Diet plays an important role for kidney disease patients, it can help reduce kidney burden and slow down the disease. Have you got a good diet chart with your kidney disease? This blog can help you get further understanding.

Lower a high level of creatinine by monitoring your diet

Creatinine is a waste found in the blood. Normally, the kidneys filter and release creatinine out of the body. Kidney disease prevents the kidneys from functioning properly and filtering creatinine. There are several ways to reduce creatinine, we will see how to lower a high level of creatinine by following his diet.
1. Limit the salt. Excess salt can cause significant water retention, resulting in high blood pressure. Both of these can cause your creatinine level to increase.
Follow a low salt diet. Avoid foods and drinks with too much salt and go for a low-sodium diet when you shop.
Eat more vegetables. To reduce creatinine levels and to ward off the risk of kidney problems due to diabetes or high blood pressure, a vegetarian diet is often recommended. Eat foods rich in vitamin C, such as lemon juice, berries and cauliflower.
2. Watch your protein intake. Avoid foods rich in protein as much as possible. Red meat and dairy products are particularly discouraged if you have difficulty removing creatinine.
The food source of creatinine comes from animals. While their quantity is generally not dangerous, it can be a problem when your creatinine level is abnormally high.

If you want to get more treatment or diet suggestions for kidney problem,you can feel to contact me by E-mail,or  WhatsApp / Phone Number: 008615132830921

What is the difference between serum creatinine and urinary creatinine?

A link between serum creatinine and muscle in the body, basically not affected by the diet, high catabolism of extrarenal factors, some people will appear blood creatinine and urine creatinine of both at the time of examination, but many people do not know not whether there are differences in serum creatinine and urinary creatinine, following our expert explain the difference between serum creatinine and urinary creatinine.
There may be many patients do not know what is the difference between them two, let us first look at the reasons for high serum creatinine, serum creatinine is due to various causes of infestation in the kidney received after the first appearance renal cell altered phenotype, the formation of pathological changes in the kidney to stimulate the transformation of fibroblasts into myofibroblasts, and invasion and stimulate normal renal tissue inherent in the same lesion, thereby forming a point-to-plane kidney, local to the whole, spread the excitation spread, so has entered the period of organic injury, namely renal injury, this time due to kidney damage caused by time. Excretion function decreased, causing toxins such as creatinine accumulation in the body, so serum creatinine and urea nitrogen increased, urinary creatinine decreased, simple filter decreased speed, etc.
In general, when the glomerular filtration rate dropped to more than 50% of normal serum creatinine, friends were aware of serum creatinine, whereas serum creatinine was significantly higher than that of normal renal function. Because creatinine clearance is affected by glomerular concentration, creatinine is the most reliable indicator of glomerular function in renal failure.

If you still have any doubts, you can feel to contact me by  E-mail,or WhatsApp / Phone Number: 008615132830921.