Diet plays an important role for kidney disease patients, it can help reduce kidney burden and slow down the disease. Have you got a good diet chart with your kidney disease? This blog can help you get further understanding.

IgA nephritis in the diet

Vegetables articles
Eat more vegetables and more vegetables, such as vegetables, celery and so is very good. Suffering from IgA nephritis should eat vegetarian, it is best not to eat meat and food. Almost a lot of IgA nephritis patients, in the daily diet conditioning, need to plant oil-based, as little as possible to eat animal oil; edible meat to lean meat-based, add high-quality low-protein, not eat fat. In a nutshell, kidney disease patients taboo to eat such "meat food". Because if you eat meat will increase the burden of iga kidney disease in patients with kidney. This is because: meat is "high quality low protein" kidney disease diet taboo, but also belong to high fat (lipid mainly including cholesterol and triglyceride) diet, where we say the latter: high fat diet will not only Increased renal impairment in patients with IgA nephropathy can also cause kidney damage in healthy people.
Staple food
Staple food, then to wheat starch food for the best (difficult to process, unpalatable, it is difficult to stick to it), in fact, normal rice can also be. For IgA nephritis patients should first eat cholesterol-rich foods such as various animal offal, heart, liver, etc., and to eat more foods rich in fatty acids (such as vegetable oil and deep-sea fish oil). Now provides IgA nephritis patients staple food recipes:

If you still have any doubts, you can feel to contact me by E-mail,or WhatsApp : 008615132830921.

IgA nephritis can not make up the protein

Generally believed that: IgA nephritis patients should be high quality low-protein diet, this diet principle includes two meanings:

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1, IgA nephritis patients intake of protein to "less";
2, IgA nephritis patients should eat "high quality" protein. The purpose of this is to reduce the intake of a large number of poor protein to increase the risk of kidney burden, but also to supplement the body's nutritional needs of the protein.
Generally believed that: soybean and legume protein content is high, on the other hand because of its protein is a plant protein, is a low-quality protein, protein contains essential amino acids, IgA nephritis patients too much intake, will increase nitrogen Hyperplasia, which aggravates the condition of patients with IgA nephritis. IgA nephritis patients with supplementary protein selection of animal lean meat such as fish, chicken and so on.

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IgA nephritis kidney failure patients can not eat protein
Some people think: IgA nephritis into renal failure, the kidney's ability to greatly reduce the detoxification, leakage of protein more, and then eat the protein will only increase the burden on the kidney, this idea is unscientific. Even the development of IgA nephritis to the most severe period - uremic period, still advocate eating high-quality low-protein diet, that is, adult protein no less than 20 grams per day.

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IgA nephritis patients must not fasting protein: IgA nephritis uremic patients during dialysis (especially peritoneal dialysis), daily intake of protein requirements more; IgA nephritis nephrotic syndrome patients, due to loss of large amounts of protein in urine, plasma protein is low, And renal function is better, advocate eating high protein diet, daily intake of 90-100 grams of protein, otherwise, hypoproteinemia is not corrected, edema is not easy to subside, the body resistance is inevitable, which is very unfavorable to the patient ; IgA nephritis patients blood nitrogen has been significantly increased, the protein intake is not limited is wrong, because it can accelerate the deterioration of renal function in patients with IgA nephritis.
Here to remind IgA nephritis patients:
Each case of IgA nephritis severity varies, the specific patient specific treatment, IgA nephritis patients in the end how much protein should be eaten daily, preferably by the kidney disease expert decision.

If you still have any doubts, you can feel to contact me by E-mail,or WhatsApp : 008615132830921.

Chronic renal failure

Chronic renal failure is extremely extensive, all the deterioration of kidney disease can lead to chronic renal failure. Acute renal failure without cure, a short period of time there is no death can also be a direct transition to chronic renal failure. The common reasons are described below:
1. Chronic glomerulonephritis progression to the late stage is the most common cause of chronic renal failure.

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2. Interstitial nephritis (Interstitial Nephritis) is a group of mainly involving the renal interstitial and renal tubular disease, also known as tubulointerstitial nephropathy (Tubulo-Interstitia Nephropa-thy). Its complex causes, is a common clinical disease, accounting for Urinary system diseases of 25% to 33%, living in the second place of chronic renal failure.
(1) infection: bacteria, viruses, mold, malaria parasite and other invasion of renal interstitial and renal tubules, which represent diseases such as chronic pyelonephritis. Malignant hernia and so on.

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(2) immune damage: common drug allergy such as penicillin, sulfonamides, autoimmune diseases such as systemic lupus erythematosus, scleroderma, dermatomyositis involving the kidney.
(3) Toxic substances such as aminoglycoside antibiotics, contrast agents damage the kidneys, heavy metal salts such as mercury, lead, arsenic, gold and other damage to the kidneys.
(4) renal blood supply disorders: such as renal arteriosclerosis, renal artery stenosis and so on.
(5) metabolic abnormalities: such as hyperuricemia, hypercalcemia, long-term hypokalemia and so on.
(6) physical factors: long-term exposure to X-ray, malignant radiotherapy and other radiotherapy.

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(7) urinary tract obstruction: obstruction caused by bladder, ureteral reflux to the renal pelvis, ureteral pressure increased renal interstitial, such as infection is more aggravated condition.
(8) tumor direct infiltration of renal interstitial: such as leukemia, lymphoma, cancer cell metastasis caused by renal interstitial damage.
(9) hereditary diseases: such as polycystic kidney disease, renal cysts.
(10) Balkan nephritis: belong to the cause of unknown renal interstitial disease, mainly in southern Europe.

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3. Hypertensive atherosclerosis at this time first damage the renal tubules and then damage the glomerular, and glomerulonephritis first damage the glomerular and then damage the renal tubular different.
4. Secondary to metabolic diseases such as diabetes, gout kidney, amyloidosis and so on.

If you still have any doubts, you can feel to contact me by E-mail,or WhatsApp : 008615132830921.

Chronic proteinuria nephritis

Chronic nephritis is a more common kidney disease in clinical medicine, common in young middle-aged men. Clinical manifestations, mainly proteinuria, hematuria, hypertension and edema.

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From the pathological point of view, the occurrence of proteinuria is due to kidney disease in the kidneys of the immune response caused by glomerular filtration barrier dysfunction. Inflammatory reactions in the body persist, the proteinuria of the patients with nephropathy will continue to damage the damaged kidneys and in vitro.
The data show that chronic renal failure caused by renal failure accounted for about 64.5% of the total. The initial symptoms of chronic nephritis is a large number of proteinuria. So chronic nephritis patients are committed to improving renal function and eliminate proteinuria, because it is directly related to the development and prognosis of the disease. So in order to control proteinuria, patients often use hormones and immunosuppressive agents and other drugs, but also will bring some side effects, may cause serious complications, so that exacerbations.

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Chronic nephritis caused by proteinuria how to do
Modern medicine for the treatment of chronic nephritis is the use of hormones, immunosuppressive agents and antibiotics treatment, hormones have a strong anti-inflammatory, inhibit the role of immune response, can respond to the inflammatory response in patients with nephropathy to play an effective symptomatic treatment is to eliminate proteinuria Of good medication. Hormones, immunosuppressive symptomatic treatment of renal inflammatory response, so that the patient's immune response is inhibited, so as to achieve the purpose of rapid elimination of proteinuria.

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Reduce proteinuria, the content is important, but more importantly, the condition can be really improved, kidney function can be truly restored. Only the source of control, occult blood, urine protein values ​​will naturally come down, it is recommended that patients than doctors communicate to find their own treatment.
In any case, the early emergence of proteinuria patients must grasp the timing of treatment, through early treatment to reduce the excretion of proteinuria, delay and prevent the development of renal failure for the process.

If you want to get some treatment or diet suggestions for kidney problem,you can feel to contact me by E-mail,or WhatsApp:008615132830921.

Prevention of renal failure

First, the experts, renal failure patients first to control timely:
Once the induction of acute renal failure occurred in primary disease, should be treated early, pay attention to expand blood volume, correct water, electrolyte imbalance and acid-base imbalance, recovery cycle function. If the disease is expected to occur, should take early measures to add blood volume, increase cardiac output, restore renal perfusion and glomerular filtration rate, excluding renal tubular infarction

How Can Kidney Failure Patients Control Their Diet

Resistance, prevention and treatment of infection, to prevent DIC, renal ischemia caused by renal parenchymal damage. At the same time as soon as possible application of blood circulation drugs, the prevention of the disease have a positive effect.
Second, followed by nursed back to health five internal organs:
Normal diet, diet, pay attention to health, to avoid the invasion of evil, especially in the epidemic epidemic season and the region should strengthen the precautionary measures; but the food spicy Sunburn Wong taste, so as not to damp heat; adjust emotions, to maintain a happy spirit , So that blood and avoid the qi stagnation and blood stasis; strengthen physical exercise, improve the body defense capabilities.

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Third, the last is to prevent poisoning:
The data show that 20% to 50% of acute renal failure is caused by drugs, and some due to contact with harmful substances. Therefore, should try to avoid the use and contact with the kidneys toxic drugs or poison. If accidentally taken or exposed to timely detection and early treatment.

If you want to get some treatment or diet suggestions for kidney problem,you can feel to contact me by E-mail,or WhatsApp:008615132830921.

Why are middle - aged women susceptible to kidney failure?

Renal failure is a common disease, there are many elderly people because of physical reasons can get the disease, but now there are more and more middle-aged people will get the disease. Especially some middle-aged women, but also high-risk groups of renal failure.Why are middle - aged women susceptible to kidney failure?

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Experts say there are many reasons that may lead to the occurrence of renal failure, mainly related to some diseases. Such as chronic glomerulonephritis and chronic pyelonephritis mainly interstitial nephritis and other autoimmune diseases, as well as high blood pressure, diabetes and other systemic diseases, one of the most misdiagnosed to the number of chronic pyelonephritis mainly interstitial Nephritis, the disease in the incidence of chronic renal failure in the second highest.

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In the event of chronic nephritis before, there will often be a phenomenon of urinary tract infection, and women with urinary tract infection is more. Because the disease is not common symptoms of nephropathy, it is difficult to attract people's attention. Even if the development of chronic renal failure has developed early and mid-term, mild anemia, hypertension and polyuria and other symptoms, it is not easy to pay attention, often misdiagnosed as high blood pressure or other diseases, so doctors called "hidden killer." When nausea and vomiting and other typical symptoms appear, often to the irreversible late renal failure. It can be seen that this renal pelvis caused by pyelonephritis seems ferocious, in fact, a year or two to several years ranging from slow progress of the process, the cause of the cause, the culprits occurred a few years ago, urinary tract infection.

If you still have any doubts, you can feel to contact me by E-mail,,or WhatsApp : 008615132830921.