Diet plays an important role for kidney disease patients, it can help reduce kidney burden and slow down the disease. Have you got a good diet chart with your kidney disease? This blog can help you get further understanding.

How to Lower the Blood Pressure for Chronic Nephritis Patients

The four main expressions of chronic nephritis patients are edema, hypertension, protein in urine and blood in urine. Now, I will tell you how to lower the blood pressure for chronic nephritis patients.

How hypertension appears on chronic nephritis patients?

Due to the damaged kidney of the chronic nephritis patient, the redundant water and salt, various toxins and wastes will be retained in the body. As more and more water and sodium are gathered in the blood, the blood pressure will be elevated. Worse still, the high blood pressure will injure the blood vessels and thus lower the renal function. Moreover, the remained toxins and wastes will also make the further damage to the inherent cells and tissues of the kidney, in the meanwhile, they will decrease the efficiencies of other treatments. And then, the hypertension will be aggravated as a result of the exacerbated kidney.

While, how to treat hypertension for chronic nephritis patients?

As a matter of fact, the patients should take a treatment to clean up all the harmful things throughout the whole body as well as the remedy which can repair the damaged kidney.

So that, what treatments can relieve hypertension for chronic nephritis patients?

Toxin-Removing Therapy is created to drive all poisonous depositions out of body with safety and effectivity. It can also diminish the blood pressure for the patients. The more important things it takes are to protect the kidney and offer a salutary surrounding for the kidney to get well.

Besides, Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy will be used in combination with Toxin-Removing Therapy for a better effects on repairing the diseased kidney.

When the kidney is restored, the blood pressure will be control under the normal range, and the patients can return to the normal life.

If you want to get some treatment or diet suggestions for kidney problem,you can feel to contact me by E-mail,or WhatsApp / Viber:008615132830921.

Swollen Legs and Chronic Nephritis, What Can I do

When there are serious swelling in legs, the patients will have trouble with walking around. Moreover, edema is one of the manifestations of chronic nephritis. And then, what can I do?

Above all, the patients must adhere to the renal diet and healthy living style. The most important thing is to avoid the food which may lead to kidney damage and endocrine dyscrasia. At the same time, the patients would better to find out an effective treatment to cure the swollen and chronic nephritis.

If you do not want the swollen to come out over and over again or to undergo dialysis in the further, you would better to improve the renal function and recover the damaged kidney.

While, what treatment can treat the kidney?

Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy, an external application treatment Chinese medicine, can play a role in increasing the renal function. As a matter of fact, it is able to restore the diseased but not dead renal cells and tissues. As the herbs used in the treatment are elected up according to the patients’ proper and present illness conditions, the patients need not worry about the side effects. In addition to, it will enhance the kidney self-recovery ability so as to the kidney will be renewed bit by bit.

The bad thing is that the deposited toxins and waste products will make the further damage to the kidney and decrease the influences of Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy. So that, the patients are in need of Toxin-Removing Therapy other than dialysis to clean up the internal environment. The reason why Toxin-Removing Therapy is better to the patients is that the Toxin-Removing Therapy can stop the kidney damage rather than lowing the renal function. In a world, Toxin-Removing Therapy is very beneficial for the kidney to recover.

When the kidney is restored, the swollen legs will disappeared and the patients can live a better life.

If you want to get some treatment or diet suggestions for kidney problem,you can feel to contact me by E-mail,or WhatsApp / Viber:008615132830921.

Can I Get PKD With No Family History

PKD(Polycystic Kidney Disease) is a genetic kidney problem and passed down from generation to generation, so many people have the misconception that we will certainly not suffer from PKD as we have no family history. Actually, we have chance to get this genetic kidney problem even if we have no family members suffering from PKD.

PKD is related with gene mutation, but not everyone with parents suffering from PKD will definitely have this kidney problem. Generally speaking, people with two parents suffering from Polycystic Kidney Disease have 75% chance to inherit this kidney disorder. And people with one parent suffering from PKD have 50% chance to undergo this disease. Therefore, children with family members undergoing PKD still have chance to live without being damaged by polycystic kidney problem.

Besides, although PKD is genetic-related, people without family history still have chance to suffer from this problem and it occurs in about 10% of cases. It occurs by a randon mutation in the gene that disposes patients to the disease. At present, nobody knows why this occurs and it is considered to be spontaneous.

For PKD with or with no family history, the diagnosis is based on medical tests such as CT scan, B ultrasound, MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging), Routine Urine Test, Routine Blood Test, KUB and IVP (Intravenous Pyelogram) and so on. All these medical tests help to diagnose PKD in different ways and play an important role for PKD patients to learn about their illness condition.

PKD progressives to kidney failure directly without effective treatment. Compared with PKD in advanced stage, PKD in early stage is brought under control more easily. Therefore, it is of great important for PKD patients to have a early diagnosis and treatment, which is based on regular physical examination no matter they have or have no family history.

If you still have any doubts, you can feel to contact me by E-mail,or WhatsApp / Viber: 008615132830921.

Foods To Avoid With Polycystic Kidney Disease

pkd dietsAs a congenital disease due to gene mutation, there is at present no treatment for polycystic kidney disease, but still there are a lot of things that can be done to help PKD patients ease symptoms, control complications so as to slow illness progression and delay entering into end stage renal disease.

Certain foods should be avoided because they can worsen the symptoms or even stimulate the cysts to experience rapid growth.

Coffee, chocolate and caffeine-containing foods and drinks

It is recommended that PKD patients should drink more water to help increase urine output and wash more wastes from the kidneys and the body. Caffeine on the other hand can easily cause dehydration and worsen high creatinine and high BUN. What is worse, caffeine can stimulate the proliferation of cyst cells and promote the secretion of cyst fluid so as to cause the cysts to grow more rapidly than the normal progression.

Salty and fatty foods

PKD patients often have high blood pressure which will become worse and worse along with gradual loss of kidney functions. Therefore salt and fat intake should be limited to help control blood pressure and alleviate fluid and sodium retention in the body. Fast foods, restaurant foods and highly processed foods often contain a lot of salt and fats, therefore it is better that PKD patients should have healthy home-make diets and foods under the doctor and dietitian's guidance.

Added sugars

Foods that contain rich added sugars usually contain few nutritions. Eating too much added sugars can cause weight gain and increase blood pressure and blood triglycerides and increase the risk of heart problems. Therefor high-sugar foods such as candy, syrup, jelly, soft drinks should be avoided or limited.

Besides, polluted foods, animal offals, sea foods, spicy and stimulating foods, alcohol and tobacco should all be avoided for PKD patients.

If you want to get some treatment or diet suggestions for kidney problem,you can feel to contact me by E-mail,or WhatsApp / Viber:008615132830921.

What Causes Hypertensive Nephropathy

What is Hypertensive Nephropathy? Just as its name suggests, it is kidney dysfunction caused by persistent high blood pressure. If it is not treated timely, it will cause kidney failure. Knowing the causes of Hypertensive Nephropathy can help us to treat it efficiently. Therefore, what causes Hypertensive Nephropathy?

High blood pressure

Kidney is an organ which is surrounded by blood capillaries. These capillaries are responsible for filtering the toxins and wastes in the kidneys, while retaining the protein and blood cells. They can also transport oxygen and nutrients to the kidney. When they are exposed to high pressure for a long time, vascular wall will become thick and hard. This limits the flow of blood into the kidneys and causes damage, because they do not get enough oxygen. Not only do the kidneys have trouble filtering blood, but also retaining the protein and the blood cells, resulting in proteinuria and hematuresis. Over time, your illness can develop into kidney failure.

Other factors

The morbidity of Hypertensive Nephropathy does not only relate to how serious and how long your high blood pressure is, but also gender, race, diabetes, hyperlipemia and hyperuricemia. These factors may influence each other and aggravate the damage to kidneys. Besides, uncontrolled high blood pressure, mental pressure, unhealthy diet and unhealthy lifestyle can all affect your condition.

Since high blood pressure is the direct cause of Hypertensive Nephropathy, when we are diagnosed with high blood pressure, we should pay attention to controlling it. In addition to medication, we should reduce the intake of sodium, control weight, stop smoking and drinking, do proper exercise and keep a good mind. Only in this way, can we get rid of high blood pressure and Hypertensive Nephropathy.

If you still have any doubts, you can feel to contact me by E-mail,or WhatsApp / Viber: 008615132830921.