Diet plays an important role for kidney disease patients, it can help reduce kidney burden and slow down the disease. Have you got a good diet chart with your kidney disease? This blog can help you get further understanding.

What are the symptoms of kidney failure?

An introduction

Each person has two kidneys that perform a great task in the human body, which is to purify the blood from all the wastes in which it is present. This leads to the production of the urine that the body expels whenever it accumulates. Hence, the kidneys are the most important organs of the human body, it is the means by which the blood is purified of all the toxins that are present in it.

But the accumulation of these wastes taken out of blood in the kidneys is causing the disease of the kidneys and threatens the health of these parts of the body. What distinguishes kidney dysfunction is that the deterioration in their health is very slow, but the more severe the morbidity becomes, the more severe symptoms emerge from the earlier, since the disease at the beginning can not be distinguished, because the symptoms are indistinguishable.

Symptoms of renal failure

Symptoms of renal failure may be very slow in terms of the development of the severity, the most prominent symptoms that may accompany the disease of kidney failure in the person infected with this disease is nausea, and the amount of urine that comes out of the body, in addition to vomiting, poor appetite, and inability to sleep In addition to the contraction of the strength and the general thinking and fatigue that affects the whole body, with the possibility of suffering from the person suffering from itching and muscle contractions, it is worth mentioning that these symptoms mentioned in advance are not special symptoms of the kidneys only, but also include the kidneys and other various diseases , For this reason the Diagnosis of the disease may be delayed for a long time, which may increase the risk of infection with this disease and a large and chronic injury.

Diseases and other disorders which may lead to damage to the kidneys various diseases such as diabetes in two types as well as the rise in blood pressure, and stones that are formed and formed in the kidneys, in addition to cancers of the urinary bladder and kidney and some diseases of rheumatic and kidney infection as well, Other diseases.

Diagnosis of renal failure

Diagnosis of this disease is through the specialist doctor, where the doctor conducts several tests to make sure that the person infected this disease, and the most important tests carried out by human is urine, blood, imaging and biopsy. The treatment for renal failure is targeted at the main cause and main cause of the disease, as a result of the lack of effective treatment for this disease, able to restore the kidneys to normal. Prevention is followed by a healthy life system, so that the person can maintain two kidneys healthy.

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