Diet plays an important role for kidney disease patients, it can help reduce kidney burden and slow down the disease. Have you got a good diet chart with your kidney disease? This blog can help you get further understanding.

FSGS and Creatinine 5.8, How to Dispel Edema

Good morning, doctor. I have been diagnosed with FSGS for six years. And now, my serum creatinine level is at 5.8. And I have bad edema which make me can not walk around any more. Can you help me? Should I do dialysis? Is there way for me to recover the renal function and get rid of edema?

If you have the similar illness conditions or want to gain the answer of the semblable questions, please contact the Online Doctor or find out the solution in the article.

FSGS (Focal Segmental Glomerular Sclerosis), a glomeruli kidney disease, means the kidney can not work well to remove the excess water, toxins and wastes, filter the blood, keep the balance of the internal environment, etc. And thus, the patients will suffer from weakness, protein urine, edema and so on. As a matter of fact, the edema will come out as the retained fluid are gathered in the body. So that, if you only excluded the water from body, the edema will rise again and again.

And then, how to prevent the edema from appearing once more?

Only when the kidney is restored, can the edema be treated from root.

While, what treatment can treat the damaged kidney and dispel the edema?

Toxin-Removing Therapy can treat the edema as it could sweep all toxins and wastes away from body naturally. Moreover, it can protect the cells and tissues of the kidney from further damage. In addition, it is very advance for the kidney to recover in such a cleaned and salutary surrounding.

Besides, the patients also should take Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy, Hot Compress Therapy, Steaming Therapy, Cupping Glass or Immunotherapy to repair the diseased kidney and improve the renal function with less side effects.

When the kidney is restored, the edema will be disappeared, the creatinine 5.8 will be dropped down and the patients can live a better life.

If you want to get more treatment or diet suggestions for kidney problem,you can feel to contact me by E-mail,or  WhatsApp / Viber / Phone Number: 008615132830921

