Diet plays an important role for kidney disease patients, it can help reduce kidney burden and slow down the disease. Have you got a good diet chart with your kidney disease? This blog can help you get further understanding.

PKD and Back Pain: Can Toxin-Removing Therapy Release That

PKD is a genetic disorder that leading numerous cysts with fluids grow in kidneys, and cysts can get enlarged, impress the tissues around, will lead to back pain. What should we do to avoid further damage and improve back pain?

PKD, often occur as a family disease, should be treated timely with correct treatment. In different stage, treatments are various. There are cysts with fluids and airs grow in kidneys and then, these cysts will impress the around organs and cause inflammation. Inflammation can cause lesion in kidneys and irritate the around muscle and nerve system, then, back pain will occur. If we feel back pain, for a long term, physical examination is suggested, such as CT, X-Ray, ultrasound and other necessary examinations that required by doctors. These are necessary, they will help us avoid further damage, prevent complications, find treatment to improve kidney conditions as early as possible. This is the key point in treating chronic kidney diseases.

In this stage, dialysis or transplant is to much, and is un necessary also. The key point now is to find a medicine to release the PKD, back pain, and find the root causes of back pain. After all, there still other possibilities to get back pain. Right diagnose plays importance role in treating every diseases.

If you do not want to take steroid medicine, and want to shrink kidney cysts in PKD at the same time, you can try Toxin-Removing Therapy, it is a natural treatment, a Traditional Chinese Medicine based treatment that using natural herbal medicine to help improve kidney conditions and release the back pain. It can also help shrink the kidney cysts and repair the damaged kidney tissue caused by enlarged cysts.

If you want to get more treatment or diet suggestions for kidney problem,you can feel to contact me by E-mail,or  WhatsApp / Viber / Phone Number: 008615132830921

How to deal with PKD Associated with Hypertension and High Creatinine

PKD, Polycystic Kidney Disease, is a genetic kidney disorder in which countless abnormal cysts grow and develop in the kidneys. And thus, the patients will have remarkableness including high creatinine level, hypertension and hematuria. Thereby, how to deal with PKD associated with hypertension and high creatinine?

Why the creatinine goes up to high and how hypertension appears in the condition of PKD?

As the cysts become bigger and bigger, the nearby cells and tissues will be constricted. In this case, the blood pressure will be increased. Later, the blood vessels will be injured and the kidney function will be depressed. Moreover, it is easy for the grown cysts to break out, after that, the patients will get renal structure impairment and infection. When the kidney can not operate well as it should do, the creatinine level will reach up to higher and higher.

How to treat hypertension and high creatinine for PKD patients?

The patients can take some medicines to lower high blood stress and creatinine level. But, as long as the kidney and cysts are not remedy well, these symptoms will come out once more. That is to say, the patients are in a sore need to control the cysts and renovate the kidney function effectively.

For an example, the patients can be extricated from the hypertension and high creatinine level by doing some natural treatments in Beijing Tongshantang Hospital of Traditional Chinese medicine. There, the patients can take Toxin-Removing Therapy to clear all the poisonous depositions away from body and manage the cysts with few adverse reactions. In addition to, Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy will be applied to not only restrain the cysts, but also enhance the kidney function by two medical bags which are full of the special herbs elected up from nature. What is more important, the herbs used in this treatment depend on the patients’ illness conditions. So, the patients do not need to worry about the side effects and clinical efficacy. Also, the patients can live a high quality life and avoid dialysis there.

If you are interested in the treatments to PKD with hypertension and high creatinine level, you can feel to contact me by E-mail,or  WhatsApp / Viber / Phone Number: 008615132830921

Diabetics with GFR 17.49: How Long Before Dialysis

For diabetics with GFR 17.49, how long before dialysis? If you have the similar condition, go on reading to learn more information.

In general, when GFR is less than 15, dialysis is suggested. But for diabetics, they usually start dialysis earlier than other renal patients, because diabetes can cause a series of severe complications, which may threaten life. Therefore, you had better take treatment as early as possible to improve your GFR.

Treatment for diabetics with GFR 17.49

First of all, you should have a good control of your blood sugar level to prevent it causing further damage to your kidneys.

Second, you should set up a good blood environment for kidneys to heal themselves. Because of the declined GFR, a lot of waste products can not be filtered out of body so that they will build up in blood. If you do not clear them away from blood timely, they will cause damage to your kidneys or even other body systems, and they can also counteract the effects of medications to affect your recovery. In our hospital, Toxin-Removing Treatment is often used in this case. It takes advantage of various Chinese medicine therapies such as Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy, Medicated Bath, Foot Bath, Enema Therapy, Steam Therapy and so on to remove massive waste products from body to make internal environment clean. It can also dilate blood vessels and remove stasis to improve blood circulation and increase blood flow into damaged kidneys to supply them with enough essential elements to speed up kidney recovery. After a short period of treatment, symptoms such as swelling, proteinuria, high blood pressure, headache, nausea, vomiting, skin itching, back pain and so on will get relieved or disappear. After a long period of treatment, your kidney function will improve and your GFR will increase. As a result, you can delay dialysis.

How long before dialysis for diabetics with GFR 17.49? It depends on how well you control your disease. If you are not satisfied with your current treatment effect, you can try Chinese medicine.
If you want to get more treatment or diet suggestions for kidney problem,you can feel to contact me by E-mail,or  WhatsApp / Viber / Phone Number: 008615132830921

What Foods Should Be Given for Patients with Diabetic Nephropathy

Diet can be regarded as the most basic treatment for protecting diabetic kidney disease patients from the further damage. However, for most patients, they may have no idea what food they can eat. It’s OK. After reading the passage, you will master friendly-kidney diet plan.

Generally speaking, according to the friendly-kidney dietary principles, you will get a good diet plan for yourself.

1. Control high blood sugar--foods that can lower high sugar level.

For Diabetic Nephropathy, they should first control their high blood sugar firmly, because uncontrolled blood glucose level will aggravate kidney damage. From the point, they are advise to take some foods which can lower high the high blood sugar, such as oatmeal, broccoli, spinach, green beans, strawberries, salmon, lean meats, sparking water and cinnamon. Besides, diabetic patients should avoid high sugar foods. All these will be helpful to control their high blood sugar.

2. Reduce kidneys’ burden--foods that can produce few wastes.

First of all, patients should limit protein intake, because too much protein intake will increase the kidney burden and aggravate the kidney damage. Second, patients should also limit the salt intake, because too much salt intake will aggravate hypertension and swelling. Third, they also need to take proper potassium, phosphorus, calcium and other microelements depending on their illness condition.

3. Protect residual renal function-foods that can help repair renal damage

Some herbal tea can help lay a solid foundation for repairing kidney damage like dandelion root tea, nettle leaf tea, corn silk tea, and so on. These teas are the natural diuretic which can remove extra wastes from the body effectively.

All these general dietary principles help to remit the symptoms they have and reduce the kidney damage to protect the residual kidney function. Sincerely hope you can live a healthy life with these suggestions.
If you want to get more treatment or diet suggestions for kidney problem,you can feel to contact me by E-mail,or  WhatsApp / Viber / Phone Number: 008615132830921

Diabetic Nephropathy and Protein in Urine: Can Natural Treatment Improve That

Diabetic Nephropathy, a kidney disease that result from diabetes, is the number one cause of kidney failure. Almost a third of people with diabetes develop diabetic nephropathy. When kidneys got damaged, complications such as protein in urine. which natural treatment can help release protein in urine in diabetic nephropathy?

People with diabetic nephropathy trend to have other long standing medical conditions, like high blood pressure, high cholesterol and blood vessel disease. When their blood vessel get hurt, especially the kidney blood vessel, complications such as blood urine and kidney infection will occur. Advanced kidney infection can cause lesion in kidney tubules that cause protein can not be absorbed in and then leak into urine. Thus forming protein urine in kidney disease. It is common to develop edema as complication in this condition. Medical treatment should be used in this stage to avoid further damage. We may seek for doctor for direct help and they will prescribe us with steroid medicine to improve our condition. It is effective in some way, but it can not cure this lesion in kidneys, once we stop the medicine, protein urine will relapse.

Natural treatment is characteristic in treating disease from the root causes. And there is a natural treatment that named as Toxin-Removing Therapy in Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease hospital in China that major in treating chronic kidney diseases and complications. This treatment can help patients improve their kidney condition and release the complications of kidney disease. It has a superior effect in treating edema and protein in urine. Meanwhile, it can improve the lesion kidney tissue and slow down the prognosis of kidney disease.
If you still have any doubts, you can feel to contact me by  E-mail,or WhatsApp / Viber / Phone Number: 008615132830921.

Release Blood Urine in Nephrotic Syndrome with Natural Remedy

Nephrotic Syndrome has several severe complications such as a condition marked by very high levels of protein in the urine; low levels of protein in the blood; swelling, especially around the eyes, feet, and hands; and high cholesterol. Here we talk about the treatment for blood urine, another complication in Nephrotic Syndrome.

Nephrotic Syndrome results from damage to the kidneys’ glomeruli(the singular form is glomerulus). And, long term of kidney tubules damage can result in a kidney blood vessel lesion and then, cause red blood cells leaking into urine. Treatment for nephrotic syndrome focuses on identifying the underlying cause if possible and reducing high cholesterol, blood pressure and protein in urine through diet and medications. Hypertension can exacerbate the blood urine and then, result in anemia, decease of immune system. Advanced kidney disease will cause multiple complications. Treatment for chronic kidney disease should be used as soon as possible.

Nephrotic syndrome may go away once the underlying cause, if known, has been treated. However, most of the time a kidney disease is the underlying cause. Steroid based medicine will be used in this stage to improve the kidney conditions. It has a fast effect, but, if long term use this medicine, the effect will decrease. Natural treatment is characterized in treating chronic kidney disease from root causes. While which treatment can help improve kidney condition and release complications?

Toxin-Removing Therapy is a natural treatment for chronic kidney diseases. This treatment can help release the complications and improve the damaged kidney tissue. What’s more, this treatment has a superior effect in treating blood in urine and severe edema.
If you want to get more treatment or diet suggestions for kidney problem,you can feel to contact me by E-mail,or  WhatsApp / Viber / Phone Number: 008615132830921

Diet Changes for a Person with Acute Glomerulonephritis

Acute Glomerulonephritis is a type of disorder in which glomeruli are inflamed. This impairs the kidney’s ability to filter blood wastes and excess fluid. Patients with Acute Glomerulonephritis need to make some diet changes to protect kidney function.

Dietary changes for general patients

When the kidneys are not working normally, waste products (creatinine, blood urea nitrogen) and excess fluid build up inside the body. Typical dietary restrictions will be placed on total calories, fluid, protein, sodium, phosphorous, and potassium.

Treatment for Acute Glomerulonephritis

Diet can only help patients reduce burden on kidneys but cannot solve the underlying problem. Treatment for Acute Glomerulonephritis depends on the direct cause. First of all, you should ask your doctor about the direct cause of the kidney damage. Secondly, I recommend traditional Chinese herbs to improve kidney function.

Take Micro-Chinese Medicine  as an example. It is an external application. Chinese herbs used in this therapy are super-finely shattered. With osmosis device and penetrant liquids, the effective ingredients can permeate into kidney lesions directly. They can expand blood vessels, reduce inflammations and degrade extracellular matrixes, thus increasing whole blood circulation. Therefore, glomeruli can get enough blood supply to work normally.
If you want to get more treatment or diet suggestions for kidney problem,you can feel to contact me by E-mail,or  WhatsApp / Viber / Phone Number: 008615132830921

PKD and Back Pain: Can Toxin-Removing Therapy Release That

PKD is a genetic disorder that leading numerous cysts with fluids grow in kidneys, and cysts can get enlarged, impress the tissues around, will lead to back pain. What should we do to avoid further damage and improve back pain?

PKD, often occur as a family disease, should be treated timely with correct treatment. In different stage, treatments are various. There are cysts with fluids and airs grow in kidneys and then, these cysts will impress the around organs and cause inflammation. Inflammation can cause lesion in kidneys and irritate the around muscle and nerve system, then, back pain will occur. If we feel back pain, for a long term, physical examination is suggested, such as CT, X-Ray, ultrasound and other necessary examinations that required by doctors. These are necessary, they will help us avoid further damage, prevent complications, find treatment to improve kidney conditions as early as possible. This is the key point in treating chronic kidney diseases.

In this stage, dialysis or transplant is to much, and is un necessary also. The key point now is to find a medicine to release the PKD, back pain, and find the root causes of back pain. After all, there still other possibilities to get back pain. Right diagnose plays importance role in treating every diseases.

If you do not want to take steroid medicine, and want to shrink kidney cysts in PKD at the same time, you can try Toxin-Removing Therapy, it is a natural treatment, a Traditional Chinese Medicine based treatment that using natural herbal medicine to help improve kidney conditions and release the back pain. It can also help shrink the kidney cysts and repair the damaged kidney tissue caused by enlarged cysts.
If you want to get more treatment or diet suggestions for kidney problem,you can feel to contact me by E-mail,or  WhatsApp / Viber / Phone Number: 008615132830921

Is Dialysis the Only Option for High Creatinine Levels

As the kidneys are unable to work properly to filter wastes and toxins from the blood in Kidney Failure, Kidney Dialysis will be commonly used to lower High Creatinine Levels. Well then, is dialysis the only option for high creatinine levels?

As a matter of fact, the answer is negative. Aside from dialysis, Traditional Chinese Medicine treatment is an effective alternative.

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Traditional Chinese medicine treatment is natural and effective to help you remove the accumulated toxins and wastes in your body through dilating blood vessels and improving blood circulation. It also can repair your damaged kidney tissues and cells as well as improve some of renal detoxification functions from the root to let your kidneys eliminate the excess creatinine and other wastes and products in the blood.

Mature Toxin-Removing Treatment of traditional Chinese medicine can effectively replace dialysis to cleanse blood at the same time it also can provide nutrients and oxygen to kidneys to speed up its recovery. This therapy is a general term that contains a series of Chinese medicine treatments such as Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy, Foot Bath Therapy, Medicated Bath, etc.
If you are interested in this Toxin-Removing Treatment, you can feel to contact me by E-mail,or  WhatsApp / Viber / Phone Number: 008615132830921

Can Creatinine 10.5 Be Treated without Dialysis

High Creatinine Level is one of the indicators of decreasing kidney function in CKD. If left untreated, it will develop into the End Stage Renal Disease quickly. Can creatinine 10.5 be treated without Dialysis?

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Currently, the high creatinine level 10.5 is greatly higher than the normal range of creatinine level, which needs urgent treatment measures to reduce it and protect the residual renal function.

If you do not have high risk factors for life now, dialysis can be replaced by systematic TCM treatments to help restore some of renal detoxification function and improve glomerular filtration rate and thus high creatinine level 10.5 can be reduced naturally.

Our mainly use the combination of Chinese medicine and western medicine, but the Chinese medicine achieves the main function in treating kidney disease. Chinese medicine treatments like Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy, Medicated Bath, Foot Bath Therapy can repair the damaged kidney intrinsic cells and tissues and protect the normal function from the root through dilating blood vessels, anti-inflammation, anti-coagulation, degradation of extracellular matrix as well as provide enough nutrients and oxygen to kidneys to relieve renal anoxia and renal anemia.

Along with the improved renal glomerular filtration rate, extra creatinine and other waste products can be filtered effectively than before to reduce high creatinine 10.5 and symptoms of Kidney Failure like poor appetite, fatigue, nausea can be alleviated naturally. You can avoid dialysis finally.

If you want to get more treatment or diet suggestions for kidney problem,you can feel to contact me by E-mail,or  WhatsApp / Viber / Phone Number: 008615132830921

What are the Diet for Children with FSGS

What are the diet for children with FSGS? FSGS is a kidney disorder disease which is common among children. For children who were unfortunately get this disease will have bad effects on both their physical condition and illness condition. In order to make children feel more suitable for their illness, they need to give a certain diet which will be helpful for their kidney disease.

FSGS, Kidneys Working at 35%:What Diet Should I Keep

1. Keep enough protein intake

Protein urine is a common symptom for FSGS patients, they should keep proper protei intake in order to reduce the further kidney burden. However, protein is a necessary nutrition for children with their growth on both physical and mental. So children with FSGS should keep enough protein intake everyday, and the amount is different from their illness condition. Besides, they should take high protein foods such as fish, lean meat, egg whites and milk.

Is Lemon Juice Good for FSGS Patients

2. Keep enough calcium intake

Calcium is important for the development of children, and tsking enough calcium is helpful to strong their bones. And for FSGS children who have high phosphorus level, they need to eat more high-calcium foods, such as cheese, sesame seeds and yogurt. If it si necessary, they can take some calcium medicines.

Can FSGS Patients Eat Lemon

3. Keep enough vitamin intake

Vitamins are necessary for people especially for children, because kepping enough vitamin intake can improve the immune system which will make children get rid of cold and infection. And cold and infections are the common reasons for the deterioration of FSGS. Fruits and vegetables are high in vitamins, and different fruits and vegetables contain different vitamins, in order to keep the balance of the vitamins in body, they need to keep enough fruits and vegetables intake depending on their illness condition.

If you want to get more diet suggestions for kidney problem,
you can feel to contact me by E-mail,
or  WhatsApp / Viber / Phone Number: 008615132830921

What Stage of Kidney Disease with Creatinine 11.5 in FSGS

What stage of Kidney Disease with creatinine 11.5 in FSGS ? This is a question asked by a patient, but it is a question concerned with many people. Now let us  have a look it together.

It is known that Chronic  Kidney Disease has five stages and creatinine 11.5 is higher than the normal level-1.3, it is in the stage five. That is mean FSGS patients with creatinine 11.5 are in the End Stage Renal Disease also known as Uremia, which is a life-threatening disease. Usually, after patients creatinine level up to 11.5, doctors always recommend dialysis or kidney transplant. But with the high technology developing, a series of new therapies have been invented, they are more suitable for patients who are in this situation. They are some natural remedies which can lower the high creatinine level without hurt the kidney. With the help of those therapies, the damaged kidney tissues can be repaired and the remaining functions can be protected.

Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy is one of the representative therapy, combined by Chinese herb medicine and modern high technology, it has been proved has remarkable curative effect in curing Chronic Kidney Disease. Cooperate with other cure methods, it can lower the high creatinine level naturally.
If you want to know more details about it,you can feel to contact me by 
E-mail,or WhatsApp / Viber / Phone Number: 008615132830921

What Foods to Avoid for Patients Who Have Lupus nephritis

Lupus nephritis is a kind of kidney damage which is caused by Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE). And patients with lupus nephritis may have the symptoms of blood urine, proteinuria and kidney dysfunction, and daily diet plat an important role in protecting the kidney function. So lupus patients should pay attention to what they eat and what they cant eat, then what foods to avoid for patients who have lupus nephritis?

- Alfalfa seeds and sprouts should be avoided in lupus nephritis patients’ daily life, because these foods contain an amino acid called L-canavanine, which will aggravate the symptoms of lupus.

- Animal meats, dairy, eggs, nori seaweed and peanuts should also be avoided, because they are high in arachidonic acid, and it will be destructive to the body.

- Beans and mushrooms contain amines and hydrazine, which can increase the symptoms of lupus symptoms. Therefore, though they have good tasty, lupus nephritis patients should also avoid to eat them.

- Cured meats like hot dogs are also bad for lupus nephritis patients, because it have been proved that the components in cured meats will trigger lupus symptoms.

- Eggplant, peppers, tomatoes and white potatoes contain solanine, which can trigger inflammation and pain for lupus nephritis patients. So they should also avoid eating these foods.

- Patients should also keep a fat reduction, which can help reduce the 25% aches and pains for lupus patients.

- Herbs such as andrographis, echinacea, eleutherococcus, garlic, ginseng and panax should be taken with the advices of their doctors, because these herbs mentioned will increase autoimmunity, which will increase the progression of lupus nephritis.

Above are the common foods that lupus nephritis patients should be avoided in their daily life, which can help them relieve their kidney burden and prevent the aggravation of lupus symptoms.

Chinese Herbal Medicines Can Cure Chronic Nephritis With No Relapse

Only we know the reason of chronic nephritis that we maybe cure this kind of kidney disease. For most chronic nephritis patients that there are lots of toxins and excess substance, which cause hematuria, proteinuria, edema.

The fist step to treat chronic nephritis that is to clear away the excess substance completely. Only with clean and healthy internal environment that it maybe stop the damage to kidney again. So it can cure chronic nephritis with no relapse. Toxins-Removing Treatments is an external application, which can clear away the excess substance out completely with all body. It can create a clean and healthy internal environment.

Otherwise, we need to repair the diseased cells and diseased tissues for improving kidney function, which can help the chronic nephritis with no relapse. Hot Compress Therapy is an external application with two bags. The two bags will be put on patients’ shenshu ares for 40-50 minutes. It will help the nutrients and oxygen to diseased cells and diseased tissues, which are beneficial for improving kidney function.

There still are Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy, Medicated bath, Foot bath, Immunotherapy, Acupuncture. The systematic treatments has achieved 90% of the edema patients were removed, 96% of proteinuria patients are negative. So the systematic treatments can help cure chronic nephritis with no relapse.

If you want to get more treatment or diet suggestions for kidney problem,you can feel to contact me by Phone number / WhatsApp / Viber: 008615132830921,or E-mail