these wastes will also affect the medications function. That is why more and more patients complain that their conditions have no improvement although they are taking medicines.
Best remedy to lower high creatinine levels in CKD

The most basic remedy you should take is a therapy that can repair these underlying damaged kidney tissues and kidney inherent cells and restore your renal function fundamentally.

Western medicines are helpful to lower high creatinine levels and control the symptoms of CKD, while they fail to repair kidney damage and improve renal function. That is why once some patients stop steroids, their symptoms like Proteinuria will relapse again.

Here Toxin-Removing Treatment is recommended to you. It is a systematic treatment that includes many Chinese medicine treatments, such as Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy, Foot Bath Therapy. They will firstly purify your polluted blood to remove these wastes out and then act on your damaged kidneys directly and effectively to repair these damaged kidney cells and restore some of renal function by dilating blood vessels, improving blood circulation, degradation, anti-inflammation, anti-coagulation, and offering adequate oxygen and nutrients to kidneys. Along with the improved kidney function, high creatinine levels can be reduced naturally and fundamentally.

If you want to get more treatment or diet suggestions for kidney problem,you can feel to contact me by E-mail,or  WhatsApp / Viber / Phone Number: 008615132830921

Diet for Patient with Hypertensive Nephropathy

What are the best diet for patient with hypertensive nephropathy ? As we all know that diet plays an important role in treating kidney disease, so here i will give you some tips to help you make a fit diet to control your blood presser and ease the burdens of your kidneys.

Diet tips for Hypertensive Nephropathy patient:

1. Low-salt diet:

The slat intake should be controlled between 2-5g, it’s about one spoon, and the salt in soybean sauce(3ml soybean sauce equals 1g salt) should be counted in the total salt intake.

Pickles, fermented bean curd, salted eggs(meat), shellfish, shrimps, preserved egg, water spinach and so on are rich in sodium, so as a kidney disease patient with high blood pressure you should avoid them.

2. Carbohydrate:

Take enough foods with carbohydrate to meed the demand of our body. Foods like rice,flour and soft beans are good choices for patient with high blood pressure, which are also helpful in maintaining your weight.

3. Drink a certain of tea but not too much:

TP(tea polyphenol) plays an important role in fat metabolism, it s helpful in dispelling toxins and soften blood vessels.

So as a kidney disease patient you should take a certain of teas. However, too much teas will add burden to the kidneys, so you should not drink too much of it.

4. Keep low protein diet:

As we all know protein is essential nutrients of our body, but too much of it will add burden to our kidneys and hurt them. So as kidney disease patient you should take certain proteins according to your own condition. Usually, the intake of protein should between 0.3―0.6g for per kilogram weight. High-protein foods such as dairy, eggs, fish and chicken should give priority when you choose the food.

You know different patient has different symptoms so they should has different diet.

If you have other questions or need any help in treating Hypertensive Nephropathy, you can feel to contact me by E-mail,or  WhatsApp / Viber / Phone Number: 008615132830921

What physical activities should I do if I have diabetes

Most kinds of physical activity can help you take care of your diabetes. Certain activities may be unsafe for some people, such as those with low vision or nerve damage to their feet. Ask your health care team what physical activities are safe for you. Many people choose walking with friends or family members for their activity.

Doing different types of physical activity each week will give you the most health benefits. Mixing it up also helps reduce boredom and lower your chance of getting hurt. Try these options for physical activity.

Add extra activity to your daily routine

If you have been inactive or you are trying a new activity, start slowly, with 5 to 10 minutes a day. Then add a little more time each week. Increase daily activity by spending less time in front of a TV or other screen. Try these simple ways to add physical activities in your life each day:

· Walk around while you talk on the phone or during TV commercials.

· Do chores, such as work in the garden, rake leaves, clean the house, or wash the car.

· Park at the far end of the shopping center parking lot and walk to the store.

· Take the stairs instead of the elevator.

· Make your family outings active, such as a family bike ride or a walk in a park.

Aerobic exercise is activity that makes your heart beat faster and makes you breathe harder. You should aim for doing aerobic exercise for 30 minutes a day most days of the week. You do not have to do all the activity at one time. You can split up these minutes into a few times throughout the day.

To get the most out of your activity, exercise at a moderate to vigorous level.

If you still have any doubts, you can feel to contact me by  E-mail,or WhatsApp / Viber / Phone Number: 008615132830921.

How to treat IgA nephropathy by traditional Chinese Medicine?

IgA nephropathy is a kind of primary glomerular disease which is common to see in clinic, means there are IgA or IgA Deposits with or without other immune globulin on Glomerular Mesangial area. Its pathological pattern includes Focal segmental lesion, Hyperplastic lesion in capillary, Mesangial proliferative lesion, Crescent lesion and Complex sclerosing lesion etc. Its clinic manifestation are gross hematuria or microscopic hematuria with repeated attack, proteinuria, some of patients can have serious high blood pressure or renal insufficiency.

Our hospital adopts “Four plus One” special therapies for IgA nephropathy

How to treat IgA nephropathy by traditional Chinese Medicine?

Micro-Chinese medicine targets on the damaged glomerulus.

Eliminate immune complex which deposited in glomerular basement membrane

Repair glomerular filtration barrier, prove that renal function can work normally

Control protein leakage from the root.

If you still have any doubts, you can feel to contact me by  E-mail,or WhatsApp / Viber / Phone Number: 008615132830921.

Does anemia necessarily cause uremia?

More and more patients are suffering from anaemic renal failure. Does anemia necessarily cause uremia? Not necessarily, only five cases can cause kidney failure in exceptional circumstances.

In general, anemia can occur in various stages of chronic renal failure. For some patients, there is no clear history of kidney disease, which is mistaken for iron deficiency anemia. In fact, it's a kind of renal anemia.

1. Thrombocytopenia is the tendency of bleeding caused by disability.

2. Increased red blood cell destruction.

Does anemia necessarily cause uremia?

3. The serum of patients with late renal insufficiency had the inhibition of red hematopoietic blood.

4. Hyperparathyroidism, which can cause myelofibrosis to reduce the production of red line cells, and inhibit the hematopoiesis of bone marrow and the destruction of red blood cells.

5, erythropoietin (EPO) produce: in chronic renal failure, with the destruction of the nephron, kidneys and erythropoietin secretion reduces, gradually lead to renal anemia.

Many other factors are also involved in or promote the formation of renal anemia, such as lack of red blood cells to shorten the life, lack of iron, folic acid, malnutrition, acute or chronic inflammation, chronic blood loss (loss through the gastrointestinal tract, etc.), severe hyperparathyroidism, aluminum toxicity and low thyroid function decrease, etc.

If you want to get more treatment or diet suggestions for kidney problem,you can feel to contact me by E-mail,or  WhatsApp / Viber / Phone Number: 008615132830921

Healthy nutrition to reduce the level of creatinine

A high level of creatinine is always a concern for most patients in the kidneys. In addition to medicines, a healthy diet also plays an important role in lowering the level of creatinine.
What is creatinine?
Creatinine is a breakdown product of the muscles and meat you consume. It is mainly removed through urination by the kidneys. When the kidney function is reduced to below 50%, increase the level of creatinine. The normal level of creatinine for an adult female is 0.5 to 1.1 mg / dL, and for an adult male it ranges from 0.6 to 1.2 mg / dL.
Nutritional guide for people with a high level of creatinine
From what has been said above, we see that there are two great sources of creatinine, so we must try to reduce the production of creatinine.
First, you must limit the consumption of meat, especially red meat, like lamb and beef. In order to meet the needs of the body, you can take the correct high quality protein, like egg white and fish.
Secondly, to reduce muscle catabolism, you must increase the intake of high calories. As we all know, calories come from proteolysis, fats and carbohydrates. Fat is also not very good for patients. Foods high in carbohydrates include potatoes, sweet potatoes, rice, corn, cereals and so on.
Thirdly, vitamins are useful for boosting the immune system. And many sick kidneys suffer from vitamin deficiency. It is recommended to use fresh vegetables and fruits such as guava, kiwi fruit, cranberry, onion and pepper.
Fourth, if you do not have swelling, you can drink plenty of water to accelerate the elimination of creatinine. In accordance with your physical condition, you may need to limit the intake of phosphorus and potassium.
In addition, some herbal teas are also useful for lowering the level of creatinine, such as nettle leaf tea, dandelion tea and so on.

If you want to get more treatment or diet suggestions for kidney problem,you can feel to contact me by E-mail,or  WhatsApp / Viber / Phone Number: 008615132830921

Is It Bad That FSGS Patients Have A Large Amount of Bubbles In The Urine

FSGS patients have the scarring in kidneys, which will damage the glomerular filtration system, and lots of bubbles in urine, so is it bad?

FSGS patients have bubbles in urine.

For kidney disease patients that there are bubbles in urine, which means the damaged kidney can not keep the protein in body, and it flows into urine. If 24 hour urine protein quantification shows protein more than 3.5g, we call it nephrotic syndrome.

In some conditions, FSGS can relieve itself, but in most conditions, patients will enter into end stage renal disease with no right treatments. The prognosis of FSGS that depends on yourself. But proteinuria is one of the factors to affect the disease’ prognosis, which maybe increase the illness conditions to end stage.

How to deal with the proteinuria in FSGS patients?

We have know that proteinuria is one of the symptoms of FSGS. To avoid the the damage to kidney again and change the prognosis, so patients should pay attention on proteinuria.

1. taking medicine to reduce the proteinuria. If proteinuria is related to high blood pressure, so patients can take ACE and ARB to control proteinuria. And patients also can take steroid medicine.

2. Repair the glomerular filtration system. Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy can increase the nutrients and oxygen to diseased cells and tissues. Then the glomerular filtration barrier can be repaired, so that the proteinuria will disappear.

3. Reasonable diet. Diet has important role in treating kidney disease. Doctor low protein, low salt.

So proteinuria is not good for FSGS patients to have a longer and better life. The best way is to repair the damaged kidney to stop proteinuria.

Lower back pain in patients with kidney disease

Lower back pain is one of the most common reasons for consultation. Many people are living with chronic kidney disease and at risk of kidney failure, without even realizing that there is a problem. Progressive transition from sick kidneys to chronic renal failure.
Lower back pain, such as kidney pain, can have multiple origins. The kidneys can trigger pain that can radiate down the back, this is mainly colic nephritis it is a pain caused by a kidney stone on the urinary tract and pyelonephritis which is a high infection of the urinary tract.
After diagnosis of these pathologies, the start of an effective treatment (acupuncture, micro-Chinese medicine osmotherapy, medicated bath) can stop the pain in a few days and radically treat chronic kidney disease.

If you want to get more treatment or diet suggestions for kidney problem,you can feel to contact me by E-mail,or  WhatsApp / Viber / Phone Number: 008615132830921

Creatinine plays an important role in chronic kidney failure

Creatinine is a substance that can be found in the blood and in the urine, it is made by the muscles. The creatinine level is a good indicator of the functioning of the kidneys, especially their filtration capacity. It will increase when the kidneys do not work properly.

If serum creatinine is normal (5 to 12 mg / l): this is a functional renal failure, it may be due to a lack of water intake when the person does not drink enough water. It is the most common cause of an infection or obstruction in the urinary tract. If serum creatinine is greater than 12 mg / l, this is an organic renal failure, in this case the creatinine clearance will assess the severity of this renal failure. If the creatinine clearance is less than 30 ml / min. We must immediately hospitalize in nephrology department.

The diagnosis of renal failure is always important to know because it indicates a poor condition of the kidneys and should be preserved. If the creatinine clearance is improperly cleared by the kidneys, they will accumulate in the blood reaching excessive blood levels that will cause serious side effects.

If less than 60: we talk about incipient chronic renal insufficiency (CKD),

If between 30 and 60: moderate CRI,

If between 15 and 30: severe CRI,

If less than 15: Advanced CRI.

To lower the creatinine level what are the official treatments? A diet is needed: little salt and protein, deleting foods rich in potassium (chocolate, fruit). The drugs are designed to correct the symptoms of kidney dysfunction: antihypertensives, calcium, vitamin D and synthetic erythropoietin (Eprex® or Recormon). In addition, the micro Chinese medicine osmotherapy is an effective way to lower creatinine levels.

If you want to get more treatment or diet suggestions for kidney problem,you can feel to contact me by E-mail,or WhatsApp / Viber / Phone Number: 008615132830921

What is the cause of diabetic nephropathy?

Diabetic nephropathy is one of the most important complications of diabetes. And diabetic patients are more likely to suffer from kidney disease, then what factors induce diabetic nephropathy?

Genetic factors: According to relevant studies have shown that in some families with diabetes history of diabetes, the incidence of diabetic nephropathy was significantly higher than patients without family history of hypertension. There is also a difference in the incidence of diabetic nephropathy among different races. This shows that the occurrence of diabetic nephropathy and genetic factors.

Renal blood flow abnormalities: high blood sugar, glomerular hyperperfusion, increased pressure in the case of protein filtration increased, can also be deposited in the glomerular basement membrane, promote matrix proliferation, the formation of a vicious cycle, and can cause knot Arthritis and diffuse glomerulosclerosis.

Hypertension: Hypertension and diabetic nephropathy is not directly related to the occurrence, but the original high blood pressure or course of time to micro-proteinuria when the blood pressure can accelerate the progress of diabetic nephropathy and renal function deterioration, increased urinary albumin discharge.

Hyperglycemia: diabetic nephropathy and hyperglycemia are closely related to poor blood glucose control can accelerate the development of diabetic nephropathy, good blood glucose control can significantly delay its development.

10% Kidney Function: How to Avoid Dialysis

10% kidney function left means kidneys have been damaged severely, and patients are already in stage 5 kidney failure, or end stage renal disease. In this condition, dialysis will be suggested to prolong the life span of patients. However, is there any other treatment to help avoid dialysis? In this article, we will get the answer.

Why people don’t like to start dialysis with 10% kidney function?

Dialysis is a replacement treatment that can help filter blood and remove wastes out by a dialysis machine. Thus can help relieve some of the severe symptoms in kidney failure. However, dialysis cant repair kidney damage and restore kidney function, so patients need to take regularly about 3-4 times a week, which will affect the life quality. In addition, the long term dialysis can also cause some severe side effects. So more and more renal patients try to get alternative treatment without taking dialysis.

10% kidney function: how to avoid dialysis?

In China, there is systematic Chinese medicine treatment to repair kidney damage and improve the kidney function, which is known as Toxin-Removing Treatment. It is a characteristic Chinese treatment including avrious Chinese therapies, such as foot bath, full bath, oral Chinese medicine, Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy, moxibustion, steaming therapy, and so on. Based on the specific illness condition of patients, different therapies will be used.

The Toxin-Removing Treatment can help remove toxins and wastes out naturally by increasing urine output, bowel movement and skin sweating, thus can help clear blood and make a good blood environment for further treatment. And it can also dilate blood vessels and increase blood volume into kidneys, which can bring more nutrious elements to kidneys, so it can repair damaged renal cells and improve the renal function from root.

Once the kidney function can be increased to 15%-20%, patients can avoid dialysis and live a better life.
If you want to get more treatment or diet suggestions for kidney problem,you can feel to contact me by E-mail,or  WhatsApp / Viber / Phone Number: 008615132830921

The diet principle and taboo of nephrotic syndrome

Nephrotic syndrome is a clinical syndrome characterized by large amounts of proteinuria, hyperlipidemia, edema and hypoproteinemia. It is divided into two primary and secondary types. The etiology and pathogenesis of primary nephrotic syndrome are not yet clear Nephrotic syndrome can be caused by immune diseases, diabetes mellitus, secondary infection, circulatory diseases, drug poisoning and so on
Nephrotic syndrome early basal mild lesions, large amount of protein in the urine, which is an important reason for the decrease of plasma protein decreased. Plasma protein level decreased significantly, especially albumin, plasma colloid osmotic
The decrease of permeation pressure leads to the extravasation of fluid into the blood vessel, resulting in tissue edema and decreased blood volume. When the urine protein is lost in large quantities, the synthesis of lipoproteins increases as well as increases in albumin synthesis in the liver

Because of the disease characteristics of nephrotic syndrome, diet has its particularity

1, patients should control sodium intake
For patients with nephrotic syndrome should be especially prone to edema, edema is due to the increase of the content of sodium in the body, so patients with nephrotic syndrome should be put in a low salt diet, to avoid aggravating edema, in the diet should be
According to certain principles, the average daily salt is not more than 2G, it is appropriate to disable the pickled food, less MSG and alkali intake, edema subsided, plasma protein near normal, can restore the normal diet

2, patients should pay attention to protein intake
For patients with proteinuria, proteinuria and make the patients a lot of protein passes, it is easy to cause patients with malnutrition, affect the health of patients. So patients in the diet, should pay attention to protein
However, patients with nephrotic syndrome still need dietary protein according to certain principles in their diet. In the early stage, they should be given a higher quality protein diet (1 ~ 1.5g/kg*d)

3, patients should pay attention to fat intake
Generally, patients often associated with hyperlipidemia, so it is easy to cause glomerular injury and sclerosis. So patients should try to eat less fat, limiting animal offal, fat, some seafood rich in cholesterol and fat

4, supplement of trace elements
Patients should pay attention to trace elements supplement, with the occurrence of a large number of proteinuria, patients will lose a lot of protein and trace elements, resulting in the body calcium, magnesium, zinc, iron and other elements of lack, should be given appropriate supplement
Therefore, patients should pay attention to the supplement of trace elements

5, nephrotic syndrome diet taboo
(1) appropriate
A high protein diet, such as fish and meat, should be given
Should be appropriate to supplement calcium, vitamin and trace elements can be rich vegetables, fruits, grains
(2) avoid
The bogey fishy, spicy, fried, aquatic products, such as fish, crab, pepper and so on.
Avoid using pickled food

If you want to get more treatment or diet suggestions for kidney problem,you can feel to contact me by E-mail,or  WhatsApp / Viber / Phone Number: 008615132830921

Is There Any Possibility to Improve the Kidney Function In Creatinine 600

The patients with creatinine 600umol/L is in the stage 4 kidney disease (kidney failure), which is near uremia. Besides, the patients in this case will have many discomforts and dialysis will be recommended to start in the near future. So that, the patients are eager to know is there any possibility to improve the kidney function in creatinine 600.

In western medicine, the kidney function can not be increased aside from kidney transplant, a organ transplant of a suitable kidney into the patients with ESRD (End Stage Renal Disease). In practice, it is very difficult to get the matching and healthy kidney from the donor, usually, the patients would be on dialysis for more than ten years. Additionally, the patients are required to take anti-rejection drugs in the rest of their life after accepted transplant.

Thereby, more and more patients are searching for another way to revive their kidney function.

In China, Traditional Chinese Medicine, the patients can rebuild the kidney function naturally with the help of Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy, Cycle Therapy, Foot Bath or other natural treatments. Since these treatments makes use of herbs from nature or adopts the external use measures to offer enough nutrients, oxygen and blood to the kidney, improve the kidney self-recovery capital, enhance the immunity and so on, less effects will come out on the patients. Furthermore, the formation of the Chinese medicine is decided in term of the patients’ illness conditions. So that, it can take a better effect on remedying the patients.

What is a bad thing is that they can not do its best if there are various toxins and wastes products assembled in the body. That is to say, the patients are in sore need of another treatment to provide a cleaned and healthy internal environment. For achieving this purpose, Toxin-Removing Therapy is put forward and evolved. And thus, the kidney function will be improved naturally and effectively.
If you want to get more treatment or diet suggestions for kidney problem,you can feel to contact me by E-mail,or  WhatsApp / Viber / Phone Number: 008615132830921

Three causes of polycystic kidney disease

Every disease has its own reasons, and these are the key to all the problems, different diseases for each of us the significance is different, some diseases will not bring much harm to people, while others are different, so the disease if not treated effectively that will be a serious threat to the safety of people's life. Polycystic kidney disease is one of the diseases that we do not feel strange. So what are the causes of polycystic kidney disease?

Gene mutation (non genetic): for polycystic kidney disease, mostly through parental genetic, pided into autosomal dominant and autosomal recessive polycystic kidney disease patients but also some neither parents nor belongs to congenital dysplasia, polycystic kidney disease, which is formed when the embryo gene mutation.

Toxin: the toxin acts on the human body, can make various organs and tissue damage, and the occurrence of the disease, and even life-threatening, and is also one of the main reasons of gene mutation, congenital abnormalities and other phenomena.

All kinds of infection: infection can make the internal environment changes, which is conducive to change the environmental conditions of the gene cyst, cyst of the activity of internal factors enhanced, thus promoting the formation and growth of cysts; common infections of upper respiratory tract infection (including colds), urinary tract infections, gastrointestinal infections, skin infection, trauma, infection and so on is whether instruments infection, bacterial infection or viral infection, can have a great impact on the cyst.

The above three reasons is that we introduce the main content, I hope you can have a full understanding of polycystic kidney after reading, don't neglect any one of them, because they are very critical.
If you still have any doubts, you can feel to contact me by  E-mail,or WhatsApp / Viber / Phone Number: 008615132830921.

How to Reduce High Creatinine 673 for IgA Nephropathy Patients

Creatinine 673 refer to a medical condition in which the kidneys have been damaged more than 80%. Medically, the patients with creatinine 673 will endure so much discomforts. While, how to reduce high creatinine 673 for IgA Nephropathy patients?

As a matter of fact, many patients with creatinine 673 went through dialysis termly so as to extend life. In the meanwhile, the certain symptoms will be remitted and creatinine 673 will be dropped down. However, it can not clean away the wastes and toxins thoroughly, and it do not work on repairing kidney function, and thus, the urine output will be less and less with dialysis. In addition to, as dialysis can induce infection, poor appetite, muscle cramp and other uneasiness, the patients wonder is there any other treatment to refuse dialysis.

In most countries, kidney transplant is regarded as the only way to help the patients break away from dialysis. In spite of this, not all the patients can take transplant at their own willing as they have to waiting from the healthy and matching kidneys from the donor.

According to these, the renal experts of Beijing Tongshantang Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine invented and developed a new measure including a series of Chinese medicines to help the patients from the root cause, that is to say, from renovating kidney damage and enhancing renal function naturally.

Medical Bath, which primarily contains Full Bath Therapy and Foot Bath in the hospital, is asked the patients to soak the whole or local of body into the medical soup which are decocted in view of patients’ illness conditions. As the active materials enter the body through the skin and take effects in the body, the toxic substances will be carried out of body, the kidney self-healing ability will be enhanced. Also, the creatinine 673 will be lowered and the patients can live a better life without doing dialysis.

How Can I Know the Kidney is Shutting Down

The kidneys have functions of filtering wastes and toxins in blood, maintaining adequate fluid levels in body and some other functions. Once the kidneys shut down, patients will suffer from many symptoms.

Then, how can people know their kidneys is shutting down?

Decrease in urine output

This is one of the most common symptoms for people with kidneys shutdown, because the kidney filtration rate is decreased, so the urine output will also be decreased. Besides, people will also suffer from a frequent urination at night.

Fluid retention

As the shutdown of kidneys, the kidneys cannot function in a normal level, so the excess cannot be discharged from urine timely. In this condition, people will suffer from fluid retention in their bodies, which is also called swelling or edema.

Drowsiness and fatigue

This symptoms can be caused by the wastes and toxins building up in blood when the kidneys shutdown, besides, the kidney damage will prevent the produce of res blood cells caused anemia, which will also cause drowsiness and fatigue.

Confusion, seizure or coma

For people with severe kidney damage, they may experience the symptoms of confusion, seizure or coma, which is caused by the building up of toxins in blood. And the toxins can affect the function of brain and other organs.

5. Chest pain

Chest pain is mainly cause by the retention of fluid in body, which cause the increasing pressure on heart and the sac that surrounds heart.
If you still have any doubts, you can feel to contact me by E-mail,,or WhatsApp / Viber / Phone Number: 008615132830921