Diet plays an important role for kidney disease patients, it can help reduce kidney burden and slow down the disease. Have you got a good diet chart with your kidney disease? This blog can help you get further understanding.

Alternative Treatments Can Help Creatinine 5,6 in Diabetic Nephropathy Avoid Dialysis

In most conditions, the long years of uncontrolled hyperglycemia will cause diabetic nephropathy. The functions of the kidney are gradually losing, patients will undergo dialysis at high creatinine level. More and more patients want to know that alternative treatments can help creatinine of 5,6 in diabetic nephropathy prevent dialysis. What are the alternative treatments? Why alternative treatments can help patients with diabetic nephropathy avoid dialysis successfully? You can also consult the doctor online directly at the freedom to get all the answers.

Creatinine 5.6 in patients with diabetic nephropathy will be dialysis to maintain the recommended lifespan. Although some patients take dialysis, they still have a number of complications, such as dizziness, low blood pressure, nausea, vomiting, itching of the skin, fatigue, etc. Dialysis can help prolong life expectancy through the cleaning of toxins and excess waste, but make patients with poor quality of life.

If you do not take dialysis, alternative treatments can help you avoid dialysis with improved kidney function. If you have been on dialysis that alternative treatments can help improve the quality of life, all complications will be relieved in 10-15 days without relapse.

Beijing Tongshantang Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine developed alternative treatments for many years. Here I recommend the most popular treatment, Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy. It is a new therapy based on traditional Chinese medicine. Several of the Chinese herbal medicines used in the treatments will be put into two medicated powder bags. The active ingredients are penetrated inside the kidney lesions when the two medicinal bags are in the patients' shenshu area. It has good effects in spending blood vessels, improving blood circulation, promoting metabolism, repair of diseased cells and tissues. enough nutrients and oxygen can be delivered to the damaged kidneys to improve kidney function and kidney structure reconstruction.

Otherwise, Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy can soften the blood vessels and remove the immune complex in the body, so that it can regulate blood sugar from the root. Not only the treatment of blood sugar, but also can repair damaged kidneys. So there is great hope for 5.6 patients with creatinine to avoid dialysis.

 If you still have any doubts, you can feel to contact me by E-mail,or WhatsApp / Phone Number: 008615132830921

Lupus nephritis: Traditional Chinese Medicine to strengthen the kidneys

In traditional Chinese medicine, a variety of techniques can be used to strengthen the kidneys of lupus nephritis patients. Read the following article to learn more. Do you have any questions? Chat with our doctor online for professional advice.

Traditional remedies of Chinese medicine for lupus nephritis

* Chinese herbal medicine

Chinese herbal medicine is used in conjunction with another option to support the healing process. Herbal medicine formulas are generally complex, multi-herbal formulations tailored to meet the specific needs of each individual.

To obtain the most suitable list of herbs for your unique condition, please do not hesitate to send us an email to

Our nephrologist will answer you with the most useful information.

* Micro-Chinese osmotherapy Medicine

As an external application of Chinese herb medicine, this treatment has no adverse effects for the human body. During the treatment process, patients only need to lie down in bed with two boxes of medicines putting in the kidney region. The treatment is comfortable and comfortable.

While the treatment of lupus nephritis, Micro-Chinese osmotherapy Medicine works mainly by inhibiting the inflammatory response in the kidneys, preventing further loss of kidney function, repair of damaged cells and kidney tissues, reconstruction of the structure of the kidneys, and rebuild the entire immune system of the body.

In addition, other remedies of traditional Chinese medicine that may be useful to strengthen the kidneys of lupus nephritis may also include acupuncture, moxibustion, Qi gong, Tai Chi, etc. Patients are always advised to consult the kidney doctor of the best treatment options. If you are interested in getting personalized suggestions, please leave a message below or chat with our doctor online. It is a pleasure to share free help.

If you still have any doubts, you can feel to contact me by  E-mail,or WhatsApp / Phone Number: 008615132830921.

Nephritis: Is Normal Suffered from Relapse of Proteinuria?

Is it normal for a patient with nephritis to suffer relapse of proteinuria? Of course, no. Meanwhile, why do many patients consider it a regular phenomenon? And how to leave it radically?

Some patients said that they had experienced proteinuria many times or that the proteinuria did not disappear at all. But I must tell you that proteinuria means problems in the body, and relapse of proteinuria will also lead to kidney failure. That is, patients must stop this process as soon as possible.

Speaking of the reason why proteinuria happens again and again, the professors of the Beijing Tongshantang Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine proposed that the common therapy for proteinuria can not eliminate all substances that induce inflammations in the kidneys. And you know, chronic nephritis required a good time of good nursing and a remedy to be cured.

Normally, patients will take steroids or immunosuppressants to stop the leakage of proteins. In this case, some damage to the kidney has already occurred and is difficult to cure. What's worse, some patients believe that missing protein represents a cure, and they lead unhealthy diets and life as before. In this terrible state, it is not strange that proteinuria recrudesce with the kidney worsened.

And then, what should we do?

Insist on healthy diets and lifestyles. In the beginning stage, patients should follow the renal diet and get enough rest. Also, do not ban salt, fat and protein for a long time and do moderate exercises. It is important for the renovation.

In addition, an effective treatment is irreplaceable. Patients with nephritis with proteinuria in China will adopt Micro-Chinese Medicine osmotherapy, medicinal foot bath, medicinal full bath, enema therapy, circle therapy, steam therapy, medicinal soup, hot compress therapy and other Chinese medicine treatments at the light of the patients own physical situation in order to obtain a better therapeutic effect in the repair of the diseased kidneys. In this way, proteinuria will fundamentally vanish, and patients can return to a normal life.

If you still have any doubts, you can feel to contact me by  E-mail,or WhatsApp / Phone Number: 008615132830921.

Lower a high level of creatinine by monitoring your diet

Creatinine is a waste found in the blood. Normally, the kidneys filter and release creatinine out of the body. Kidney disease prevents the kidneys from functioning properly and filtering creatinine. There are several ways to reduce creatinine, we will see how to lower a high level of creatinine by following his diet.
1. Limit the salt. Excess salt can cause significant water retention, resulting in high blood pressure. Both of these can cause your creatinine level to increase.
Follow a low salt diet. Avoid foods and drinks with too much salt and go for a low-sodium diet when you shop.
Eat more vegetables. To reduce creatinine levels and to ward off the risk of kidney problems due to diabetes or high blood pressure, a vegetarian diet is often recommended. Eat foods rich in vitamin C, such as lemon juice, berries and cauliflower.
2. Watch your protein intake. Avoid foods rich in protein as much as possible. Red meat and dairy products are particularly discouraged if you have difficulty removing creatinine.
The food source of creatinine comes from animals. While their quantity is generally not dangerous, it can be a problem when your creatinine level is abnormally high.

If you want to get more treatment or diet suggestions for kidney problem,you can feel to contact me by E-mail,or  WhatsApp / Phone Number: 008615132830921

What is the difference between serum creatinine and urinary creatinine?

A link between serum creatinine and muscle in the body, basically not affected by the diet, high catabolism of extrarenal factors, some people will appear blood creatinine and urine creatinine of both at the time of examination, but many people do not know not whether there are differences in serum creatinine and urinary creatinine, following our expert explain the difference between serum creatinine and urinary creatinine.
There may be many patients do not know what is the difference between them two, let us first look at the reasons for high serum creatinine, serum creatinine is due to various causes of infestation in the kidney received after the first appearance renal cell altered phenotype, the formation of pathological changes in the kidney to stimulate the transformation of fibroblasts into myofibroblasts, and invasion and stimulate normal renal tissue inherent in the same lesion, thereby forming a point-to-plane kidney, local to the whole, spread the excitation spread, so has entered the period of organic injury, namely renal injury, this time due to kidney damage caused by time. Excretion function decreased, causing toxins such as creatinine accumulation in the body, so serum creatinine and urea nitrogen increased, urinary creatinine decreased, simple filter decreased speed, etc.
In general, when the glomerular filtration rate dropped to more than 50% of normal serum creatinine, friends were aware of serum creatinine, whereas serum creatinine was significantly higher than that of normal renal function. Because creatinine clearance is affected by glomerular concentration, creatinine is the most reliable indicator of glomerular function in renal failure.

If you still have any doubts, you can feel to contact me by  E-mail,or WhatsApp / Phone Number: 008615132830921.

What are the symptoms of kidney failure?

An introduction

Each person has two kidneys that perform a great task in the human body, which is to purify the blood from all the wastes in which it is present. This leads to the production of the urine that the body expels whenever it accumulates. Hence, the kidneys are the most important organs of the human body, it is the means by which the blood is purified of all the toxins that are present in it.

But the accumulation of these wastes taken out of blood in the kidneys is causing the disease of the kidneys and threatens the health of these parts of the body. What distinguishes kidney dysfunction is that the deterioration in their health is very slow, but the more severe the morbidity becomes, the more severe symptoms emerge from the earlier, since the disease at the beginning can not be distinguished, because the symptoms are indistinguishable.

Symptoms of renal failure

Symptoms of renal failure may be very slow in terms of the development of the severity, the most prominent symptoms that may accompany the disease of kidney failure in the person infected with this disease is nausea, and the amount of urine that comes out of the body, in addition to vomiting, poor appetite, and inability to sleep In addition to the contraction of the strength and the general thinking and fatigue that affects the whole body, with the possibility of suffering from the person suffering from itching and muscle contractions, it is worth mentioning that these symptoms mentioned in advance are not special symptoms of the kidneys only, but also include the kidneys and other various diseases , For this reason the Diagnosis of the disease may be delayed for a long time, which may increase the risk of infection with this disease and a large and chronic injury.

Diseases and other disorders which may lead to damage to the kidneys various diseases such as diabetes in two types as well as the rise in blood pressure, and stones that are formed and formed in the kidneys, in addition to cancers of the urinary bladder and kidney and some diseases of rheumatic and kidney infection as well, Other diseases.

Diagnosis of renal failure

Diagnosis of this disease is through the specialist doctor, where the doctor conducts several tests to make sure that the person infected this disease, and the most important tests carried out by human is urine, blood, imaging and biopsy. The treatment for renal failure is targeted at the main cause and main cause of the disease, as a result of the lack of effective treatment for this disease, able to restore the kidneys to normal. Prevention is followed by a healthy life system, so that the person can maintain two kidneys healthy.

If you still have any doubts, you can feel to contact me by  E-mail,or WhatsApp / Phone Number: 008615132830921.